Born obese , Tomorrow is my New Dawn

Hellooo lovely, I found your diary :wavey: xx
Been gym , heart wasn't really in it today but suppose something is better than nothing, I've also done a 2 mile walk , need to maybe start my walks again ,

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Hey! At least you still went hun, which is more than I can say xx
Thanks stevie and patsy , I felt like I had a terrible day yesterday but in reflection today I know it wasn't that bad and definetly 100% better than it would of been 2 months ago,
And the gym yea going is definetly better than thinking well I've blown this week , like I used to especially wen it was wi day and I've 6 days to stay focused rather then I've 6 days to pig out and restart in a week ,

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Had pasta mixed with steamed veg - carrots broccoli and sweet corn , and some basil pesto stirred in, it was really nice, them fruit salad and a muller yogurt

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Oh well in bed with a cuppa goi g to read for a bit, how rock and roll am I ,
Prepared my fruit salad for lunch got a bag of carrots and celery, also a litre of water just to remember to drink it , anyhow night night x

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Morning diary didn't sleep very well , time for work now I can sleep typical , so all prepared today for food at work , going to gym after work I pass it on the way home so no excuse, think I'm going to hav home made soup for tea , x

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Had the fruit salad ?

Had the water ?
Had the carrots and celery?
Been to the gym?
Ready for tea

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Oh my phone seems to do strange things , I went through all the pages on emoji found ticks and they end up as question marks , I'm not gonna try anymore lol it makes me look " stupid" giggle

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Got the munchies tonight , I'm going bed before to much damage is done , night night xx

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