Breastfeeding and Slimming World

Milk supply can definitely weigh a lot. I don't know about a stone, but I know I weighed myself once before jack had a feed and then immediately after and I was 2lbs lighter, and that was only from one breast! lol! If you want a lot to eat then slimming world is definitely the best plan in my opinion. Finding a class will really help with your weight loss and with you feeling down, especially if you stay to group! Can you express a bottle for your little one so that your other half can feed them whilst you're at group so you don't have to rush home? Sorry he has had a bad time with his kidneys :( I hope that it will get better soon for him, it can't be nice for either of you and it's awful seeing them in pain :( xx
sammyb1985 said:
Milk supply can definitely weigh a lot. I don't know about a stone, but I know I weighed myself once before jack had a feed and then immediately after and I was 2lbs lighter, and that was only from one breast! lol! If you want a lot to eat then slimming world is definitely the best plan in my opinion. Finding a class will really help with your weight loss and with you feeling down, especially if you stay to group! Can you express a bottle for your little one so that your other half can feed them whilst you're at group so you don't have to rush home? Sorry he has had a bad time with his kidneys :( I hope that it will get better soon for him, it can't be nice for either of you and it's awful seeing them in pain :( xx

The hospital has said they would prefer me not to offer a bottle as they don't want him to deter off my breasts. He has a low infection count so feel my breast milk is helping keep infections away.
Maybe they will let me take him with me.
I really need to start weight loss to help me. You have been so much help and appreciate it so much :) x
No problem hunny :) I think if you were to give him expressed breastmilk in a bottle it wouldn't be the milk that's the problem as that will still have the immunity in it that you're giving him, I think that the danger there is bacteria from the bottle itself in case it isn't sterile enough, so I can completely understand you wanting to keep him directly on the breast for now. Your group should be fine with you taking him. Depending how close to you the group is you could always feed him just before group and then immediately after, or if you're comfortable enough to then you could feed him at group if needs be. I've taken jack to group once as ben was at his volunteering placement and couldn't watch him and everyone absolutely loved him. Im so lucky that he's a really good baby and is happy to sit there and take everything in, so he doesn't disrupt much at all. Loads of parents bring their kids to our group and they run all over the place, so at least your little one wont be disturbing them by doing that! :) Good luck on your weight loss journey hun and let us know how you get on and if you join a group xx
Sammy thats brilliant well done! I took Dan to class wk after he was born n breastfed him there i love bfing in public i feel so proud. I still do it now everyone loves him and i get told off if i dont bring him! Lol couldnt make class today cos having my bathroom done :-( probably a good job as not been good this wk anxiety kickef in cos i have to go back to work .....bad times!
Aww i'm sorry hunny! I don't want to go back to work either :( I'm going into the office tomorrow to see my manager as apparently my role has changed slightly, and to discuss when i'm coming back and what hours i'll be working etc. Really don't want to go back. I know I have until the end on January, but it's coming round way too quickly for my liking :( When do you have to go back hunny? Sending hugs your way xx
Just to add that I take my 4 month old to class each week- generally I weigh in, then he has a feed and a nap, then wakes up for the last half hour and looks around taking everything in. I wasn't supremely confident abut feeding in public to start out so I have a breastfeeding cover that means I'm not flashing any boob. I'm prepared to take him one early if he's upset and disturbing everyone, but so far he's been ok.
I think you can get away with it when their babies, its aot harder when their toddlers as they want to be on the go most of the time, so don't see any problem wiv taking baby to class. With the first shoes mothercare do a good range alot cheaper than clarks and the quality is just as good, I got my other little girl a pair when she started walking I think now there around 10-14 quid , they do crawling and pre walkers too.

Well done Sammy on your weightloss thats brilliant! motherhood must really suit you, so far ive lost 43lbs and im actually 37lbs lighter than pre preg although it doesn't feel like ive lost that much.

Goood luck Sonia if you do join a sw class, just don't put the weightloss on hold that's the mistake I made over the last few years xx
Cas3 said:
I think you can get away with it when their babies, its aot harder when their toddlers as they want to be on the go most of the time, so don't see any problem wiv taking baby to class. With the first shoes mothercare do a good range alot cheaper than clarks and the quality is just as good, I got my other little girl a pair when she started walking I think now there around 10-14 quid , they do crawling and pre walkers too.

Well done Sammy on your weightloss thats brilliant! motherhood must really suit you, so far ive lost 43lbs and im actually 37lbs lighter than pre preg although it doesn't feel like ive lost that much.

