My Daniel is 4 weeks tomorrow, but my oldest Amy (who is now 3) got sick yesterday. Its awful - She said she wasnt hungry much in the day and I didnt think much of it thinking it was the weather making her not hungry. Feel annoyed at myself that I didnt click when she said she didnt want her ice cream. Anyway when my husband bathed her he said he noticed she was hot (her temp was 38.5 so he give her calpol) and she went to bed ok.
Less than an hour later we were downstiars (me still trying to get Daniel to sleep as its never easy in an evening) and we heard her coughing and then a funny noise. Hubby ran upstairs and oh my god, sick everywhere. Had to leave Daniel downstairs crying whilst I bathed Amy (sick was in her hair, everywhere) and my husband had to sort out the bed and everything. Her temp was normal (37) so once she was bathed, new pjs and the first load of washing on he looked after Amy downstairs and I took Daniel upstairs. Daniel eventually settled and 10pm by which time Amy was in bed ok and asleep. My hubby slept in Amys room on 2 sofa cushipns and had the worst nights sleep (coughing and when not coughing she was snoring very loud as very tired). Then to top it off 2.30am she was sick again (although not as bad as at 7.30) - I had to get up with her to sort her out as she was upset. Her temp was 39.5 so had nurofen! New pjs on, new bedtime nappy and new sheets on the bed. Luckily she didnt need another bath as the sick wasnt as bad as before. She still isnt great, her temp is still in 39s and she had calpol hour ago!
Anyway this in between getting up with Daniel at 1.30am and 5,30am for a feed means am tired today. I have separated them today (Daniel upstairs with me, Amy downstairs with hubby watching tv). Tomorrow however hubby is at work so i have to sort them both.
Am glad am breastfeeding to give him a chance at getting some antibodies to it but just want to protect him. Babies under 3 months only can have 1 dose of calpol and u need that for the 2month jabs! i just pray he doesnt get sick.