Well Madame le ketosis fairy has decided to pay an early visit this time round.....it is only a very pale shade of pink but it's pink none the less....I had stopped obsessing over ketostix a while back, but I do want to do a few experiments and work out whether certain things such as coke zero knock me out as I suspect. I also know I get kicked out of ketosis and start to feel hungry if I have a whole bar... Will see what effect a third or if I'm brave a half bar has on the ketosis front.....
I have also decided that when it comes to weigh ins I'm not gonna have a weekly total, it puts too much pressure on and is sooooo depressing when you sts or makes me wanna treat myself if I've done well. This is not to say that I have the will power of steel that some of my fellow exantees are showing when it comes to the scales, rather that I'm gonna weigh in as and when and update my stats as I go along (alas this will probably be daily!!). This way I'm slowly chipping away at the remainder.
It's getting on a bit now and I'm clearly waffling so I best stop. I want bed - I didn't get to sleep till half four last night and Its just hit me that I am totally cream crackered.
Night all