i lovely friend of mine called up on weds eve & invited me out last night,there were 10 of us in total.
in Bournemouth there is a place called Landmarc (don't know if they are in other town's or not) & they do live music, sometimes tribute acts & other times singers/bands. Last night was a Dirty Dancing tribute & i have to say "i had the time of my life" cos "no-one puts babe in the corner" We had a real laugh singing & dancing. At the end of the evening the others wanted Kebab & chips, so myself & the ones who didn't headed home whilst the others wandered off to stuff their faces
Got home about 1ish & straight to bed (to ignore the fact i was peckish
disturbed night sleep, tossing & turning, then woken by hubby getting up at 4.30 cos he's flown to Dublin this am for a cricket weekend (yawn)
Any way eventually got up at 9, took Tori for her swimming lesson & now home !
girls got football this afternoon & then we have a girlie night planned for this evening - foot spa, nails painted, facials & a dvd, they love it
right off to sort lunch b4 footie now
oh yea - 5.6lbs down since Mon