Breastfeeding and Slimming World

Hiya Sophie n welcome aboard x well done for keeping on with bf'ing and for starting sw, i think its very hard to do with a new baby so big pat on the back to you and to me lol. Its actually easy really due to all the extra healthy a's and b's you get! So take advantage! Dans 6mth n weaning so im down to just 1 extra booo lol. Having a problem with little man taking expressed from a bottle which hasnt always been the case. Tbh hes not had to have alot so obviously out of the habit, time to try a different bottle/teat perhaps?
Hi Sophie, glad you've joined us, well done with your bf I know how hard it is especially when recovering from section, Finley is a lovely name too.

Ive had a healthy wk hoping for a decent loss on friday, can anyone give me any meal ideas feel like im eating the same things, dont want to get bored and give up!

How much has everyone lost since having their babies? xx
Hi ladies, does anyone else have any trouble with fitting in the extra A and B's! This is my first week doing slimming world from home, my boy is 11 weeks old and im breast feeding and expressing. I have ate so well on SW this week so defo going to stick to it, would like to lose a stone and a half, maybe more but I don't want to be a skinny minnie ;-) just healthy and fit comfy in my size12s would be nice! I worry that eating so little fat is bad as well as the bag is not getting it? Anyone else have these concerns? X
Clouise29 said:
Hi ladies, does anyone else have any trouble with fitting in the extra A and B's! This is my first week doing slimming world from home, my boy is 11 weeks old and im breast feeding and expressing. I have ate so well on SW this week so defo going to stick to it, would like to lose a stone and a half, maybe more but I don't want to be a skinny minnie ;-) just healthy and fit comfy in my size12s would be nice! I worry that eating so little fat is bad as well as the bag is not getting it? Anyone else have these concerns? X


I found to start with that the extra healthy extras where hard to fit in, now I'm dreading weaning as I don't want to have to go without them! Charlie is now 17 weeks so I get 6 he, I drink milky coffee, have 2 slices wm bread so can have a proper sandwich or for toast, cheese is now on my menu a lot more even if it's just scattered on top of my side salad with dinner and I've also discovered a love for heb crackerbreads with a hea of light sweet chilli philli as a nighttime snack! Seems to be working fine as I'm now 36.5lbs lighter! xxx
jojogonnabeslim said:
Having a problem with little man taking expressed from a bottle which hasnt always been the case. Tbh hes not had to have alot so obviously out of the habit, time to try a different bottle/teat perhaps?

jojo, I had problems getting Charlie to drink from bottle, he still won't take one from me but will drink one using a size 2 teat, have u tried moving up a size? x
Cas3 said:
Well done on ur loss mrss 2010 thats amazing, cant believe Charlie is 17 wks I remember when you announced his birth! my lo is 10 wks now :) 3lbs off for me this wk xx

Time flies eh!!!! Well done on ur 3 off! I finally got 2 off this week after 3 weeks maintain and 1lb gain last week!
mrss2010 said:

I found to start with that the extra healthy extras where hard to fit in, now I'm dreading weaning as I don't want to have to go without them! Charlie is now 17 weeks so I get 6 he, I drink milky coffee, have 2 slices wm bread so can have a proper sandwich or for toast, cheese is now on my menu a lot more even if it's just scattered on top of my side salad with dinner and I've also discovered a love for heb crackerbreads with a hea of light sweet chilli philli as a nighttime snack! Seems to be working fine as I'm now 36.5lbs lighter! xxx

Sounds good, I'll try and up them from next week x

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Hi ladys!!

Wish i could lose :( gained a stone since had tj :( to think the day after gave birth i was at pre preg weight... :( not been motivated to do anythin.

Tj is 5 months old now!!! Gone so fast!! :( doin childminding as soon as im registered not goin bk to my old job n so worried bout income!

Here some pics. Sorry bout booby in the pic but i think its cute lol he comes off to give cheeky grin then bk on lol

calorie counting journey!! start:: 14s 8lb current:: 14s 7lbs... 43lbs to go!!


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Good morning all

Hope everyone is well,
Well done on the losses ladies and Leanne -don't beat yourself will come off-you have plenty on your plate so go easy on yourself(and your little boy is gorgeous by the way).. I have 1 baby and my hubby at home full time at the moment and Im still not sure where I find the time to even pee some days
:p-so I take my hat off to you ladies at home on your own during the day and especially those with more than 1 littlie :eek:

JoJo -Charlie was about 10lb4oz on the last pic.. he is a sturdy and very strong little chap, he loves lying on his front.. on the floor he pushes himself along and if you recline on the sofa with him on your front he climbs up you *using your squishy belly as foot holds*
:p.. he is due another weigh in as he is now 11 weeks but the clinic is this week and clashes with his 12 week jabs -so he will have to wait another couple of weeks for the next one. I don't think we have any issues though as he is still a little oinky pants lol.

Well everything is still fine with out little man, he is seriously chilled out most of the time ... although he has developed what is now know as his "nearly.. nearly.. NO not really" face... he will lie there on the sofa dropping off, his eyes getting heavier and heavier, his arms will flop above his head -which is usually a sign he is zonked out and then *bing* his eyes are wide open, he is grinning and kicking his arms n legs... I swear he is tormenting us lol.
He has recently decided that the only REALLY comfy place to lie in the day is on me - he will feed then doze off with his arm across my boob (to stop me moving it I swear) and then every so often he will peep up at me and smile as if to say "Yep -you and the badooby are where I left them" and then he drifts off again.. bless him its so cute. -I swear he just needs to know that he has access to milk when he wants...

