Bren's Diary - The journey begins, again!

The day started off with me being okay with the gain as I drank a little wine everyday over the weekend... oops... fri - half a glass, Sat - a glass and Sun half a glass....!!! DOH. So wasn't too concerned. At morning tea I ate a very very little end of a fruit bun (which i dont even like?) and by 1pm in the afternoon I had only drunk 750 ml.

So after school I ate some blueberries and dinner as planned but snuck in a little picking of muesli from the box, a miso soup and a some extra crisp breads (crackers). However on the up side I have managed to get the water up to 2.8ltr now and I will end with a hot green tea later.

I have just under 5 weeks to go before my holiday and was hoping of just 2 more weeks of hard core strictness so I can gradually increase my food 2 weeks before we leave. Any thoughts people about whether I should continue on with the hardcore or give my body time to adjust so on holiday I dont have a major blow out?

Goal is about 65/66 kilos but for the holiday I would be happy with 67-68 kilos. I'm currently 2.5kg's away from this.

hey there honey. congratulations on your foray into the 60s :D you'll be back in there in no time :)

i would stick on your strict plan for a fortnight and see how you feel then. to be honest i think it's a good idea to start introducing things before you go away or you'll feel sick as a dog once you start eating foods that you aren't used to. however you may show a slight gain before you go away in this scenario... with all the toning and gym work you are doing though, i doubt a small gain will show.

and well done on the superskinny jeans!! do we get a photo?

abz xx
Will work on the photo over the next week and see if I can find a fat one from my birthday last year in July to compare with!

Well done on your loss by the way. I dont think that I will gain too much if anything so long as I keep up the exercise and the places/hotels where we are staying have gyms so will try an aim for keeping up the water and a walk on the treadmill every other day???? Well it sounds good now!
ha. i don't even plan to do things like that on holiday because i know they are totally unrealistic :D

i do tend to swim a lot on holiday though :)

abz xx
Last year I managed the gym 3 times in the 13 days we were there. It's really the alcohol that gets me.

ha.. it's always the carbs and cakes and ice cream that get me bren :D well. almost anything i've been restricting beforehand actually, ha.

but now i'm doing ww and getting used to it, i don't see any reason why i can't go back to this way of eating when we get back. i'm just going to go and calculate the realistic amount of weight i can lose before my dress fitting!!

abz xx
When's the dress fitting??

Maybe we need a goal mine will be 3 ltrs of water or more until for the next 7 days starting tomorrow.

righty ho... if i lose 2lbs a week for the next 14 weeks i will be 12st 3lbs by my dress fitting. and then i'll have another month after that to get down to around 11st 7 which is my goal weight. of course if my weight loss isn't going fast enough there may be a month of cambridge factored into that which would speed things up a bit.

so hopefully i will be at around 13st by the end of april. if not, cambridge ahoy!!

abz xx
mine will be to stick to 20 points a day this week to save some extra up for the weekend... i didn't really manage this last week at all, and still probably went over at the weekend. well. i did. no doubt. but i'm not counting my extra exercise points, which is why i still lost. if i go swimming twice this week and keep up with other exercise (if my back will allow it i'm going to get on the exercise bike again and maybe the wii fit) and stick to 20 points per day, hopefully things will get moving :)

abz xx
They will, try for to take the multi vits they really do help.

Your plan sounds good by not counting the exercise points although I do know that some people swear by it, that you should include them. But I personally wouldn't worry unless you reach a plateu.

Thinking about going to the gym now so see you in a couple of hours.

i'm eating plenty of points bren. there are a couple of things i should count, like milk in my coffee, that i don't. so i'm not worried i'm getting too few calories :)
Well done Bren... sounds like you have everything completely under control allowing yourself a life but remaining in charge of everything that passes your lips! x
Yeah the milk in the coffee .... not sure about that either, so long as you are loosing dont panic about being ultra strict until you have to. If it works for now then it's good yeah!

Linz the wine was not planned for but I did enjoy and have self control. No more now though, well I dont plan on any until i do the refeed stage, hopefully in 2 weeks time.

I've just been to the gym and suffering bad with my sinus, symptoms of the flu but all my snot (sorry peeps...) is clear so know I dont have the flu or an infection. Did 1 hour of tread mill, 15 mins of jogging spread throughout and l took it steady but not to flat out.

Fingers crossed for the morning on the scales.

well done on the work at the gym bren :) all sounds good. an hour on the treadmill!! do you walk while watching the telly then? with bursts of running?

abz xx
wow bren :) good going, well done with the skinny jeans I wouldnt dare wear any until I lost a few more pounds or at least tone up.

you people are really patient with calorie counting, I couldnt count the milk in my tea!

The scales have stayed the same this morning but measurements have gone down a smidge. Just got to persist as my clothes are feeling better and I know I'm pretty on track with the food. Must admit after the weekend and my wine temptation has come back for a few fleeting moments (damn him!).

Just think I'm sitting on a plateu until the end of the week before the drop. My weight always drops around Friday morning and WI in is officially Tues morning is anyone finding this too??

yeah its funny you should say Friday, last week I weighed myself thursday and it stayed the same, then I weighed myself Friday and a pound had gone, I try to keep to weigh in day which is Friday but i scale hop mid week and especially after the weekend.
Georgie you are getting very close to your goal now, are you just eating healthy or on a plan of some sort??

I know I'm loosing even though I'm stuck on the scale as this morning my smallest work pants went on with ease and are not digging in to my tummy or thighs!!! very very pleased about this.

Well the weight is the same today as yesterday and I've eaten extra crisp breads and a CD bar. But I'm not having dinner as I'm not hungry due to an exhibition opening where I had some cheese crackers and dried fruit.... no wine though!!

So basically not really hungry just like the thought that I could eat and also I cannot taste anything due to my severe Hayfever! I'm having the day off tomorrow to re co operate. I'll be doing school work still. I have some marking to do.

How is all?
