Thanks demonp

. You're welcome to join my thread but I'm refeeding now so it's mainly food talk!
Luv2BSlim, when I read what you wrote I had a look at their FB page and you're right, the customer service seems shocking! Still, mine did turn up in the end, and I got them free due to their cock up so all's well that ends well

. Not sure whether I'll buy more as I'm actually not using the shakes currently even though I thought I would when I started refeeding.
So how's it going? Well I seemed to be a bit stuck on 11st 4.4lbs and couldn't get under it despite only being on 800 (weekdays) / 1000 (weekends) calories per day. It was getting frustrating to say the least and I was beginning to think that a VLCD had screwed my metabolism forever. I missed never having carbs ever and so I decided to have a rethink and cut myself some slack and have a few days off. I say a few days off as I wasn't planning on going mad, just having a few days where carbs were incorporated into the diet.
I had come out of ketosis initially when I was sick and ended up having cough syrup and throat lozenges that contained sugar. I can't do this diet when I'm sick. The scales went up to 11st 9lbs as I came out of ketosis and then as I got back on track afterwards dropped down to 11st 6.6 but I couldn't get back down to 11st 4.4 which was my lowest. I felt as if I was missing out on foods that I actually enjoyed by staying in ketosis so I decided to change things a little and eat carbs at the weekend and not during the week. And I could have up to my BMR at weekends but not go over my TDEE.
So last weekend that's what I did. I enjoyed having a few things like porridge and a little French bread (but a little, not pretty much the whole loaf like I would have had previously). I had fish and chips (550 calories) one night but the oven chips were all weighed out and calories counted. A much smaller portion than I would have had in the past (probably half the size) but it was enough. I'm definitely more in control of my portion sizes at the moment.
So Monday I went back into work and started back on the ketosis train but by Wednesday I was on a course and we had to eat in the canteen. So I intended to have some salad. The catering is by the same company as my main office and apparently the choices are supposed to be pretty much the same whatever office you go to but this one was awful. The choices were amazingly unhealthy

. The only 'salad' they had was chicken pasta salad in a honey and mustard dressing @ 400 calories per pot, or sandwiches, or unhealthy hot options. So I had the pasta salad (wasn't even that good) and a yoghurt, plus a banana. I did also have a few skinny latte coffees too. So that was me back to square 1 in terms of getting into ketosis. So I decided to stay out of ketosis and see how things went.
I had expected the scales to start rising again as my carbs increased but by Friday morning they had dropped to 11st 5.6lbs so only 1.2lbs above where I had go to previously. I'm hoping that this starts the process of my body readjusting to carbs. I'm still calorie counting but at a higher level than before, allowing myself around 1000 or so during the week and somewhere between my BMR and TDEE at weekends. If I can hold steady with that plan I'll be delighted but need to give it at least a month to see how things go. I still do want to lose the extra half stone but it's really not urgent and I wasn't really losing weight on my 800 plan in the end. So I'll see if I can maintain on my new regime and will hit the last bit after my holiday in August as I'm bound to put on a bit on holiday. So I suppose you could say that I'm in maintenance now so I'd better read the books I bought to help me decide what to do in maintenance!

. My maintenance plan includes carbs but far fewer than before, much less sugar, and more 'good' carbs. I had intended to look into low GI so that's what I intend to do.
I'm still keeping up my breakfast and lunch regimes when at work which are based on crispbreads and salads, and I'm not eating for the sake of it. I'm still having quite a lot of soya yoghurt as I like it, it's low carb and low calorie. Meals during the week do not containing many carbs to be honest as I don't include pasta, potatoes, rice etc but I do have those things at weekends. I did also intend to have alcohol at weekends when I hit maintenance but it's going to be on the occasional basis, not every weekend now. I haven't had any yet

So Saturday WI is 11st 5.6lbs. If I'm still the same next weekend I'll be delighted.