BrightAngel's Daily Diary

Great link, just shows all the excuses we do use are just that...excuses! Do you find that different sites give guidelines I tried one the other day and there was 200 calories different on an upper level between two sites.
Well done your doing really well
Wonder what the Charts say about you?

Do you find that different sites give guidelines I tried one the other day and there was 200 calories different on an upper level between two sites.
Thanks, miss jelly tot
I've noticed some small differences between sites,
however, since the majority are based on the Harris/Benedict formula
most of them are very similiar.
Remember....even though one puts in one's own age, height, weight etc.
the result just shows "the AVERAGE",
for one's metabolism, based on the Harris/Benedict or similiar formula.
The link I use most often shows the Results of each formula:
Calories Burned, BMI, BMR & RMR Calculator |
This tells me what the "norm" is,
but the long-term stored information from my own computer food journal Data...
...long-term input of my actual food and my actual weights...
is what I use to determine my actual personal burn.
Yesterday's DOWN Day Results

Yesterday my calorie total was 560.
I feel the day was successful,
even though I went a bit above my DOWN Day Guideline of 500 calories.
Today is an UP day, with a Guideline of 1000 calories.
Yesterday's UP day successful

Yesterday's Up day successful calorie total was 945,
which is just under my 1000 calorie maximum Guideline number.
Yesterday's DD was Successful.

Yesterday's Down Day calorie total was 483,
which was a success.
Wow you're doing really well, keep up the great work hun x
Yes will be interesting to see if your new regime has the desired effect and allows you to lose the 1/2 lb per week. Isn't it strange I find the DDs so much easier than my UDs at the moment. Just know where I am with them. I know you find them tough so let's hope the 500/1000 does the job.
Results of Yesterday's UP day

Yesterday's UP day was a success
for a total of 1006 calories.
GREAT JOB!!!!! Keep it up! :)
Hi hope it's going well... yes I woudl be interested to know how JUDDD has worked for you in these past few weeks. Do you think it has kick started losing again for you?
Weight Results - 2 1/2 weeks on JUDDD

How much weight have u lost since doing Judd?:)
Thanks for your interest.

I re-started Alternate Day Eating again on November 8,
so now I've been doing it for the past 2 1/2 weeks. :rolleyes:

The week before I started, I was holding in the 118 lb range...(I call this my "stabilized" weight)
A couple of days before I started I had a big un-earned, Up-Bounce into the 121 lb range.
Right now, again I'm holding in the 118 lb range,
with occasional Down-Bounces to the mid-117 range.

My interpetation of this is that the first week I dropped about 3 lbs of salt/water/waste from my body,
and I've actually lost about 1/2 lb to 1 lb of fat weight so far.

When I think I've stabilized in a lower pound range, (like 117 or below),
I'll post it in my profile as my "Curent Weight:"

Remember, I've been at my goal weight,
and in Maintenance for the past 4 years,
and my body is far more stubborn than it was in my weight-loss phase.
Results of yesterday's Down Day

Yesterday's DD Calorie total was 428.
Today is an UP day. :D
Although tomorrow is Thanksgiving in the US,
it will be a DD for me.
I'm okay with that because Friday is our big Family Thanksgiving Dinner,
and Friday will be an UP day.
Enjoy your Thanksgiving meal on Friday, must be nice to get together with the family x
Happy Thanksgiving - enjoy your UD tomorrow!
Yesterday's UP day Results

Yesterday's Up day was successful.
My calorie total was 1121.
Today is Thanksgiving Day, and it is a Down Day,
but I will look forward to tomorrow's family Thanksgiving Dinner.
Happy Thanksgiving BrightAngel xxx
Thanksgiving Down Day Results

Yesterday's Thanksgiving Down Day calorie total was 584,
which was a Success, since my Guideline is 500 calories.
I ate and drank like a normal Down Day.
This morning, however, my scale registered a 2 lb gain, up to 120 lbs. :sigh:
I sometimes get these Up-Bounces for no perceptible reason,
that is why I work to disregard them...
as well as Down-Bounces, until they "stabilize".
I work to focus on what I term my "stabilized" weight...which, at present, is 118 lbs.

Perhaps this will help me keep my calories low
at my Family Thanksgiving Dinner during today's UP day.