Breastfeeding and Slimming World

Mmm look wat i madr. 2 syn a quarter cheese cake

And syn free chinese lol

Start:: 217lb current:: 217lb...Goal:: 154lb 63lb to go!! club10 goal 195lb 22lb to go!!


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Hey Leeanne hows u n TJ going? Are u still booby feeding? Didnt get Dans tongue tie done in end as he is doing well feeding n weaning they werent prepared to cut it only if there were feeding issues!
Latest pic of him pulling the cats tail lol

Yup still booby feeding and he has some food too. Rejoined slimming world monday as i was gettin fatter n fatter :( least they think he is ok. U still.boob feedin xx

Start:: 217lb current:: 217lb...Goal:: 154lb 63lb to go!! club10 goal 195lb 22lb to go!!
Chinese is syn free as i made ot all from scratch hun.
Egg fried rice. Boiled then fry light with scrambled egg no milk light and dark soy sauce. Stir fry veg and dried egg noodles. Cooked with garlic frylight lighy and dark soy sauce. Mushy pea curry with chicken breasts and peas :) mmmm

Start:: 217lb current:: 217lb...Goal:: 154lb 63lb to go!! club10 goal 195lb 22lb to go!!
Chinese looks nice. :) i been so naughty today! it was a food fayre in town so had a venison burger in white bun and a large chocolate orange cupcake (and lots of samples)! Oh well could be worse as still got to get through the evening. I am finding as the feeding is hard work with Daniel I need sugar to make myself feed better!
Morning all

Sorry to have been missing in action for a while but we are in the midst of getting more stuff sorted around the house.....
Sorry to have missed out on all the breast feeding worries (sorry I only just got your PM Becca), the only advice I can give (and its only what I did) was to just decide that I would breast feed day to day - in the beginning the thought of BFing for at least 6 months was enough to make me want to cry... Charlie struggled to feed in the hospital and had my milk via a cup and a syringe -then we got home and I was happy enough to express into a bottle for him and breast feed best I could -then there was the "can't produce enough" panic, hubby was great though and he insisted that he do the night feeds so I could get enough sleep to produce enough milk -that lead to "eeek can I produce enough to get him through the night" panic lol -so we always made a small bottle of formula up *just in case* and he never needed it... and well now we are 15 weeks in and for the last 2 weeks or so I have taken over the night feeds and Charlie is pretty much badooby fed all the time at home -I take expressed milk when Im out n about though,
So don't give up -but don't pressure yourselves ladies -we are all doing our best and that always HAS TO BE GOOD ENOUGH !!
I know Charlie even now has a comfort badooby thing going on -although he does guzzle first and then likes to lie there sleeping whilst still attatched -often though he slips off but its enough for him to feel it against his lip ... We did try a dummy in the early days but he was having non of it -now Im quite glad but at the time I would have happily traded him using a dummy for a little less time on me ;)

Well on the Charlie front -we now have his bedtime routine sorted :D -I bath him late afternoon (I didn't want to actually make it part of his bed time as his hair takes a while to dry -plus its not always possible or practical to bath him) -then at bed time we go upstairs, change his bum and put a clean sleep suit on, then into his sleeping bag-settle down for a badooby feed and then he is into bed, a kiss and on with his lightshow on -it lasts 10mins and he is always asleep before it finishes and believe it or not he has only ever got up once a night and then for the last 5 days he is going straight through - he is averaging 10-12hrs a night :bliss:. Im not expecting it to be a permenant thing -but Im enjoying it whilst it lasts -and he is teething too at the moment so Im counting my blessings :p. Its also meaning that when he gets up in a morning he goes on the right boob and then downstairs with daddy whilst mummy expresses the left boob -after a night I can't put him on the left as its HUGE and solid so he can't latch properly :p -but it means Im able to express 300ml plus off. SO thats the only time I express now and its making life much easier... I leave it in the fridge and then when I express the following morning I freeze the previous days -unless we are going out and then we need it all with us :17729:.
Im still doing the big weaning debate right now -"do I start him at 17weeks?" "do I hold off?" -I think Im simply going to do like I did with the BFing and take it a day at a time -I know people are saying he is ready for food as he is chomping his hand (but he is teething :rolleyes:) but he is gaining weight and I figure that if he can sleep 12hrs then he can't be hungry!! I have everything I need to get started so its no panic I guess -... I would be amazed if we get to 6 months before weaning..but as I say we will play it by ear...
right -enough yapping... have a lovely day everyone and remember ..... BE KIND TO YOURSELF -you are doing the best by your babies but we all need to take care of ourselves too!!!
Dan started beating my boobs up around 4mth n being really fussy which was him telling me boob was not enough lol as soon as he started a bit of solids it stopped though it didnt help that that was when we found out he had a tongue tie! Sounds like ur doing brill n one day at a time is the best way to go about it all. No idea how things are going to pan out for me when i eventually go back to work, ill be gutted if i stop bf'in im hoping if he doesnt take expressed then he will cluster feed when im home!
4lbs on!!!!! Wtf??!!!! :-(
Hi there, could it be milk if you hadn't fed soon before weighing? I know if I go on the scales before I feed/express first thing in a morning I can weigh a lot heavier.... if not -don't panic -it could just be your body adjusting, mine does it some times.. I can be as good as gold and get a sts etc.. annoying but if you know you have been on plan then don't worry about it IT WILL show up eventually!!!

