Breastfeeding and Slimming World

I take it when I need it, and drink water as normal. Just a few teaspoons in morning and night until I've managed to go, but it's definitely ok to take as long as you're not taking too much and getting rid of all the water you're taking in xx
Cheers Sammy, you have really helped. I was so paranoid this afternoon when I read abt water intoxication as I thought god I drink more than that! But ur right, u have it as and when and tends to be during a feed.
Can you ladies give me some advice, I'm a first time mum and only person I no who bf, anyway, started weaning Charlie so now he gets his brekkie and his dinner as a spoon feed with his milk feeds in between...he is almost 6 months.....argh I don't no wot I'm doing....ppl r pressuring me into stopping bf...although he won't drink from a bottle and I hate pumping!!!! Help ladies!!!
find a Sure Start Centre near you and go to the breastfeeding group or just find breastfeeding group somewhere. I bet they will help you.
i work in Sure Start Centre and we have a mum that is breastfeeding her 2 yo daughter and her 2 week old daughter at the same time and I dont think she is planning to stop the feeds with her older one. 6 months is still early, but i guess it depends on what you do next? back to work or not etc :)
you can always go here : or give them a ring and talk to somebody :)
Cheers Sammy, you have really helped. I was so paranoid this afternoon when I read abt water intoxication as I thought god I drink more than that! But ur right, u have it as and when and tends to be during a feed.

No problem hunny, glad i could put your mind at rest xx
Can you ladies give me some advice, I'm a first time mum and only person I no who bf, anyway, started weaning Charlie so now he gets his brekkie and his dinner as a spoon feed with his milk feeds in between...he is almost 6 months.....argh I don't no wot I'm doing....ppl r pressuring me into stopping bf...although he won't drink from a bottle and I hate pumping!!!! Help ladies!!!

You don't have to stop breastfeeding just because you're weaning, the amount of times you feed her may just decrease that's all. If you are going to be going back to work though then you may need to try to get her onto expressed milk during the day, unless you live close to home so you can pop back on your lunch to feed her? Good luck whatever you decide hunny, Nika has given you some great advice xx
sammyb1985 said:
You don't have to stop breastfeeding just because you're weaning, the amount of times you feed her may just decrease that's all. If you are going to be going back to work though then you may need to try to get her onto expressed milk during the day, unless you live close to home so you can pop back on your lunch to feed her? Good luck whatever you decide hunny, Nika has given you some great advice xx

Completely agree, you def don't need to stop breastfeeding. I breasted Amy til about 15 months and only because by the she wasn't.drinking milk except at bedtime. When you start weaning they have a tiny bit of food and the rest is a milk feed. You gradually build up to more food and they need less milk automatically as you do.

To be honest I can't recall.the quantities but I know initiAlly it was an ice cube full eventually progressing to 3 ice cubes and then as the weeks go by you just add more to it.

I recommend 2 books (both are abt
£5 by Annabel Karmel). I used them both when weaning at the end of 2009 and will be using them again. There is a newer book outdeon 2010 called weaning so you might want to conpare the reviews.
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My Daniel is 4 weeks tomorrow, but my oldest Amy (who is now 3) got sick yesterday. Its awful - She said she wasnt hungry much in the day and I didnt think much of it thinking it was the weather making her not hungry. Feel annoyed at myself that I didnt click when she said she didnt want her ice cream. Anyway when my husband bathed her he said he noticed she was hot (her temp was 38.5 so he give her calpol) and she went to bed ok.

Less than an hour later we were downstiars (me still trying to get Daniel to sleep as its never easy in an evening) and we heard her coughing and then a funny noise. Hubby ran upstairs and oh my god, sick everywhere. Had to leave Daniel downstairs crying whilst I bathed Amy (sick was in her hair, everywhere) and my husband had to sort out the bed and everything. Her temp was normal (37) so once she was bathed, new pjs and the first load of washing on he looked after Amy downstairs and I took Daniel upstairs. Daniel eventually settled and 10pm by which time Amy was in bed ok and asleep. My hubby slept in Amys room on 2 sofa cushipns and had the worst nights sleep (coughing and when not coughing she was snoring very loud as very tired). Then to top it off 2.30am she was sick again (although not as bad as at 7.30) - I had to get up with her to sort her out as she was upset. Her temp was 39.5 so had nurofen! New pjs on, new bedtime nappy and new sheets on the bed. Luckily she didnt need another bath as the sick wasnt as bad as before. She still isnt great, her temp is still in 39s and she had calpol hour ago!

