I lost lots and very quickly, but these extreme liquid diets have side effects which I don't think are healthy. Firstly you will end up with excess skin, because your body is playing catch up, not a nice look to have

. Secondly there is a risk of developing gall stones. I didn't get them but started getting really bad cramps in my gall bladder. I had scans done and luckily it was ok but I'm sure if I continued I would have developed them over time. If you type Cambridge diet and gallstones on google, loads come up, its shocking

. Anyway although I wanted rapid results at the time I realised this is not the right way. I am better off having slower losses eating real food and those losses will stay off, so I came back to SW and am sooooooo happy that I did

. Oh and I lost 3 stone on Cambridge in 3 months and put it all back on and some, that's when I started at SW. Bet you wished you didn't ask me now !

Kay xx