Goood luck Sonia if you do join a sw class, just don't put the weightloss on hold that's the mistake I made over the last few years xx

Thank you!! I have a really bad feeling that will happen as my depression is stopping me from going out:-( I know I need my medication but don't want to stop breastfeeding. I might try and start on line maybe get hold of some books as when I start to loose weight I know I will start to feel better xx
I think you can get away with it when their babies, its aot harder when their toddlers as they want to be on the go most of the time, so don't see any problem wiv taking baby to class. With the first shoes mothercare do a good range alot cheaper than clarks and the quality is just as good, I got my other little girl a pair when she started walking I think now there around 10-14 quid , they do crawling and pre walkers too.

Well done Sammy on your weightloss thats brilliant! motherhood must really suit you, so far ive lost 43lbs and im actually 37lbs lighter than pre preg although it doesn't feel like ive lost that much.

Goood luck Sonia if you do join a sw class, just don't put the weightloss on hold that's the mistake I made over the last few years xx

I'm also 37lbs lighter than my pre pregnancy weight! How crazy is that? I gained 21lbs during pregnancy, lost it by the time jack was a week old and then joined slimming world and have lost 37lbs on plan so i've lost 58lbs so far, i'm so pleased :) I went into work today to discuss my return to work with him and he walked straight past me in the canteen because he didn't recognise me lol! xx
Thank you!! I have a really bad feeling that will happen as my depression is stopping me from going out:-( I know I need my medication but don't want to stop breastfeeding. I might try and start on line maybe get hold of some books as when I start to loose weight I know I will start to feel better xx

Your doctor should be able to prescribe some anti depressants that are suitable for use whilst breastfeeding if you ask hunny xx
All these weight losses are fab! Well done yummy mummies
Ive had to have a word with myself lol just not been in the right mood for sw syn wise i still cook sw style cos im so use to it. So drew a line at my naughtyness n started again today! Gonna have to be strong as have 2 trips to blackpool this wk smell of chips will drive me mad lol
healthy extras....

Im confused, had 2 weigh ins since joining slimming world. My consultant told me the first week I get 1 HEA and 1 HEB extra per day on extra easy plan, is this right? I didnt get a booklet or anything....
should point out that I am exclusively breastfeeding an almost 8 week old!
sandrat said:
should point out that I am exclusively breastfeeding an almost 8 week old!

If you are exclusively breastfeeding hunny then you need more healthy extras. She should have given you a leaflet on slimming world and pregnancy/breastfeeding. Whilst exclusively breastfeeding you get 3 A's and 3 B's a day on extra easy or 4 of each if you do original or green days. Did you tick the box on your registration form to say you're breastfeeding? Xx
Sandrat sammys right you do get more healthy extras be careful though as they change as your baby gets older you could flick back through these posts or the sw website should list what extras you should have if your C doesnt give you a leaflet. Surprised that you werent given the right info!
Well back to work for me end of the mth shouldnt complain as ivd had 11mth off! I have loads of holidays to take so only going back part time for a while. Panicking my LO will get use to not breastfeeding n give it up :-( ill be devastated!
Hey everyone - I'm bfeeding my little girl and have just gone back to class! She is five weeks old today! How does bf affect your losses?look forward to chatting to other mums x

Ps here is Isabel xxx


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Aww so cute! You should get good losses but everyones different make sure u measure yourself as well cos if your not seeing results on the scales you could be losing inches. Good luck x
jojogonnabeslim said:
Aww so cute! You should get good losses but everyones different make sure u measure yourself as well cos if your not seeing results on the scales you could be losing inches. Good luck x

Yeah I've got my measurements and also took before photos! They are much less cute!!! X
Aw, she's adorable, congratulations.

I've had good losses with breastfeeding, though most was before going back to SW. Since going back I've averaged 2lb a week, but it's only been 3 weeks, so I think the average will drop a bit from here on in. Tbh you don't want to lose too quickly if you're breastfeeding in case it affects milk supply, slow and steady is good. (As always really!)
Hi all!

I'm fairly new to this forum and sw and wanted to confirm something which I'm sure has been mentioned a zillion times but have been scrolling through this thread and I'm getting myself confused lol!!

I'm exclusively bf'ing my 12 week old and I'm following the extra easy plan. Am I allowed a total of 6 HE's?? So 3HEa's and 3HEb's or am I dreaming this!?!

Thanks :)