Anyway this in between getting up with Daniel at 1.30am and 5,30am for a feed means am tired today. I have separated them today (Daniel upstairs with me, Amy downstairs with hubby watching tv). Tomorrow however hubby is at work so i have to sort them both.

Am glad am breastfeeding to give him a chance at getting some antibodies to it but just want to protect him. Babies under 3 months only can have 1 dose of calpol and u need that for the 2month jabs! i just pray he doesnt get sick.
My Daniel is 4 weeks tomorrow, but my oldest Amy (who is now 3) got sick yesterday. Its awful - She said she wasnt hungry much in the day and I didnt think much of it thinking it was the weather making her not hungry. Feel annoyed at myself that I didnt click when she said she didnt want her ice cream. Anyway when my husband bathed her he said he noticed she was hot (her temp was 38.5 so he give her calpol) and she went to bed ok.

Less than an hour later we were downstiars (me still trying to get Daniel to sleep as its never easy in an evening) and we heard her coughing and then a funny noise. Hubby ran upstairs and oh my god, sick everywhere. Had to leave Daniel downstairs crying whilst I bathed Amy (sick was in her hair, everywhere) and my husband had to sort out the bed and everything. Her temp was normal (37) so once she was bathed, new pjs and the first load of washing on he looked after Amy downstairs and I took Daniel upstairs. Daniel eventually settled and 10pm by which time Amy was in bed ok and asleep. My hubby slept in Amys room on 2 sofa cushipns and had the worst nights sleep (coughing and when not coughing she was snoring very loud as very tired). Then to top it off 2.30am she was sick again (although not as bad as at 7.30) - I had to get up with her to sort her out as she was upset. Her temp was 39.5 so had nurofen! New pjs on, new bedtime nappy and new sheets on the bed. Luckily she didnt need another bath as the sick wasnt as bad as before. She still isnt great, her temp is still in 39s and she had calpol hour ago!

Anyway this in between getting up with Daniel at 1.30am and 5,30am for a feed means am tired today. I have separated them today (Daniel upstairs with me, Amy downstairs with hubby watching tv). Tomorrow however hubby is at work so i have to sort them both.

Am glad am breastfeeding to give him a chance at getting some antibodies to it but just want to protect him. Babies under 3 months only can have 1 dose of calpol and u need that for the 2month jabs! i just pray he doesnt get sick.

Aww im so sorry hunny, hope amy gets better soon! xx
Nika said:
find a Sure Start Centre near you and go to the breastfeeding group or just find breastfeeding group somewhere. I bet they will help you.
i work in Sure Start Centre and we have a mum that is breastfeeding her 2 yo daughter and her 2 week old daughter at the same time and I dont think she is planning to stop the feeds with her older one. 6 months is still early, but i guess it depends on what you do next? back to work or not etc :)
you can always go here : or give them a ring and talk to somebody :)

I love my sure start centre - great support and info :)
its a shame that so many closed down around the country.
In OFSTEAD inspection in June we where given outstanding for the support and guidance for families :D
Nika said:
its a shame that so many closed down around the country.
In OFSTEAD inspection in June we where given outstanding for the support and guidance for families :D

It is such a shame. I am so glad mibe is still open. My son will go nursery there and it has been awarded outstanding and has got a better report then my university nersery :)
sammyb1985 said:
Aww im so sorry hunny, hope amy gets better soon! xx

Thanks, so do I. She was sick 15 mins after penicillin last night and her temp was 40. You would have thought after 3 doses it would come down. Hard night with Amy sick and then fed Daniel & he wouldn't re-settle so was up abt 90 mins. Only to be up 2.5 hours later with him again for another feed. Then Amy woke up less than 45 mins later (temp slightly down but still 39.3).

Hubby has been great through the night and has got early train to work so he can get back earlier (not til 5.30 but least better than 6.30)
Hiya girls i gave birth to my little girl Ruby valentine 7 weeks ago and was doing well with my weightloss untill the past two ... i actually put 4lb on this week so have decided its time to start following a plan again.

Not sure about you guys but with breastfeeding i sometimes find it impossible to get around to eating so ihave to really think how im going to manage it.

How is everyone else managing with feeding and slimmingworld and do you have extra healthyextras
mrss2010 said:
Can you ladies give me some advice, I'm a first time mum and only person I no who bf, anyway, started weaning Charlie so now he gets his brekkie and his dinner as a spoon feed with his milk feeds in between...he is almost 6 months.....argh I don't no wot I'm doing....ppl r pressuring me into stopping bf...although he won't drink from a bottle and I hate pumping!!!! Help ladies!!!

