Silver Member
Hey ladies, I have a two week old & was hoping you'd let me join your group for some support!
I was just wondering whether you thought it was harder or easier to lose weight when BF? I thought it was suppose to be easier but my HV said otherwise. I lost 1.6st after giving birth but I still have a stone left. Two weeks later I haven't lost a thing despite being good!
Hey guys! I had my son in January, he's 12 weeks old now and I'm exclusively breastfeeding. Been eating rubbish though, and lots if it and now I've GAINED 1st7lbs since I had him! Restarted SW last Wednesday and enjoying all the extras! I'm not feeling deprived, though I miss all the cookies I was scoffing! I weigh in on wednesday so hopefully I've made a good start. Anyway here's to being yummy mummies and having gorgeous well fed babies!
I was just wondering if you knew how many hex I should have if I'm not exclusively bf? My 5 week has to have formula food for a week as I'm on medication so I'm expressing & chucking (heartbreaking throwing it out!). I'm only expressing every 6 hours where as I'd normally feed her every 3-4 so I've been having 5 hex as that's what it says to have if babies are being weaned (I do the green plan not EE). Anyone know I'd that's about right?
Thanks Hunyou can tell the people who have young babies on this board as they are up at stupid-o-clock in the morning lol x
Lie-in is that a foreign word?! Lol