I think Im really lucky with Charlie and him flitting between boob n bottle -I think because in the hospital he had boob, then syringe then cup and finally bottle and boob he is quite happy to take milk from anything lol -the only thing he won't do is have a dummy -but Im quite happy about that and to be honest he isn't a crying babe anyway -so in a way its quite nice that he doesn't want one, he had one for a couple of days and then decided that if nowt is coming out I don't want it...
he is still mainly breast fed in the day-I express first thing in a morning and then about 3pm and 9pm and then hubby uses the expressed milk to do the night feeds whilst I sleep -he is still doing pretty much all the nights ..

On the SW front Im down 1st 3lbs in 6 weeks so Im happy with that -although I have to be careful as Im prone to eating so much fruit as I love it that Im not hungry enought to eat all my hex's or many syns -so now Im making a conscious effort to eat less fruit...
Im in no great hurry as I have set myself the target of having hit my goal weight in time for Charlies 1st birthday -so plenty of time (hopefully)

Here are a few more pic of his scumptiousness:-
this is after visiting mama -he was soooo pooped there was no way I was disturbing him -he slept for 4hrs lol
in his bouncing rocker
recovering from his bath
sweet n innocent
sweet n innocent.jpg
and *hmmmmmm* -definitely planning something lol
ooh is anyone swimming with their littlies? if so do any of you have a swim wrap for them?-Im just about to order 1 for Charlie to keep him warm -and make him easier to hold onto once wet and I was wondering if anyone had any recommendations?.. we are just waiting for his 12 week jabs on Thursday and then we are taking him...
Right -enough from me, hope everyone is well and all the little ones are happy n healthy.....
Hello was all giddy at all the posts lol

Aww your babas are so cute, glad everyone is doing so well! Capricorn glad its not just me with the teasing Dan will quite happily sleep on me n boob but dare to move him then hes wide awake! Cant help but love it. Cant believe charlie is moving around the floor already clever little fella!
Dont worry about fitting in the healthy extras you find a way! Lol i miss mine now do have to really think about what to have n have even started on green/red days! So far since Dan was born ive lost 3st 5lb but its slowing right down now in total since starting sw ive lost 5 st so feeling fantastic though still have 2/3 st to go depending how i look lol
Thanks for advice re bottles will get a 6 mth plus teat and try that also in process of giving him expressed in a fast flow cup. Cant believe hes on 3 meals a day!!!
Hi ladies

Well over last couple of days we have entered the world of weaning! Charlie is 4 months and I was hoping to ebf until 6 months but his reflux meds just aren't working anymore, so far we have had 3 nights with 1 spoon banana porridge and tonight he had puréed fruit for the first time, here's an updated pic of him eating said fruit.... U think he liked it..... Lol xx


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Hi mrs2010 i wanted to do the same but all of sudden Dan started fighting my boobs like he wasn't getting enough so at 20 wks started weaning, saying that im a proud mama as everything he eats is homemade. The only thing baby food wise was baby porridge n rice which is good as a thickner when ur purees are a bit watery after defrosting. Another tip is to freeze food in icecube trays then transfer to little freezer bags. I have icecubes of allsorts of stuff that i can mix n match too. Also been using tinned fruit in juices like peaches n fruit cocktail. So far hes liked everything ive give him so hoping for a non fussy child later on lol
Anyone else have any good weaning tips they can pass on especially whilst on holiday n good finger foods
Was hoping for my 5st award today but nope still a pound off grrrr
My little one is 11 weeks old and still feeding every 2 hours, a girl I know who had baby same time is going through the night (they are formula fed)! My friend said just think every time he feeding you are burning calories!! I am looking forward to the weaning process though x


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jojogonnabeslim said:
Hi mrs2010 i wanted to do the same but all of sudden Dan started fighting my boobs like he wasn't getting enough so at 20 wks started weaning, saying that im a proud mama as everything he eats is homemade. The only thing baby food wise was baby porridge n rice which is good as a thickner when ur purees are a bit watery after defrosting. Another tip is to freeze food in icecube trays then transfer to little freezer bags. I have icecubes of allsorts of stuff that i can mix n match too. Also been using tinned fruit in juices like peaches n fruit cocktail. So far hes liked everything ive give him so hoping for a non fussy child later on lol
Anyone else have any good weaning tips they can pass on especially whilst on holiday n good finger foods
Was hoping for my 5st award today but nope still a pound off grrrr

Thanks for the tips jojo!
My little one is 11 weeks old and still feeding every 2 hours, a girl I know who had baby same time is going through the night (they are formula fed)! My friend said just think every time he feeding you are burning calories!! I am looking forward to the weaning process though x

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I think all babies are different regardless whether they are breast or forumula. He is still 11 weeks old give him time and start a rountine like bath etc to help establish night and day. But don't worry it will happen in his own time. Charles slept through then he didn't then he did depending on teething and growth spurts.

With the tin fruit make sure it is in jucie and not syrup as well!!!
Hi ladies

Have any of u tried a week of just 1 of each he? My losses r so slow at the min, in 6 weeks I've lost 2.5lbs!!!!! Thinking of trying one of each for a bigger loss this week but I'm worried it will affect my supply, do we HAVE to have the extras when bf?
