Breastfeeding and Slimming World

Talk me down ladies!! Im REALLY craving chocolate cake... I have a wheat free chocolate cake mix in the cupboard that I SO want to go into the kitchen and make, and I'm finding it hard to resist! Sat here feeding my little boy fantasising about eating cake! This is only week one of being back on SW and it's not that I'm hungry, just that I really really fancy it! It's going to be hard enough on Sunday as it's my sons christening and we have lots of yummy food for afterwards so can't see how I won't go off plan then (just before my first weigh in on Monday too lol). Must.... Resist...... Cake.....! X
Talk me down ladies!! Im REALLY craving chocolate cake... I have a wheat free chocolate cake mix in the cupboard that I SO want to go into the kitchen and make, and I'm finding it hard to resist! Sat here feeding my little boy fantasising about eating cake! This is only week one of being back on SW and it's not that I'm hungry, just that I really really fancy it! It's going to be hard enough on Sunday as it's my sons christening and we have lots of yummy food for afterwards so can't see how I won't go off plan then (just before my first weigh in on Monday too lol). Must.... Resist...... Cake.....! X

If your like me and have no willpower put washing up liquido on it and chuck it out, problem solved!!!!
Dont eat the cake!! I have a wholemeal bread toasted with sf jam n an options....better syn wise than cake x

Start:: 215lb current:: 215lb...Goal:: 154lb 61lb to go!!
Here are some pics of tj today :)

Start:: 215lb current:: 215lb...Goal:: 154lb 61lb to go!!


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Hehhehe i know. He only 5 mths and the outfit is 3-6mth and dont fit him :( lil chunk!

Start:: 215lb current:: 215lb...Goal:: 154lb 61lb to go!!
So cute leeanne!

Well as its Saturday I'm treating myself to a takeaway tonight, beef in blackbean and boiled rice, I may actually go all out and get fried rice as I haven't had any syns today so far......just gotta resist the damn prawn crackers!!!!!

Happy Saturday everyone!!! Xx
Thanks ladies, I resisted! :) I don't feel any lighter so far though :-( hope it's working. Going to be difficult tomorrow as it's my sons christening and we're having a do afterwards complete with buffet, but going to make healthy choices on the whole, other than a small piece of cake (been saving my syns!) just hope I see results at my first weigh in on Monday!! :-$ xx
Thanks ladies, I resisted! :) I don't feel any lighter so far though :-( hope it's working. Going to be difficult tomorrow as it's my sons christening and we're having a do afterwards complete with buffet, but going to make healthy choices on the whole, other than a small piece of cake (been saving my syns!) just hope I see results at my first weigh in on Monday!! :-$ xx

Just remember if in doubt try flex-syns to help stay in control :D
Good afternoon all

Hope everyone is well -"hello to the new ones" :wavey:...
Well, lets see ..what has been happening here hmmmmm well -Charlie is doing just fine, he has had his 2nd lot of jabs and was 3 months old on Thursday and boy is he thriving -I used mums accurate digital scales two weeks ago and his little oinky pants was exactly 14lbs :p -not bad to say he started at 6lbs8oz and lost 9oz to start with,,, mind he rarely stops eating lol.
The breastfeeding is going great guns -this last couple of weeks we have pretty much got the use of expressed milk down to the odd occasion when we are out most of the day. I have taken over night feeds too and my gorgeous boy now goes upstairs, gets a clean bum and sleep suit -a badooy feed and into bed. He is only waking once in the night -so he gets another clean bum and a badooby and back to sleep he goes -Last night he went down at 10:30pm and was up at 6:30am (with only 1 feed at about 2am) :clap: -Im super impressed -we tried our new baby alarm for the 1st time last night and its great -but I still had to keep popping up to check him as he rarely makes a noise so I needed to see he was ok :p Its timed quite well too as hubby applied for his first job the other day (he has had 6 months *gardening leave* via the army and he finished his 27years service on the 9th June) and b*gger my old boots if he didin't get the job :clap: - its a double edge sword really as bless him he really wanted to spend some more time at home with Charlie and we never expected him to land a job so soon. The plus point for him is that it looks like after his induction (mon-wed) he should be doing 4 x 12hr night shifts so he won't be missing much apart from Charlie sleeping... plus he knows that if he doesn't like it he can leave as we are in a position to manage 1 year without his wage. Amazingly hubbies lump sum pension has paid off all our debts (apart from the mortgage), we have put enough away to cover 1 years bills/housekeeping and the rest has gone as a little nest egg or for things to be done to the house, then his monthly pension will cover the mortgage with a bit left over. I can't quite believe we are in such a good position at such a perfect time. SO anyway as of tomorrow me n charlie will be getting into a better routine ... its so difficult when we are all at home and I don't see to get as much done -its almost been like a 6 month long weekend if that makes sense lol.
ooh Im waffling again...right back to Charlie -he has now managed to roll over a couple of times - the effort he puts in is so funny -he grunts n groans and strains THAT much he is trumping left right n centre :p. Ohh and his swim nappy and wrap have arrived now so we can get him off to the pool soon -I can't wait....

