Bren's..... Cruise-ade

Anja issue is when I go back to work. Just going to have to drop the walk prob and only go with dog once during the week and on the weekend. DH will have to do weekdays. That then will leave 30 mins in the morning for weights and 10 min bike, before a shower and off to work.

Well a theory anyway. See i leave at 7am and get home around 6.30pm.
brilliant Bren well done!
Whoop whoop Bren! x
Thanks Linz xx. I'm feeling pretty motivated and determined to make this the final diet! Well at least until after child birth! Lol

But look at your ticker, bloody amazing work u!
just catching up on your thread Bren - am so pleased for you. 73.4 - what achievement - you've worked hard and most certainly deserve it! Mrs sit-up queen - you are such an inspiration, you've inspired me to carry on re: exercise, only on 50 situps a day/350 a week, but i'll soon get that number up. such a shame we don't live closer, lol, would gladly have been your exercise buddy! xxx
You work very long hours Bren (or do you have a long drive?). I am out of the house the exact same time as you (15 mins later leaving in the morning) but I walk to work.
Bless Alex xx

I'm glad mouse. I know that plateau is going out the door for you very soon.

Jo it takes my 30 mins to get to work. M-W I finish at 5.30, then pop in the shops on way home. Thurs and fri i try to finish at 4pm, doesn't always work that way!
Linz are u thinking of moving to Melbourne?! A very European part of Australia, very Italian and Greek. Biggest Greek population any where around the world outside of Athens!

No, not hiding anything. Just saying I would like not to have to diet again until after I've had kids! Currently only little Chief! Bless his furry bum:)

Well today has been;
3ltrs of water
2 coffees
20 mins weights, 20 mins bike, 35 min walk the dog

Prawn and egg omelette
Protein bar
And dinner out.... Which invoked 3 vodka d/cokes and grilled fish and steamed veg. It included half a potato, which I ate!

I know the potato was wrong but sometimes the whole diet when we are out takes a beating on hubby. As I'm always ' on a health kick'! .... Yes diet.

But feeling good and just drank a big glass of water, g/tea and my multi vit. Off to bed and just gonna get on with PV tomorrow.

And with my total of 3.4kgs or 7.5 lbs so far I was able to wear my size 13 straight legs jeans and a top which I haven't worn in over a year!

Ooh you're so lovely and young!! Size 13 - we don't have that over here - is it between our 12 and 14, or completely different? Shouldn't you be in bed Missis?
Yep it certainly is mouse. Some jeans labels do 13's. They were only a tiny bit firm around the waist but my top covered it!

Imam gardening all day today so prob will only do the bike later if that?! I jumped on the scales this morn and they revealed a gain, but go given the 3 drinks, 1/2 potato and TOM today I am just going to guzzle the water and exercise extra hard until Thursday. I am catchig up with an old high school friend tomorrow for a drink, not sure if I'll be drinking or having soda water? Will be difficult as I don't want to un unsociable.

Well off to the garden I go!
Well we got three quarters done in the garden. We have a very large property which kept us busy weeding, mowing and removing stuff.

Then my hubby invites our friends around and we had a BBQ!

So here we go
Water 2 ltrs
D/coke 1 ltr
Coffee 2
Gtea 1
Vodka 1 but didn't finish

Yoghurt and bran
Tuna and veg salad
2 protein bars
BBq tofu and salad

Extras ... Friend made a bean salad, so 1Tsp. Also I has about 60g of cheese! But resisted potato salad and breads.

I hope not much damage has been done. Today I'm having a drink with a friend i haven seen in a year, this might be one d/cok and vodka the I will say I'm diving. It's a PP day but might have to be PV then PP until Thursday WI just to balance things out.

I thought last week with TOM starting 2 days after WI and being bloated already that WI would be bad. However I still lost! So maybe it will catch up with me this week? Going to work extra hard at seeing a sts or loss?!
