Silver Member
i dont want to give up,jus struggling at mo and i really dnt want to bf in public so i,meed to express more.can you express at any tim of day and as many tines as poss? or will this affect the bf for the baby?
yes she dus bring it back upo too ,most of the time
Well done for keeping at it. You can express any time of the day hunny. I feed Jack from one breast and pump the other at each feed. I make sure to alternate which breast I feed him from each time so they both get equally stimulated to produce more milk. Try pumping for 20 minutes each time, as you will have multiple milk let downs in a session. That will also make the breast produce more milk. I did that and within a couple of days I was up to being able to pump 20 - 25oz a day, which ended up being too much and i had to freeze some! I also dont like to breast feed in public so that was my main reason for expressing, but now on the two nights a week my fiance doesn't have to get up for work I make him get up for the night feeds so I get two good nights of sleep a week, which really helps. At 3 weeks old your daughter is probably still feeding every 2-3 hours throughout the night, so you'll need a lot expressed to cover a whole night if you're wanting to do the same, but in a few weeks she will probably space those feeds out. I now put Jack to bed about 9pm, feed him around midnight/1 am and then about 5am and he then wakes up at around 8am, and Jack's only 7 weeks older than your little one so you will get a bit more sleep soon hunny i promise xx