JOJO -Charlie sometimes bops my boob when he is feeding -although he has the cheek to stare me straight in the eye and smile as he is doing it :p -so Im sure his is more devilment than not getting enough out lol....

Well my little dumpling bum went to bed at 6pm and so far apart from a couple of murmours in his sleep all looks well -Im now off to bed to get some much anticipated :zz:
Sleep well all..
Capricorn - well said! We're all doing the best we can and that's what counts! :)

2lbs off for me today! Bringing my total to 12.5lbs in 3 weeks!! (approximately what jack weighs now actually, so ive lost a jack! :p) really pleased with that result, would be nice to continue with 5lbs each week but that's not realistic and not healthy, so I'll be happy if I can average 2lbs a week until Christmas as that will get me to target! I can start wedding dress shopping then! :D xx
Mrs2010...... dont worry too much its our stupid bodies holding onto fluids for booby feeding i had a 2lb gain n had no other reason for it. I dont think i drink enough as well i never have! Check ur inches thats probably where ull see a difference, my knickers seem a bit baggy lol
i love your post capricorm - quick question tho, when did you put him in his own bed? is it still in your room? i have daniel in moses basket downstairs and he never settles til i take him upstairs to our room for bed.

he settles in moses basket for a morning nap.
Hey Leeanne hows u n TJ going? Are u still booby feeding? Didnt get Dans tongue tie done in end as he is doing well feeding n weaning they werent prepared to cut it only if there were feeding issues!
Latest pic of him pulling the cats tail lolView attachment 56560

Is my son related to yours, seriously loves chasing both our cats and pulling hair out along with the tail - so hard work trying to teach him to be gentle but luckily the cats have learnt to run away when he comes crawling after them ;)
Lol bunny! She loves a bit of rough play though im not sure what she makes of Dan she must love him cos she loves to cuddle up next to him when booby feeding bless!
Lol bunny! She loves a bit of rough play though im not sure what she makes of Dan she must love him cos she loves to cuddle up next to him when booby feeding bless!

aw that is so sweet, mine are terrified of Charles but he is a very hypoactive baby and moves at incrediable speeds. At least I can get some bosy magic out of racing around after him and he aint even walking yet or though very dertermined to do so.
Just wanted to say thank you to all those that gave me advice the other day. Keira seems to be feeding much better now, although she still isn't very good at feeding off my left breast so that nipple is still a bit sore. She managed to go 6 hours between the last feeds last night so that was nice to get a bit of sleep, generally going 3-4 hours other than the odd cluster feed. She's put on a pound since birth and is now 9lb 4 at 10 days old so she must be getting enough.
Weighed myself just now and have 8 lb to lose to get to pre preggo weight as well x
Aww glad all is well try not to worry too much about sleep patterns n how other babies sleep or it'll drive u mad!!! I should know! Lol you'll have good n bad nights. I still have them now n Dans nearly 8mth.
Hi I'm new but wondering if I can join in! I did sw before having my daughter and list a stone doing EE. My lo is now 7 months old and I finally went back to group!! I wasn't ready before and now I feel I am but already finding it hard!! So much harder with a lo but when I got on the scales I was 2 stones heavier than I was so know its the right time!! My worry is eating out as we seem to go out a lot with mummy friends and our ficus is generally the cake!! Worried I won't be able to eat out and this will take a lot of getting used too!
Any tips gratefully received!