breda's ww diary to good health

Jo, as usuail you are right . I know he works really hard for us all and I am just having my moan. It would be worse i suppose if he was going off to the pub but he doesnt drink or smoke. My mother would have said count your blessings girl.!!!!!
Hi Karen ,think our messages crossed. Im glad just to hear that it frustrates someone else and that I am not just an ungreatful whinger. BUT ... you work ouside the home so I feel you have more right to give out . Does that sound stupid ?? but its how i feel.

I feel i bargained to stay at home so I should support his work !!. (I think thats how he feels as well) . Hubbie is a total perfectionist and extreamly loyal to his company. He works as a quality manager. He often brings work home and doesnt give himself a break either . I love when we go away on holidays because at least he is with us all the time but even then he has the blackberry on and checks his e-mails regularly.

I really admire how well he has progressed in his career but miss him a lot at times. I suppose at the end of the day you cant have it all !!! . If he was at home under my feet all day Id probably be complaining too . :argh:
he sounds lovely Breda, a real find! My hubby is similar... he works his butt off and never complains so i can relate to you feeling bad about having gripes with him. Still, i stand by the fact that it is more than reasonable to expect quality time with him. I think the fact you stay home is even more reason for him to spend some time with you. when i was home fulltime, it was very oppressive/isolating and i needed the attention more. Now i am off working/studying, I have other people to do those things with. 1 or 2 nights a week is nothing to expect. it would make you feel more supported in the home and as a wife. if he was out boozing every night, you would be furious and resent him. The fact he is working hard for your family is highly admirable but he is still as absent as he would be if he were at the pub! its not WHERE he is that matters, its that you clearly need some time with him. im waffling but i think you are in the right. is it really isnt much to ask. its not like you are demanding that he be home early every night.. just 1 or 2! xxxx
((Breda)) Firstly, well done on the STS. Hope your tummy sorts itself soon, bloating can be a bit grim.

I totally hear you about your hubby. We work for ourselves but hubby more than does the lion's share and has always worked long hours often arriving home around 8pm. It was always like it and something I learnt to live with - we have a nice life etc and he doesn't drink/smoke (which would be worse!). When our little boy was born, hubby started coming home earlier which really helped - especially with A having additional needs - some days were VERY long lol (suspect the upcoming summer hols will be too!). I feel guilty about having a whinge or a moan because he actually goes out to work etc and I have to work around school hours so percentage-wise I contribute very little to the business. However there is still a lot to a mum's day and craving some proper adult company is so understandable. Hopefully your holiday will give all of you a bit of a break and some quality time together :) M xx
Thanks Karen and Micheala. You are right actually . I think I am just finding the days long at the moment at home all day with Sonny . He has Aspergers so he talks at you about his favourite subjects all the time(In his case cars,top gear and comedy shows on TV) . My closest friend here is off on holidays and I dont really have an extended family just one older brother. (parents both deceased) .

I have thought about going back to part time work just for the social outlet but with my pair there are always appointments and assesments to be attended with them and if anything happens at school I have to be there so its unfair to expect an employer to allow you time off all the time if you only work 4-5 hours a day ... also My carers allowence would probably be more than I would earn so that wouldnt really give you much incentive.

Anyway I think I have blown it all out of my system now. It great to be able to talk and get the opinion of other adults . I do love the bones of him but its not easy to live with a workaholic . Thanks girls ,sorry for bending your ears.
bend away lol

I don't know about you but sometimes I find that getting stuff out on the internet helps me get my head clearer and then it stops it being such a big deal in "real life" :)
Exactly how I felt Miff. Sometimes you just have to blow a fuse (or two) and then when you get it all out there and get a few opinions it kind of diffuses.

I often envy people that have sisters cause I imagine they would know you better than anyone and would be able to talk you down easier . Hubbies sister and I are great pals but Its not the same .I cant go slagging off her only brother to her all the time !!!!!!!......... :D
Forgot to post food for today. Main reason as it has been mainly rubbish so far today:cry:. Will have nice healthy dindins later

30g porridge .................3pp
1/2 pt L.F milk...............4pp

2* slices toast (white bread!!)....5pp
2* tsp flora light.......................1pp
1* Malteesers ice- cream............6pp :eek:

Salmon fillet.............(must point)
200g new potatoes.................4pp

/29 (will edit later)
it must be a full moon - I want really bad stuff today as well and I'm struggling to stay on track. I've decided to come off the simply filling and switch back to pro points this week in order to cover myself because of it - I really fancy some cereal and its just going to be so much easier to do that on PP than on SF!

