Brenda's ickle update thread.....

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Hey, Hun - how goes things?

Been to hospital to see bro-in-law 6 till 7 and Dad 7 till 8 (only allowed one hour on his ward unfortunately) bro in law is not too bad, has to have another scan tomorrow as they are still not sure what is going on with his stomach (was admitted on blues and twos Thursday morning in excruciating pain - 3 lots of morphine just for starters) but he is a lot better although his temp has been up again yesterday. Dad is not quite back to square one but probably about halfway back there, the pneumonia has returned so he is back in hospital for the forseeable future, we all said it was far too soon to discharge him but what do we know? Will go and see him again on Wednesday night after work.

Thanks all, been a bit wild with the food today, could have been far worse but still not brilliant.
Monty is our plec (catfish type thing) - about 12" long and and coming up for 4 years old, tank is a 180 litre Fluval. You can see just how big Monty is by comparing the size of the neon tetras in front of him!
Never rains but it pours, doesn't it Bren. Hopefully they'll at least get your BiL out quick and your dad the longer term care he needs. My nana really really (when she's finally ready to go out again) would benefit from moving in to a place with a warden and no stairs - residential accommodation but not a care home. But no, she always believes she'll be fine on her own and even tries to dismiss her carers, which were the only thing giving dad a few minutes peace of mind. It's like beating your head against a brick wall sometimes.

Monty is gorgeous though! I don't know exactly what a plec is but I love the big grumpy fish who sits looking like eeyore among the little bright ones at our local aquarium. Sometimes me and him have a chat. I love all the little shiny neons too, of course.
Morning All - quick visit as usual.......

Rose, Monty is a catfish - big sucker mouth to clean the algae from the tank, he only has to move and everybody else scatters...........
he looks like his skin would be quite soft but when you touch him he is extrememly scaly and bony, feels quite horrible to hold - shudder!

See you all at lunchtime - be good(ish) xxxx
sorry to read about all your troubles, you're really not having a very nice time just now. it's so hard to see loved ones looking so unwell.

some hugs for you xxxx
Morning Bren, sorry to hear about your BIL love. I sympathise with your dad as well, touch wood all is quiet on my FIL at the moment, he's on pretty much maximum care now, any more and they'll have to put him in a home.

Nice fish pics :)
morning love. Huggles for you xxxx
Thanks lovely people, appreciate you all very much xxxx

confession time - I had a lemon muffin this morning, colleague had birthday on Saturday, and I caved when she brought them in.
You never know Bren, that muffin ciuld be the kickstart you need for the weight going down again.

I'm so sorry about your dad and BiL. Fingers crossed they are both ok. Hospital is certainly the best place for them.
Yeah, stuff the muffin Bren, hope it was at least totally yummy and therefore worth it - I hate when you are dying for something and then give in and it's totally crap!

Sorry your dad isn't good lovey, and sorry to hear about your BIL too. What a week. x
Hi Bren, sorry to hear about bil and dad. Hope for best for both of them
Oh yes - you definitely needed the lemon muffin - hope it was yummy
Look after yourself
God, I have no idea where this evening has gone...............sorry folks am getting totally behind with the diaries and threads - promise to try better tomorrow, but now bed is calling me.

quick update re BiL - they are now thinking Crohns is a possibility - but they have let him out of hospital and he has to go back and see a specialist soon.

Dad is very tired today according to my bro, he also thinks I am going tomorrow but I am supposed to be giving blood and seeing Dad on Wednesday, bro will put him right tomorrow hopefully.

I need about 36 hours in a day at the mo folks, any suggestions?

Love you all - and if there is anything I really really need to know (juicy gossip or owt) drop me a link in here please :D xxx
Morning Bren, I hope it's not Crohns for your BIL love
Morning everybody, feeling like a rat in a maze today, not expecting to accomplish much at all :( hope you are all in a good positive mood and that some of it will rub off on me. xxx
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