Breastfeeding and Slimming World

redmel said:
Quick question please (not for me, mine are a bit old to start BF them lol)

How many additional HE's do you get when following EE please x And do they HAVE to be A's/B's xx

Sorry - ignore this! Totally didn't read the title of the thread! Doh!
It's ok she found the info on the sw site :)
Bunny...hows the baby moving rooms going? its strange at first n i had baby monitors on.....ha they're a waste of money as i can always hear him lol!
Update on the job front.....had a meeting with the big boss, turns out my boss not been doing his job and just trying to sweep stuff under the carpet! Tut tut anyway good news for me as im at home on full pay until they can sort out my risk assessment and room for expressing, could be weeks, suits me lol! Serves them right for not following procedures! Had an idea something like that would happen as im the first to be expressing!
Weaning is going well and im making my own food for Dan, its so cheap n easy to 12 meals out of bag of chopped carrot n swede for 60p thats about the cost of one jar!
Hows everyone doing? Its a bit quiet on here atm x
Good evening all

Well my ickle Charlie is turning into a bottomless pit :eek: - his little oinky pants seems to guess every time mummy has managed to express a bit extra and suddenly gets hungry :p since about 1am this morning he has cleared over 700ml expressed via a bottle PLUS gawd knows how long actually on the badooby :eek: ..... Im still managing to keep up "just" -but he will only be 6 weeks tomorrow....
The plus point I guess is that its keeping me eating + drinking properly as I know its the only way I can keep up with the demand ;) -last night was my first weigh in at my SW class and I lost 5lbs :clap:-so Im happy with that - although Im not always managing my heB's... my heA's are no problem as I can clear a litre of semi a day so that gets rid of 4heAs;)

JOJO -woopwoop on the extra time of work :bliss:, maybe in future they will get their act together for other expressing mums ....

Well Charlie has to go for another billirubins test on Friday -the one last Friday came back that his jaundice was much reduced and that he wasn't breaking down his red blood cells etc -so they say it is simply "breast feeding jaundice" and it should clear by 3months, but just to be on the safe side they want to rule out one other specific kind of billirubins -so thats another heel prick test :rolleyes:...mind he has had that many he hardly flinches now.

Hope everyone is well and all the babies are nice and content....
You know I was thinking, with all the healthy extras we get from breastfeeding it might be a better idea to go with red and green days rather than EE as there's a wider variety of HEs available... Lovely things like nuts, seeds, stewed and dried fruit... Mmmm.. I think I'll do a red/green week next week and see how I go!

you can still have stewed and dried fruit as a hex on ee
Bunny...hows the baby moving rooms going? its strange at first n i had baby monitors on.....ha they're a waste of money as i can always hear him lol!
Update on the job front.....had a meeting with the big boss, turns out my boss not been doing his job and just trying to sweep stuff under the carpet! Tut tut anyway good news for me as im at home on full pay until they can sort out my risk assessment and room for expressing, could be weeks, suits me lol! Serves them right for not following procedures! Had an idea something like that would happen as im the first to be expressing!
Weaning is going well and im making my own food for Dan, its so cheap n easy to 12 meals out of bag of chopped carrot n swede for 60p thats about the cost of one jar!
Hows everyone doing? Its a bit quiet on here atm x

Aw he is settled in perfect, no problems at all. I spend a lot of money on decent speakers and breathe mat thing so I can literally hear a pin drop, I wake when crys though. I would be awak all night but I am drugged up on sedatives for my mental health :)

I make everything really for Charles, I don't bother with tinned stuff so expensive for so little. He loves practically everything and we give most of the stuff we have he gets a small portion. If it is too hard to breakdown for Charles it gets mixed in the magicmix and perfect. He loves banannas, I hate the condequences of a massive poo-poo in his pants. Got H?V coming in a couple of weeks when he is 8months as he has three meals and a pudding introduced then. He now has breakie, snake afternoon and dinner in the evening.
Hi ladies hope ur all well.

Tj was 4mths yesterday :eek:

Other half keeps pressuring me to give him food but i dont want to yet he seems fine to me :(

Tj has a right personality chats loads and always smiling!

Due bk to work september but hopefully will do childminding instead!

calorie counting journey!! start:: 14s 8lb current:: 14s 7lbs... 43lbs to go!!


