Breastfeeding and Slimming World

Woohooo Lexie!!! Well done :D

Sorry about the double post above, don't know what happened there...
Thanks Honey - Heres my big monkey at 10 weeks. He now weighs 15lbs and fits his 3-6 month clothingin length but not width!

OMG how cute! He looks so dashing in his clothes! So gorgeous!
He looks stunning - all wrapped up cosy!!
Haha you're not biased it's true!!
Awww beautiful babies!

I gained this week idea how, my diet diary looks good. I'm down to normal green day 2a's 2b's but sometimes I have less and my syns are usually modest plus I'm breastfeeding, help?!?!?! My body is fighting to hold onto fat, I can't cut anymore down and I'm really not prepared to, I'm upping the exercise and hoping that riding it out will work.
Hi ILoveCake,
Stick at it, you've done amazingly so far! Are you drinking plenty of water? I'm awful at remembering to get my 6-8 glasses a day, but seem to do much better on the weeks that I generally remember. Also, as you've been on the plan for so long, maybe it's worth trying some new recipes? When I did SW previously I got into a bit of a rut with the same meals week in week out, and my weight loss wained until I shook things up a bit and tried some new meals from the website or the books. Worth a go, but in the meantime be proud of your HUUUUUUGE loss to date!
hey girls,

Well done on all the weight loss going on, you are all doing amazingly. Lots of 6lb losses. I am amazed. Some gorgeous piccies of your little ones too.

I havent been losing at all at the moment, but havent been gaining either, thank goodness. My weekends are super busy at the moment as we are having a house built. So weekends have involved eating out alot. I really need to get more focused.

Thought I would share a pic of my madam, she will be 5 months at the end of the month.


See a few of you have mentioned carriers. I have to admit to being a bit of an baby wearing addict lol. I bought a pushchair but have hardly used it. I should of known really, as I did the same with my son. Wish I hadnt of wasted the money on a pushchair now, but oh well.

Anyway I have:

A kari me wrap
ellaroo wrap
babyhawk mei tei
rockin baby ring sling
and have also made my own gauze wrap lol.

My fav by far are the wrap carriers. Mainly because they are so comfy, they distribute all the weight well because of the layers so dont put any strain on your back. My ellaroo is beautiful too, such gorgeous fabric. The woven wraps are better than the stretchy ones like a moby/kari me in my opinion.

Here is a picture of me wearing my ellaroo wrap.


For quick trips my baby hawk is fab, as it is so quick to put on. I wish I had of custom designed one now though online, instead I bought mine from a baby boutique nearby.

I am sad I won't get to use any of these carriers once madam gets too big as I love babywearing. But we are definately done family wise now. I just want to enjoy my two.

Anyway I really must get motivated and get back on track and lose some weight. I would really like to be at my goal weight by next year.
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Thanks Honey - Heres my big monkey at 10 weeks. He now weighs 15lbs and fits his 3-6 month clothingin length but not width!


wow 15lbs, that is big and he is such a cutie.

My son used to gain about a 1lb a week from my milk alone lol. My DD however is gaining slightly slower, but I expect that is because she is girl. She was a few pounds shy of 16lbs last week at 4.5 months.
he's a monster! not fat still looks like a skinned rabbit in his 3-6mo stuff but really long!
Lexi hes beautiful, and massive congrats on your 6.5lb loss.. woohoo!!

Honey im with you on the crying. If i hear 'shel just have to learn' one more time im going to punch someone. Shes my baby. I will not allow her to cry and cry untill she thinks her mamma isnt coming for her and gives up. Its not in me to do and surly itl just teach her that i wont be there for her and give her anxiety?? maybe im alone in thinking this. or atleast i seem to be.

.... lexi, can someone actually stop me feeding somewhere???? i didnt realise that was legal!!!
Girls I don't do controlled crying either, I'd rather mine felt secure and comforted and my older ones are secure happy independant little people so I'll continue with my parenting my way. :D

Here's my littlest madam first thing in the morning playing in her tent.


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Awww how lovely ILovecake!!! Your little girl is the cutest! I'm so glad to hear that more people parent the way I do and don't let their baby cry. This morning, as I was rocking Rosie to sleep and stroking her hair I caught a glimpse of her in the mirror and she looked so relaxed and happy even though she wasn't asleep yet. She looked like she was almost purring on the inside lol! Definitely worth the back ache and joint pain I've been suffering! LOL!

Since we're sharing pics here's one from yesterday. Her hair's messy coz she was rolling around playing with daddy lol. She's soooo chubby :D


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Awww Honey! Lookit her wee belly! So cute!

I love chubby babies! Lol
I LoveCake - your wee one's got a wee cute cheeky face!

I don't let Alex cry either - and I don't hold with the belief that picking up him up 'ruins him'. It feels I'm going against the grain leaving him crying, I can't do it. Makes me upset :(
Loving these chunky monkeys.. getting Penny weighed tomorrow.. any guesses? 7.15 1/2 oz's 3 weeks ago?

had a photoshoot with penny today, she was a star despite the 6 week growth spurt (god im exhausted!) ........... will share pics when i get them back in a week or so!
Thanks Britmum & Lexie, she looks like she could do with her first bra! Heh heh :D

Fernie my guess is 10lb even lol!
Honey, what a gorgeous bonny bubba!!!!! My 2nd and 3rd were lovely and hunky yet 1 and 4 were skinny and long lol.
My madam won't sit still long enough to get chubby.

Purring on the inside=heartmelting. And her hair is gorgeous, just as it should be!

Weigh in looms, eeeek.