Brighton Meet 29/30th August incl pics!

Grrr I just realised I might have 2 martial arts gradings that day. I will find out for sure tonight.

Have you found out Taz?

Lacey..xx :)
OOo it's not long now is it, how exciting!!

Yeah I got 2 gradings on the Saturday so I won't be able to make it. I was looking forward to that too!

Oh no!!! What a shame :sigh:
Really sorry you can't make it Taz. Would love to have met you. Of course, you could always come and I'll grade you! Fancy judo instead of karate, cos I can grade on that one :D

We could turn the hotel room into a dojo and you can practice your o-goshis on Lacey:p

Really looking forward to the meet. Forget troubles, spread the luuuurrrrve and have a laugh :)
Eeek! I've lost track of who's coming to this meet and on which days? (I blame my age :rolleyes:)

Can we have a bit of a 'role-call' to refresh my poor old memory? I'll start :)

Summerskye (Sharon) - Friday and Saturday
Friday and Saturday
Summerskye (Sharon)
Blue_Grapey (Leah)
Porgeous (Georgie)

Friday and Saturday
Summerskye (Sharon)
Blue_Grapey (Leah)
Porgeous (Georgie)
Cat (Kitteh)
Irene (IreneH)
Dancing (Bronwyn)?

We're also down on the thursday
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You're coming friday& saturday AND saturday?!

this is why i'm the observant one and you aren't m'lady xx
Friday and Saturday
Summerskye (Sharon)
Blue_Grapey (Leah)
Porgeous (Georgie)
Mary Poppins(Susan)
Dancing (Bronwyn)?
LMAO @ cat!
Friday and Saturday
Summerskye (Sharon)
Blue_Grapey (Leah)
Porgeous (Georgie)
Kitteh (Cat)
IreneH (Irene)
Mary Poppins(Susan)

Dancing (Bronwyn)?

This is looking GOOD!! Who else is coming? :D
Friday and Saturday
Summerskye (Sharon)
Blue_Grapey (Leah)
Porgeous (Georgie)
Kitteh (Cat)
IreneH (Irene)
Mary Poppins(Susan)

Dancing (Bronwyn)?
Flirty (Beverley) and KP (KP)

and maybe Sandy my sis ... and her fella!! (anyone else I can find to bring along!!!)
and maybe Sandy my sis ... and her fella!! (anyone else I can find to bring along!!!)

The more the merrier! I'll be '+ 1' too (and probably staying on Sunday as well :))
I have to leave at like 8am sunday! KILL ME NOW!!
I have to leave at like 8am sunday! KILL ME NOW!!

The important thing is that you'll be there in the first place. Just don't wake us up when ya leave ;):p

PS. I love your "No sh*t Sherlock!" quote :D