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Aww hi leeanne nice to hear from you n lovely photos......i cant believe how they have personalities so young its
funny, Dan is also a happy smiley chatty boy n very sociable. He loves being on his feet i think hes going to be an early walker!!!
You'll know when its his right time to wean. Guess what turns out my ikkke one has a blooming tongue tie, is at the specialist on weds to see if she'll cut it, possibly not as feeding well. Are you still booby feeding?
Hi girls, glad your babes are all doing well.
Jojo - cant believe what you're going through with work, mind you I'm not that surprised considering how they messed you around when you were pregnant!

Well I'm officially redundant next Monday... Ive had one job offer but I didn't realise it was a temp position so declined, and got an interview for a really good full time position at a school Friday.
Diets going ok, lost 9.5lbs so far, slowly slowly and all that!

Bella's doing ok, she's sleeping better than she was, she's still in with us at some point every night, and we've been putting her down on her tummy which she much prefers. She's got a cold and cough at the moment though poor thing.

Hope you're all ok xx
Redundant already my god where has the time gone really!!

Jojo yes still booby feed and very attached to it to :/ i dont ever wanna stop but there is so much pressure! Its not fair :( why cant ppl say if he is boob fed and ok then leave me to it. Not ohhh your deprivong him of food. Im not..hes a chubba and feeding purely off my milk which he loves he loves his booby!

As for tongue tie i would get it done either way even if feeding well, if you research the effects of tongue tie it can affect speach and have dental problems as they get older. My other half had to have spech therapy and also now has such bad teeth he had to have 5 out :( sure its cuz of tongue tie

calorie counting journey!! start:: 14s 8lb current:: 14s 7lbs... 43lbs to go!!
Sarah good luck with ur job fri! N well done with ur weight loss......personally i think its harder as we have loads going on with our babas as well as not having time so well done us! Lol
Leeanne i am going to push for tongue cut for those very reasons! Though if he had to be put under im not sure ill just have to see? I cant believe ur getting grief over booby feeding. Your giving him the absolute best stuff lol n im totallya with u on not wanting to stop! As long as he wants it he can have it n i cant see why he would stop atm so yay!
Weaning is going well. I feel really chuffed hes eating all my home cooked stuff
Update on the tongue tie......took Dan yesterday the lady mainly deals with tiny babies n felt Dan was too wriggly to try n do it n he hasnt got an easy one to cut! Shes refered me to someone who has a tongue clamp n theres a 6 wk waiting list, but only to go if there are still issues with his weight. Hes doing well with weaning so she thinks he will put weight on through that n bfeeding. Im happy with that
Did anyone see the debate on this morning over bf a 3 yo? Some interesting views! Personally if u n ur child are happy then go for it but id do it in privacy of ur own home ONLY since u can get funny looks as it is when theyre babys n ur bf in public! Im letting Dan self wean off boob so no idea when that will be n if hes 3 then he clearly needs it! So there lol.....whats everyones views on it? X
Hi Ladies,

2lbs off for me this wk, it was my first wk of dieting! so how's everyone else getting on?

Jojo im glad ur getting Dan tongue tie sorted. I'm only planning to bf till Hollie is 6 mths, I have a 2 yr old and I couldnt imagine feeding her at her age I wouldnt feel comfortable and she's very heavey but I do think its up to the individual, my 2 yr old was bottlefed as a baby so im new to breastfeeding x

Just been looking at all these baby pictures on here, there all gorgeous :)

Hollie is 6 wks, at her last wi she weighed 8.6lbs x

015.jpgbaby2 033.jpg
Good evening all

Cas... Hollie is looking gorgeous -and contented :happy036:. Well done on your loss too :clap:

-hope they get your little one sorted as soon as possible

- Why is everyone wanting you to wean TJ already ? He will still be mainly dependent on your milk anyway- ... I pity the poor fool who decides to offer an opinion on how Im feeding CharlieBump :p. I think he will be ready to start on some solids by 4 months as he is a hungry little boy -but if he is still fine at 4 months and I am still keeping up with him then I will try to hang on until 6 months. This breast feeding thing is very much a case of play it by ear isn't it!!! Im coping fine now -but who knows what could happen to change that etc..... so Im just enjoying it whilst it lasts.
You do what you think is right for you and your little one and don't let what anyone else says bother you ;)

