Well it's morning here and the scales have revealed a 100gm loss! Not much but it's moving and in the right direction. I forgot to mention I had a piece of turkish bread and dip off hubby' plate before dinner last night which might have contributed to the small loss, but not too concerned.
Today is day 3 of the detox drink and it's going fine i have managed to go to the toilet as haven't really been in the past 2/3 days. Hubby is not feeling well but that's good for me as it means we will stay in tonight and I can control my eating. Going to do him a lamb roast with yorkies on the BBQ, he's english, moved here when he was 10.
I have decided to stick with Cohen's for another 19 days. We leave in 29 days. Then do 10 days of a refeed. I just mentioned to Ditzee that I thought about doing CD again for a couple of weeks to try and shift the last few and get to, or near, my holiday goal but then if I change diets my body might think it's a crash diet and gain even more when on holiday so as my body is use to the chemistry of Cohen's going to stay with this and just try to be 100% or as close to as possible as I have had too many deviations recently even though they have been healthy. We all know that diets work when you stick to the original plan the way it's intended.
Sorry for the rant, any thoughts though please tell!