sandrat said:
ellebear we're starting around the same weight. im also hoping to lose a stone before Christmas. I texted consultant and she says its one extra of each if i feel it is necessary....?
Sandrat if you are exclusively breastfeeding here are the numbers of healthy extras you need. I will type out exactly what the leaflet says below.
"Energy and calcium intake
The table below is a list of the total recommended number of healthy extras for various stages of breastfeeding, whether you're following extra easy, green or original. Out of the total, three or preferably four should be from the milk and cheese section. When breastfeeding your recommended daily intake of calcium increases from 700mg to 1,250mg."
Baby's age. Total HE's EE. G or O
Up to 2 months. 5. 7
2-3 months. 6. 8
4-6 months (if weaning). 5. 7
4-6 months (exclusive b/f). 6. 8
Over 6 months when weaning 3. 5
Sandrat, you need to make sure you have your additional healthy extras otherwise your milk supply could be affected and your baby may not get all the nutrition needed from it. I know it's hard to get them into your diet at first, I found it hard, but it is for the benefit of both you and your baby, and you will still continue to lose weight. I've been exclusively breastfeeding for 6 months and am just introducing solids now. I've had all the extra healthy extras recommended each day and I've lost 2 stone 9lbs in the 16 weeks that I've been on slimming world, so your weight loss won't suffer for them. Your consultant either hasn't had very much experience with breastfeeding mothers, hasn't got any booklets to consult, or needs retraining because she needs to be making sure that your health and that of your baby comes first by giving you the correct information, which she clearly is not. Xx