hi still doing amazing I seeI had my little boy on the 23rd feb can you let me know how many he x I can have when breastfeeding? prob wont join group for a couple weeks will see how I get on but normally follow green plan x
thankyoudoing well so far he sleeps a lot during the day & is awake a lot during the night but been waking up between 3 & 4am since last pregnancy anyway so not a problem for me was prob my body preparing me lol.managed 2 days on plan this week,yest went a bit wrong but looking forward to the extra healthy extras as bf makes you hungry!! xx
I was so unhappy with my weight after the last pregnancy that's what is motivating me to get to target this year,even a pound a week will mean I do it by October which will soon come roundxx
Hey hun. Good luck for WI.
Just FYI, a tsp of oil is 2 syns, a tbsp is 6.
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WEIGH IN So after getting on and off the scale 3 times. Its a STS! I just cant believe that the scales havent budged an oz up or down$ This 1st stone sure is proving tricky to get off. Anyway going forward this week I am going to keep up 3 days of bike and reduce my portions and see if that makes a difference. If anyone has any suggestions for me I am all ears
Sorry to hear about your STS looking at your food you deserve a loss. It could be doing more exercise that I think can help you maintain and then losses follow. I am no help otherwise on advice - I have had a bad weekend and looking at a gain this week I think so aiming to up the veg and lower the carbs but with little sleep I find this hard so we will see. Hope your LO is good? We are proper in the teething stage at the moment x
Thankyou! I sure hope the losses follow. I do love carbs but i guess they don't love me...lol LO is doing good, I would say she is mildly teething...Always wants something to nibble on and lots and lots of dribble. However no fussiness as off yet. Is your LO having a hard time with teething which equals sleepless nights for you? I do feel sorry for babies so much to deal with...tummy, teeth crawling etc OOoooo is your LO rolling over yet? at around 3months Lo was doing it every now and again but now nothing