Well Charlie updates look something like this:-
His last billirubins test came back that yes he still has a little jaundice -but there is nothing untoward going on, he simply has breastfeeding jaundice and it should pass by the time he is 3 months :clap:
He had a hip scan on Wednesday as we have some family history of it -but he is fine :happy036:and he went for his 6-8week checkup yesterday and at the ripe ole age of 7 weeks he now weighs 10lbs 4oz -at his last weigh in 3 weeks ago he was 8lbs8oz - it came as no surprise as I swear he is becoming a bottomless pit :p.... oh and he decided to make himself very memorable at the clinic by lying on the scales and becoming a human fountain - his nappy was off for a matter of about 15 seconds and off he went -managing to hit their paperwork at the same time :p

We have worked out another system of feeding him :giggle: -when we are at home he badooby feeds during the day/evening until bed time and then when we all go to bed hubby feeds him expressed milk so I can get plenty of sleep ...then first thing in the morning once Im up I express the milk for the following night feeds -I can get about 350ml off after a decent nights sleep. It was hubbies suggestion that he take care of him at night so that I can keep up with his demands for milk -bless him. We have also figured that Charlie is a left badooby baby and really isn't as happy on the right -so I express that one off to add to the fridge stash -although it never lasts until the following morning ;) . I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to keep up -but Im coping so far.....

Well I joined a SW class 2 weeks ago and Im down 8lbs so far :happy036:a -5lb and a -3lb ..... Im thrilled as I have a lot less time to faff about in the kitchen now -well Dumpling bum has decided that his fave place to settle is on his tummy -lying on my front -so we recline the sofa and get comfy and he can stay there for at least 2hrs without so much as twitching :p ... then we have to peel him off and put him on the sofa and THEN I can get something done. On the other hand though -feeding him is making it easier for me to make healthy choices as Im aware that anything I eat gets passed to him.
oooh and we have started giving him gripe water now as he is Soooooooooooo windy you would think it possible..and its still his little bum -so even though it doesn't seem to hurt him it does annoy him-he ends up pulling up his knees, straining and then as soon as he has trumped he drops back off again :giggle: -so far the gripe water seems to be helping -he is still windy but its not as trapped,,,,,
Right before I get off here are a few pics I have finally managed to download-

2012-04-29 19.30.24.jpg
"this is myyyyyyy badooby milk and I will bop you if you touch it"
2012-05-05 14.36.31.jpg
"my badoon"
2012-04-06 12.28.57.jpg
"comfy cosy"
annnnnnnnnnnd "my very first day of the 30 day shred..and my 1st crunch"
2012-04-12 12.15.36.jpg
Right I had better get off,,,, have a great evening all.....
Aww some fantastic photos and well done with ur weight losses! At sw tomoz im hoping that ill get my 5 st award but if not i should get it in the next wk or so fingers crossed x
Hi ladies

How r we all?? Charlie is now 14 weeks (tomoro) and getting to b a right wee character! Diet going well, although I've had a maintain for the last 3 weeks even tho I've bn gd!!! Grrrrr thinking of cutting down on heathy extras, what do u think? xx
Hi How many healthy extras u having? R u still exclusively bf'ing? Could be u not eating or drinking enough?
Well didnt get my 5 st this wk still 3lb away i need to stop having cake n undersyning it pmsl! Oh well gotta have a life too!
Anyone had any problems getting their babas to sleep? Dan started waking up soon as i put him down in cot so been having to get him to sleep n whole process starting again 3/4 times! Thought i'd better nip it in the bud so followed supernannys controled crying method.....omg he moaned n cried a bit for an hr before sleeping for 6 hrs which is brill n had no probs rest of night, 2nd night was 30 mins and no probs n 3rd night bingo straight to sleep! Its been a wk n still going straight off n when he does stir a quick kiss n comfort from me n hes back off. Its extremely hard though my hubs had to take charge on both nights n i cried myself to sleep. In the long run its worth it cos he needs to learn to self sooth im just glad it only lasted 2 nights
I could not and will not do control crying, it is just something I just mentally can not do. Charles used to wake up and that was a result of him being hungry since weaning and get the balance again he has slept through the night.