Bostik's Finally Doing It :)

I hate snow. No, I love snow when I can sit in my nice, warm, heated house and look at it but I hate snow when I have to go out and about in it! And I hate when it just turns to dirty sludge. I live in a pretty rural area so snow can cause absolute havoc here so I'm really hoping we don't get any, driving 40 miles a day in snow isn't fun!
With you on the snow front Caroline. Love it if I don't have to go out in it!!
Hope today feels better for you Bostik? :)
Hate snow when turns to ice. Im prone to slipping lol.

Went out to eat for grans bday so probably a bit over. Not too bad though i dont think.

Not exercised for days cos shifts have ended so late and im just Knackered when i get back. Need to figure that out.

Sorry for not posting in your threads recently. Ive really just been coming home and sleeping! Can't wait til Thursday. Got two days off :)
Sounds like your doing great Bostik!

Don't worry too much about exercising, let your body adjust to the new routine first.

I find it easier to exercise in a morning before work, as I am too tired when I come home.
I don't blame you for the lack of posts, I'd be coming home and sleeping too! I'm with Shazz, just let your body adjust to the new routine and then you can get back on track with the exercise.
Yeah the girls are right. Just let things tick along for a while. Don't worry about not posting, we all know how busy you are.
Keep your chin up hun :)
So annoyed with myself. Had a homemade burger for lunch. Fine. Got subway at lunch for dinner. Brilliant. Ate a little when i got home. I was hungry so okay.

Then i was half falling asleep and talking to my boyfriend and he managed to piss me off and upset me. So now im wide awake eating rubbish im not hungry for.

Need to get back on track eating wise! Scales were down a bit this morning so the lack of exercise must be doing that.

Was snowing all day. At ten tonight when i was finished it took me 40 mins to drive home instead of the usual 15! Still snowing heavily so probs gonna be worse in the morning. Starting at 9 so that'll be fun lol.

Hope you're all well :) x
Put the rubbish down and step away! Ok so you're probably asleep now but I hope you managed to stop and walk away from it. Don't worry about it now, what's done is done and at least you know that being angry/pissed off is a food trigger for you so hopefully next time you can. Hope today goes better for you.
Yeah, not much more I can add hun. The tiredness will go soon and you will soon settle into a routine that doesn't include turning to food you don't want!
Hope you have a better shift today. :)
Agh today is the last day of flipping junk. Im stronger then this!! And i am not putting weight on. I have worked too hard. I need a plan!

If i have a morning shift: toast for breakfast. Take in sandwich and low cal crisps. Tea and a light snack if im hungry when i get home. Then wait for dinner.

Later shift: toast before i leave. Or light snack. They eat dinner at like 5 so take in a ready meal. Then have dinner at home when i get back.

3 decent meals. No need to eat cr*p.

Lets hope i stick to it. Nope i will stick to it. Got later shift tomorrow. Start at 3. 200 for toast. 400ish for ready meal. Then I've got loads of cals left for whatever mums cooked for dinner.

Sick of fighting with max so just sorta sorted things out a bit after work. So hopefully no fight tomorrow. Well i finish work at ten and him at midnight (works in pub) so probably gonna be too tired to piss each other off anyway.

He did say i seem a lot happier and like im dwelling less on being ill and stuff now im occupied with work and stuff so thats good :)
Your plan sounds good. Think planning is what you need, it helps no end. You'll do it and keep on losing I'm sure!
Your plan seema good. And your right about the junk, its makes a difference eating healthy foods not just on weight but on your general health xx
Yeah. At the moment still too knackered to fit exercise in after work. Hopefully when im more used to it ill be able to come home and not just sleep lol
You will be surprised how many cals you burn just by being at work and being on your feet all day. Don't worry about the lack of exercise. You will work it all out soon.
Plan looks good, hopefully now you'll have a better week. :)
Squeezy's right, you're being more active now generally with working so don't worry too much. Just do what you can!
Managed to stick to plan today! Said no to pudding at work. Didn't have any left over sausages :) gonna try and go gym tomorrow night. Wed and thurs off work :) can't wait!
Sounds like you're in your routine and got your stride back!
I hope so :)

Last shift for a couple of days today! Cannot wait!

I'm thinking of not weighing weekly now. Think I get too hung up with the scales. Need to weigh this week as a challenge I am in is just finishing. Then maybe monthly weigh ins? 1st of the month? See how it goes :) Cos when I am not weighing all the time, I am worried it'll be easier to keep off track. So gotta think about it!

Have a good day everyone :)
Something to think about. I have seriously been thinking about weighing every fortnight instead of weekly. Not sure though, I will probably still jump on them everyday!!

Not long now, then you can chill and get your life back for a few days! :) xx
Oh my god. Day off tomorrow....she just put a thing up saying staff meeting tomorrow just as i was finishing! Wish i didn't see it :(

Its all about how i feel at the end of the day. Not a number on the scale. So no need to constantly weigh.

This is me tryna be positive lol