Breastfeeding and Slimming World

ellebear we're starting around the same weight. im also hoping to lose a stone before Christmas. I texted consultant and she says its one extra of each if i feel it is necessary....?
sandrat said:
ellebear we're starting around the same weight. im also hoping to lose a stone before Christmas. I texted consultant and she says its one extra of each if i feel it is necessary....?

Sandrat if you are exclusively breastfeeding here are the numbers of healthy extras you need. I will type out exactly what the leaflet says below.

"Energy and calcium intake
The table below is a list of the total recommended number of healthy extras for various stages of breastfeeding, whether you're following extra easy, green or original. Out of the total, three or preferably four should be from the milk and cheese section. When breastfeeding your recommended daily intake of calcium increases from 700mg to 1,250mg."

Baby's age. Total HE's EE. G or O
Up to 2 months. 5. 7
2-3 months. 6. 8
4-6 months (if weaning). 5. 7
4-6 months (exclusive b/f). 6. 8
Over 6 months when weaning 3. 5

Sandrat, you need to make sure you have your additional healthy extras otherwise your milk supply could be affected and your baby may not get all the nutrition needed from it. I know it's hard to get them into your diet at first, I found it hard, but it is for the benefit of both you and your baby, and you will still continue to lose weight. I've been exclusively breastfeeding for 6 months and am just introducing solids now. I've had all the extra healthy extras recommended each day and I've lost 2 stone 9lbs in the 16 weeks that I've been on slimming world, so your weight loss won't suffer for them. Your consultant either hasn't had very much experience with breastfeeding mothers, hasn't got any booklets to consult, or needs retraining because she needs to be making sure that your health and that of your baby comes first by giving you the correct information, which she clearly is not. Xx
They also recommend that you have the full 15 syns a day too, so I have them every day (a nice bit of chocolate once jack is in bed) and it hasn't affected my losses Hun. Xx


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thanks for that. i think maybe she hasn't had a breastfeeding mother before as i think it was strange when she said if i think the extra extra is necessary!
sandrat said:
thanks for that. i think maybe she hasn't had a breastfeeding mother before as i think it was strange when she said if i think the extra extra is necessary!

Ok hun, no problem, just wanted to make sure you dont have any issues with your milk supply by not eating enough. At least you know now :) xx
Shocking that there are consultants out there giving out wrong info! Sammys right you need to make sure you have all the extras. Youll feel like you never stop eating but you will loose weight lol
Well i lost 0.5lb which is good considering my heads just not been in the sw zone properly! Going back to work is proving to be harder than i thought! Im not back to nx wed either but feel down about it all! Blahhhhhhhh!
I have got my first weigh in tomorrow evening - quite excited and nervous all at once!!! Xxx

How is everyone else doing? X
ellebear we're starting around the same weight. im also hoping to lose a stone before Christmas. I texted consultant and she says its one extra of each if i feel it is necessary....?

You have got a good head start on me!!! Well done on your loss xx
I lost 1.5lbs this week! Really pleased with that :) have now lost 2 stone 10.5lbs on slimming world and 4 stone 3.5lbs in total since I had my little boy just under 6 months ago. Jack will be 6 months old on Thursday and i've just started weaning him this week, so my extra healthy extras will decrease now, so let's see how that affects the scales (if it does at all!)

I'm booked off of weigh in for the next two weeks as I have weekends planned with friends, so don't have another official weigh in until three weeks from today. I've decided that that makes it the perfect time for me to start doing the 30 day shred, as any initial potential weight gain from the sudden exercise should be gone by my next weigh in and i'm determined that next time i'm in class i WILL be getting my 3 stone award, so no slacking for me in the next three weeks! I just did the first session, and let me tell you, it felt like a lot more than 20 minutes! There's a lot packed into one session! It was hard, but not quite as bad as I was expecting, I managed to do the advanced version of everything except the push ups, but my goal is to be able to do them by the end. Hopefully it will tone me up and get me well on my way to a size 12! My bridesmaids have booked me in to go wedding dress shopping in january so i want to be as close to a size 12 as possible for then :) xx
Well done enjoy ur wkends n if u do have a little gain at least u know where it came from! 30 day shred blah sweating just thinking about it lol. Loosing all thoses extra healthys is hard at first
I did the 30DS Before my wedding and it worked wonders on my core. Once I get past the 6 week check Up at my doctors I'm going to start exercising again....can't wait to start toning up my body again!!!
I literally feel like I could eat and eat and eat!!

It's 12:30 and I've already had;

2x rivita with 3x light laughing cow and 1/4 of a cucumber.

An apple, a packet of French fries crisps, a shape delight 0% yoghurt, a handful of crayfish tails

A mild curry Savory rice...... I'm still hungry!!!!

I think it's cos I'm breastfeeding and my lo is 12 weeks and seems to be going through a growth spurt.... What do I do!!!??? I might have to have a jacket potato next...... Aaaaahhhhhh!!
OHH my baby is 9 months old in two days.. still breastfeeding.. even tho she lovessss her food! just morning and night, but she had tonsilitus last week so she was feeding alot in the day as didnt really want many solids!! i know what you mean being hungry! have you been on sliiming world long laura jade 23 x do you know how the syns hea/bs work?? will i get any?
Hiya fay!

I haven't been doing sw long no but I found out from this thread that when baby is 6+ months then you get a total of 3 HE's on EE or 5 on G or O. So on EE you could have 2 a's and 1 b for example. You get 15 syns per day regardless of plan or baby age etc.

I'm pretty sure that's ok any way lol so please someone correct me if I have that wrong!
I did the 30DS Before my wedding and it worked wonders on my core. Once I get past the 6 week check Up at my doctors I'm going to start exercising again....can't wait to start toning up my body again!!!

Did you lose many inches hun? I'm hoping this might drop me from a 14 to a 12 so that I can try on size 12 wedding dresses in January xx
Hiya fay!

I haven't been doing sw long no but I found out from this thread that when baby is 6+ months then you get a total of 3 HE's on EE or 5 on G or O. So on EE you could have 2 a's and 1 b for example. You get 15 syns per day regardless of plan or baby age etc.

I'm pretty sure that's ok any way lol so please someone correct me if I have that wrong!

You got it right hun! xx
sammyb1985 said:
Did you lose many inches hun? I'm hoping this might drop me from a 14 to a 12 so that I can try on size 12 wedding dresses in January xx

Yeah I had a wedding dress to get into....remember tho, wedding dress sizes are not the same as normal dress sizes.

Inches were lost all over doing the shred. Take your start measurements and then at day 11 and 21.... And the end!,, xxx
Oh good I'm glad I got it right :)

I'm so pleased! After what I thought was a terrible week because i feel like I've just eaten and eaten and eaten I still lost 2lb's!!

Thanks for your advice, info and support as always :)
Hi everyone, is there any one that wishes to share there diary as I am just about to start sw and could do with some guidance please. I'm breastfeeding my3 month old baby and have about 6 stone to loose but my first goal is to loose 3.5 stone that I put on this pregnancy:-( I am going to try and achieve this without going to class if possible. X
Sonia1976 said:
Hi everyone, is there any one that wishes to share there diary as I am just about to start sw and could do with some guidance please. I'm breastfeeding my3 month old baby and have about 6 stone to loose but my first goal is to loose 3.5 stone that I put on this pregnancy:-( I am going to try and achieve this without going to class if possible. X

I'm doing extra easy and breastfeeding - link to my diary in my signature x