Cheese Thief
Gold Member
Morning Vonny! Hope you're well. Whats on the menu today soup wise?xx
Morning Vonny! Hope you're well. Whats on the menu today soup wise?xx
Morning I had to giggle at the shaking pom poms comment
Ok off out for a walk x
sun is shining shame to waste it
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So I eventually got out for my walk, after losing my phone 15 minutes I spent looking all round the apartment , from the bedroom to the bathroom to the living room and kitchen may I stress this went in for a while , looking under the bed , drawers everywhere, checking my pockets over and over , pockets in things I hadn't even had on today , totally confused , so I thought ring it but I knew it was on silent, as I was going to listen to my I pod while walking and didn't want my phone ringing, but hoped I would hear it buzzing on vibrate I found it when my left boob started vibrating ,
So result of walk :-
10,439 steps
3.25 mile
315 cals
1hr 35 mins,
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Yea it is lol, don't know why I didn't check first ,
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I'm freezing tonight , I put it down to all the water I'm drinking , done 3L , on couch with a duvet over me , bed socks and a hot water bottle at my back , phwar what a sexy picture ,
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Today I've had:-
Breakie yogurt and fruit
Lunch salad , lettuce, toms, cucumber , egg
Snack apple
Tea , celery and sweetcorn soup, followed by yogurt and a couple of oranges
3L water
2. Herbal teas
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Von, when I used to do Cambridge Diet my C used to say that herbal tea can be counted in our water allowance, but I always keep it separate, but I do think to myself if I add all the herbal teas I've had today, I've prob drank 3L . Kay xx