Righty ho Im going to ask about weaning now :D -I know the guidelines say you can start at 17weeks -but is anyone managing to last longer or going to try to? Only Charlie is quite a hungry chap -but at the moment Im managing to keep him fed and express 2-3 x 120ml feeds off a day -which I started freezing yesterday ;). I don't know whether to just start him off at 17 weeks or just try and keep going? Im half expecting the "are you feeding him yet?" question to start at 17 weeks -not from hubby mind (he is of the ignore the books/other people and YOU do what you feel is right for him school of thought ;))-but I have had a few "ooh he is getting ready for solids isn't he" remarks from some people -not that I will let it sway my desision mind. Just thought I would see what people think?
ooh and on the toothy front Charlie is gnawing his fist too -he isn't in pain or anything and isn't interested in teething rings etc but I was wondering if he toothypegs were on their way-sounds like a few of us are going to go through it together :D -I have the gel rings in and some bonjella *just in case*....

Finally before I shut my face :giggle:-another question ... does anyone else have a baby who simply won't be wrapped up comfy cosy? Charlie point blank refuses to have anything at all over him.. I have tried sneaking them on once he is asleep but he wakes up doing the can can until he legs are free :D ( I should understand as I won't sleep with my feet in bed either) he won't have a sleeping bag thingy, so all I can do so far is resort to putting a vest and socks under his sleep suit (luckily they all have built in scratch mitts) but when you change him in the morning he has always managed to get his socks off and they are loose inside his suit :confused:... hubby says he wouldn't sleep if he was cold but often when you get up his hands n feet are so cold - but the rest of him is warm -which I know is where you take the temp..but it just seems so odd,,,,
Right -honestly ... thats me for now....have a lovely afternoon all and I hope all the little ones are well!!
I am so shocked!! Was naighty fri night sat and sun. But i managed to lose 3lb on my first week (imagine if i was good)

Pleased lady today!

Start:: 215lb current:: 212lb...Goal:: 154lb 58lb to go!!
Hi Capricorn,

In terms of weaning, I was dead keen to wait but I started at 18weeks as Bella stopped sleeping well and I'd tried everything else (I'd left it about 5 weeks to check it wasn't anything else too). And yes she slept through about 5 nights when we started, but unfortunately they were 5 of the very few nights she has slept though at all, it ends up she's just a bad sleeper! So in hindsight I wish I'd waited longer and waited for the more obvious signs of her showing interest in food.
Although from the baby groups I go to, the vast majority of mums start around that mark and I don't know anyone who waited until 6 months.

Talking about wrapping up warm, Bella wont have a blanket or sleeping bag either. We've got an egg thermometer in the bedroom which I keep a close eye on. It's fine at the mo as its warm, but I'm dreading winter. What I'll do is probably get the fleecy baby grows for her to wear, with perhaps a cardi between her vest and baby grow.

Leanne - well done on your loss
Just a quicky from one with a bump! :D

If i plan to BF - what happens to the SW plan - do i get additional HEX? I already have 2 of each for following SW whilst pregnant.

Ellebear said:
Just a quicky from one with a bump! :D

If i plan to BF - what happens to the SW plan - do i get additional HEX? I already have 2 of each for following SW whilst pregnant.


If u look one or 2 pages back I posted a pic of the Sw bf leaflet xx
hi everyone im new to this thread,my lil girls three weeks old and im bf, i am starting to find it a big struggle as gettin no sleep.
the past week i have been trying to express one bottle for the last feed foe oh to give her,so i can get sum sleep,however i do 5oz and she still wnts more. i feel i am struggling with expressing,the first 2oz comes out great and after that it slows right down. any advice,wud b really helpful as my mum wud luv to have,her overnight n give me lil break but i need to express enough.
also i keep feeling likw giving up coz so tired at mo
hi everyone im new to this thread,my lil girls three weeks old and im bf, i am starting to find it a big struggle as gettin no sleep.
the past week i have been trying to express one bottle for the last feed foe oh to give her,so i can get sum sleep,however i do 5oz and she still wnts more. i feel i am struggling with expressing,the first 2oz comes out great and after that it slows right down. any advice,wud b really helpful as my mum wud luv to have,her overnight n give me lil break but i need to express enough.
also i keep feeling likw giving up coz so tired at mo

Keep it up hunny, it will get better! My son turned 10 weeks yesterday and it's so much better than it was. Also, keep up the pumping. Milk is made for supply and demand so the more you pump, the more your body will start to make. 5oz expressed in a day is really good at 3 weeks old! You say she wants more, is she throwing any of it back up? I only ask because we were only winding my boy once in the middle of his feed and he sicked loads up and wanted more, so we started burping him after every ounce and a half, he hardly sicks any up and so the 5oz is now plenty for him in one feed :eek:) Hope that helps you a bit. Good luck with the weight loss, one thing i'd recomment is making huge pasta dishes for tea and then saving some for the next day, that way even if your little girl is playing up it takes a second to put it in the microwave to heat up and you're able to eat and still stick to plan. You could also make a huge pasta salad, or make those packets of savoury rice up to keep in the fridge, nice and easy to keep on hand, stay on plan and to grab quickly. xx
i dont want to give up,jus struggling at mo and i really dnt want to bf in public so i,meed to express more.can you express at any tim of day and as many tines as poss? or will this affect the bf for the baby?
yes she dus bring it back upo too ,most of the time