It amazes me why ppl feel the need to tell u stop bf'ing id be so upset. My hubs has sometimes told me to swap to formula like its a magic solution for Dan to sleep through grrrr. Have u been to any weaning talks at the local childrens centre? Or maybe your health visitors do one or could come n speak to u. Annabel Carmel is very good i watched her little clips on her website n on utube. Also got ideas from netmums site n also from other mums. Ive managed not to give Dan any jars at all. All babies are different in regards to appetite so start off with 1 ice cube of fruit or veg n then maybe half of the small childrens yogurts n offer water as well. After his meal offer boob milk. I was worried he would prefer food to milk n id dry up!!! His feeds have dropped but not by much really. I completely understand ur worries as its a massive step n tbh there isnt enough support out there hence why we see lots of parents giving their babies bad foods n sugary drinks cos they dont know any different! Feel free to pm me if u have any questions no matter how daft cos ive probably already asked them myself lol
jojogonnabeslim said:
It amazes me why ppl feel the need to tell u stop bf'ing id be so upset. My hubs has sometimes told me to swap to formula like its a magic solution for Dan to sleep through grrrr. Have u been to any weaning talks at the local childrens centre? Or maybe your health visitors do one or could come n speak to u. Annabel Carmel is very good i watched her little clips on her website n on utube. Also got ideas from netmums site n also from other mums. Ive managed not to give Dan any jars at all. All babies are different in regards to appetite so start off with 1 ice cube of fruit or veg n then maybe half of the small childrens yogurts n offer water as well. After his meal offer boob milk. I was worried he would prefer food to milk n id dry up!!! His feeds have dropped but not by much really. I completely understand ur worries as its a massive step n tbh there isnt enough support out there hence why we see lots of parents giving their babies bad foods n sugary drinks cos they dont know any different! Feel free to pm me if u have any questions no matter how daft cos ive probably already asked them myself lol

Thanks for this xx
mrss2010 said:
Thanks for this xx

Sorry for the short reply it was last night when feeding a Velcro baby!!! Thanks again for ur responses ladies, I've decided that screw everyone else Charlie isn't even 6 months old yet and I'm not ready to give up bf him....I had really bad spd when pregnant which hasn't got better due to the fact I'm bf and we had such a hard time getting established at feeding that I'm not giving up, we worked so hard to come this far! I'm going to phone my hv and ask her about any local bf groups that she can put me in touch with so that I'm not made to feel like some sort of freak for wanting to do what's best for my child!!!! Why do we get such a hard time for doing what's natural....god forbid we would ever criticise someone for bottle feeding!!!!! xxx
mrss2010 said:
Sorry for the short reply it was last night when feeding a Velcro baby!!! Thanks again for ur responses ladies, I've decided that screw everyone else Charlie isn't even 6 months old yet and I'm not ready to give up bf him....I had really bad spd when pregnant which hasn't got better due to the fact I'm bf and we had such a hard time getting established at feeding that I'm not giving up, we worked so hard to come this far! I'm going to phone my hv and ask her about any local bf groups that she can put me in touch with so that I'm not made to feel like some sort of freak for wanting to do what's best for my child!!!! Why do we get such a hard time for doing what's natural....god forbid we would ever criticise someone for bottle feeding!!!!! xxx

Just remember people in other countries still bf at 3 years. Definately society decitating but do what you feel comfortable with :)
I still bf tj. He will be 7mths. I shrug off now what ppl say but i get a lot of support from my local la leche league breastfeeding group. Theres moms still feedin their 2yr olds. Where as i dont see us goin that far. Im not ready to stop. Its my time with him. Plus he wont have formula. He has started havin cows milk in food which they can have (apparently...they never used to) and so he is gettin used to that so i will put him on cows milk when he is 1 in the day if he still has milk and feed him myself morning and night. But to be honest.since he has worked up to 3 meals a day. He has a littke drink after and thats it. So it is getting less....i do miss it all....(gettin broody too not good!)

Well i had a massive gain of 4.5 this week :( so bk to it and no weddings or birthdays to get in tge way!!
here is a pic of saturday with ny little family. Boys were page boys and jay was an usher at jays sisters wedding.

Start:: 217lb current:: 219lb...Goal:: 154lb 65lb to go!! club10 goal 195lb 24lb to go!!


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