Hi Breda, just got a chance to visit your diary. Continued success, you seem to be flying along, and keeping inside the daily points. Your menu is far more varied than mine. I'm intruiged...What brown bread do you eat? Is it the WW sliced pan, or REAL soda bread eg McCambridges sliced soda.
I bought a fresh superValu soda out of habit the other day, after being over 2 weeks off bread. I love it with strawberry jam, of course I cut Man Sized slices, but I'b love to know how to PP Soda Bread.
Looks like you succeeded where I failed on the Stir fry front, good for you. By what I understand from your post, you just fried off your veg for 5 mins after the meat had browned, then flashed in the chilli sauce for the last minute or so? I'm determined to get this right, my first two attempts were dismal.

Glad you got your Ticker & BMI up & running. They're great reminders of the progress we are making.
Best of luck with the weigh in,