Sandrat sammys right you do get more healthy extras be careful though as they change as your baby gets older you could flick back through these posts or the sw website should list what extras you should have if your C doesnt give you a leaflet. Surprised that you werent given the right info!
Well back to work for me end of the mth shouldnt complain as ivd had 11mth off! I have loads of holidays to take so only going back part time for a while. Panicking my LO will get use to not breastfeeding n give it up :-( ill be devastated!
Hi JoJo!
Just wanted to jump in and give you a little bit of reassurance. ... I nanny a little girl the same age as my own (17/18 months) who has always been exclusivly fed (by exclusively I mean, no formulas or milk substitutes) She drinks water very well throughout the day and is straight on the boob when mumma gets home. Penny struggled without boob during the day until recently as she's never been a great water drinker, but that has really turned around the past few months. She self weaned at 14 months.. We'd stopped day feeds at 9 months (long story, not out of choice, but lack of support and information, and a failed period of going back to work) and i continued to offer booby whenever i could, then once over one took a no offer no refuse. Eventually she just didn't need me to settle back off to sleep at night and our breastfeeding naturally came to an end, I was upset but felt OK with it, knowing it was her choice. (unlike stopping day feeds, I sobbed for a week.)
anyways, what i'm trying to say is. Most children are *very* unlikely to self wean under one, that said.. making it over 1 year it's very much up to you and the babe when it comes to an end, some may self wean as P did.. others may not, like the girl I care for, who is still very reliant. If you want to continue for as long as possible, I'd recommend making sure you have time set aside when you get home from work to sit and enjoy a feed together. Your babe will either decide to wait for you, or be happy with other fluids while your away, but will soon learn that when your home you (and your boobs!) are there, they will look forward to that time with you and if your offering, then you know if they were to loose interest its a natural thing and something they've come to decide themselves, not that they've forgotten and not because you haven't tried.
Hope im making sense, good luck heading back to work. I found it extremely difficult and quit after 3 days .. (eep) and finally went back when P was 15 months, although she comes with me. Its tough leaving our babies. xxx