Oh and I have two brothers - thats probably why I get the whole venting online because they are useless for anything like that lol
Food likes fine today Breda :)

I find the first couple of weeks of the holidays really hard - change of routine for me tbh, thinking how to fill 12 hours a day. Alex is only 4.5 years old so I need to get used to it ;) He misses school dreadfully and just doesn't (yet) understand the concept of six weeks holiday, bless him. I suspect I'll be having my own moments of frustration next week ;)

Take care xx
Hi girls and boys. had a really off day today . went with sonny to Kerry where my friend has her mobile home (she has 4 kids around sonnys age). The weather was dry and bright for most part ,the sun actually came out in the late afternoon. !!!
the kids spent a lot of time down at the beach , boogie boarding, playing football and hurling . we went for a lovely long walk . when we got back to mobile home everyone was starving so we had chips from the on-site chipper(and a burger) .. but it was dinner and I have eaten very little else all day .

Then when we got home I had to collect cat from vet. She had kept him after his x-ray yesterday because he collapsed again when she gave him the sedation and had to give him oxygen and an anti-sedation shot to reverse it fast. !!!!. she managed to get another x-ray today and basically his lungs are collapsing (not the diaphragm hernia as first thought) . Its very strange in a cat so young (2) .. she has put him on antibiotics and is going to get some second opinions but the outlook is not great. :cry:. the collapsing and racing chest is due to the fact he cant get his breath poor fella.

Will get back to putting up menus tomorrow. Have docs appointment tomorrow morning so hope she will take bloods and check thyroid again, will update when I get home.
Well done for sts and big hugs! :) x
Aww Breda, I'm keeping everything crossed for your cat (((()))). I really hope the vet is able to stabilise him xxx
oh no - my sympathies with the cat :( Hopefully they can find the cause quickly and help make him better soon.
Hope your cat gets well soon xx
Hi all . Thanks for all your messages re. cat . Vet wants to see how he does on the antibiotics over the next few days ,then wants to get a second opinion on x-rays...!!!. Think she is flumoxed ...

Confession Time
I have not had a great few days. Things have been sneaking back in and I have to nip this in the bud. Didnt help today when hubbie arrived from town with some of those really nice iced cupcakes that are in the bakers now :whoopass:AND went to cinema with son tonight and had a small bag of pick and mix ... . Its so stupid . I should know better .:wave_cry:

BUT have porridge set up for the morning . have dinner organised and tomorrow is a new start to my week. I have two days to pull a STS and I would be happy . Off on hols next saturday so want to be in control before going. Will be posting my menu tomorrow. I think that was the start of my problems this week actually ,thursday the day I went to the beach ,I didnt track that day and one day blends in to another..... and before you know it I am in trouble. :mad:

Determined to reel this week back in though. That slope is so slippery :cry:
Just begining to feel the benifit of my weight loss now (In health and clothes) and I want it to continue ..Writeing all this down is helping me get my thoughts on track. Thanks for being there everyone.
that's the important thing - look at what caused you to go off track and then learn how to avoid it happening again. Then put it behind you, view today as a whole new day and just get straight back on track without giving the days that didn't work another thought.

I so wish I could follow my own advice sometimes though lol

Oh and what I do with the cinema now is I take my own snacks - either a packet of popcorn I've bought or make up my own little bag of pick n mix so I can actually know how many points I'm using beforehand. If I go for buying at the cinema I know I will end up eating more than I planned and regretting it whereas in reality if I take something with me I get to go slightly off track and have a treat (within my weeklies) but without having the guilt that comes with it. I even took some grapes with me last time which made me feel very virtuous lol They definitely did the trick though - really sweet and kicked my sweet tooth straight into touch.

Good luck getting back on track today - and remember we all have blips but that is all it is - its a slight bump in the road which you've already passed. You'll have more of them along the way but as long as you view them as they really are and react to them right then they really aren't a problem :)
Thanks Jo and Miff. Have been good today ,kept myself buzy ,ironing for hols etc. Thank God I can talk myself round at this stage with help from you all .

Food for Today

30g porridge ...................3pp
1/2pt skim milk................3pp


2* slices bread ...............5pp
2* flora light...................1pp
1 bananna
1 babybel........................1pp
2* satsumas

WW tub ice cream.............2pp
1* babybel.......................1pp

chicken chow mein............9pp

1* WW Yogurt...................1pp

26/29 at mo
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Hi girls, happy with today . Back on track .:D:D. Have added incentive now. A very good friend of mine that I was in college with has announced she is engaged . She is 46(like me) so everyone is thrilled for her . They hope to get married next May so aim to look slim and beautiful !! by then ....

On the down side ,my hubbies company had the cheek to ask him to cut our holidays short and come back from France after one week :sigh:.(important audit coming up end of August) Its really unfair . He works all hours as it is . needless to say I have been quiet vocal on the subject.:mad:. He actually needs the break. (and I do too!!) Its usually takes him a few days to unwind and chill when we go on holidays anyway so then he would only have a few more days and back to work ..I dont think so.. He is going to talk to them again tomorrow.
Yay for getting bk on track xx