Breastfeeding and Slimming World

Wow Fern thats an amazing loss! You can be my inspiration lol! Planning on going back to class the wk following birth(fingers crossed).i've has my fair share of naughty food so shouldn't be tempted.......could be a different story if i have a hard time bf and sleeping etc! lol
Lexi well done getting back on the sw train. Glad you're feeling better and its a good time to start with your new job coming up!
Well still no signs of anything lol, am being patient and taking one day at a time!Me and hubs seem to have got into a pattern of going to sleep really late as in 1/2 am and not getting up till 11! Just can't sleep! x

speaking from my own experiance, the week following the birth is very ambitious! lol.. i started week 5. Might sound like thats ages after to you right now, but trust me you will not know where that times goes. Plus with BF its alot to get your head around, even if it goes naturally. So dont get too ahead of yourself. xxxxx
Hi ladies, know I'm coming a little late to the discussion but wanted to share with Fern a tip we picked up when my son refused every bottle we tried - we'd originally shied away from giving him a dummy, as we didn't want to get into the trap of having to get up every 15 minuted to 'plug him back in' during the night, but a health visitor we spoke to suggested that if we could get him to take a dummy, there was every likelihood that he would take a bottle. It took a day or to to get used to, but once he got used to the small teat of the dummy in his mouth, he very quickly accepted a bottle. It was as if he had to get over the hurdle of being used to something rubber in his mouth before he would accept the bottle. Don't know if your little one takes a dummy, but it might be worth a try ... beware though, we did end up spending a couple of weeks replacing the dummy every time it came out and he woke up, so it came at a cost!
pennys never been fussed on a dummy, although ive tried as i had my suspicions she was a 'sucky baby' and was using my boob as a dummy iykwim.. but she would usually just cry, sometimes settle and might suck for a while but never go into a proper sleep, and now when i try she either flat out refuses or just chews (think my wee monkey may be teething, ouch!) .. and in the end i decided not to force it, id only have to take it away again! Thanks though! x're probably right it might be ambitious to go straight back to sw lol......i need hope though cos its the worst time of yr not to be!!!!! Flaming xmas! Just glad i wont be drinking so no mulled wine! Its the mince pies n tins of chocolate that could be an issue!Theres no saying if im in class that i will stick to it pmsl
Still playing waiting game, booked in for sweep mon n been told hes an 8lb er omg ouch!!!!!!! X
youl be alright jojo, sizes of babies dont matter so much, all depends on you. The calmer you are ( as in, not worrying about it) the easier itl be. But youl be pushing like youve never pushed before reguardless of weight!! haha. My sister said she thought my head was going to explode. She also said she was amazed how big your foofoo goes. This coming from someone who has had a baby too mind! She makes me laugh!
I found the pushing and labour bit a doddle, it's the slow labour before hand with just paracemol a b***h for two days! I would advice learn the art of breathing, you will need it!
The pushing was the best, and imo.. easiest bit.. though my mw kept saying 'when it burns, its almost out' and it never burned, so everytime she said 'the head coming, the heads coming out!' i was like you, complete fecking liar, stop trying to make me feel like its happening quicker lol
bunnylovesalan the quote in your sig made me cry. It's so beautiful and so true!
Lol thanks guys! No longer worrying! Is it wrong that im looking forward to labour? .......more the challenge of it all not the pain lol ive dealt with enough of that this pg! Until mw said baby was huge yesterday id not really thought about labour at all n been quite chilled about the whole thing.just hope i can remain in this frame of mind lol! Planning on spending alot of my labour in the nursery,its just so lovely in there ....... I will take some pics just waiting for my bargain ebay curtains to arrive lol xxx
Love a good bargain, everything goes out of the window when yuor in labour but don't despair as your body will natural deal with it all :)

Fern - she is a real beauty, love the big eyes!!!

I attached a piccie of me and Charles, he is now two months, like wtf???!!!
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Awwwww bunny thats a fantastic it though cant believe hes 2 mth old already!!!

Fern another fab pic!

Yay curtains up though no tie backs.....still bargain at £8 for jasper conran curtains worth £50 !! Not into named stuff they were just perfect size n colour! Gonna make my own unique tie backs 2 moz to take my mind off things x
the time just flys hey! pennys 3 and a half months already.. sob sob lol going SO fast!!

Jojo i really looked forward to my labour, and along with hypnobirthing i genuinly believe it was my positive attitude towards it that made it so easy and enjoyable.

I spent nearly all my spare time in Penny's nursy before i had her. It was the only place i instantly felt calm when things got overwhelming. . adore her room. Now shes in her cot i feed her in there during the night and i love it. x
Bunny - gorgeous pic!

Jojo - I was really looking forward to labour too. I think I was looking forward to my horrible pregnancy ailments to be over lol!

Here's our latest pic of Bella - smiling at my dodgy French accent when playing with Flip the French pony (don't ask!!)


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Haha nope!

Sarah ong how cute is her smile, bless!

Fern you'll have to keep an eye on her now lol

Don't think i'm showing signs of it happening today, paranoid over every little niggle/pain! Got a sweep booked in for tomoz.....not looking forward to that!
Must stop reading baby books - they are so harse and subjective. Only have one book that I read relgiousely as it is structured week-by-week outline baby's development and it is written clearly without judgement. Had to put the baby whisper down as it got me so mad with the sexism division and personal crap that I don;t agree with,grrr - bollocks to the world I am going to do it my way, as long as charles is happy and healthy I don't care about anyting!!!!