Bring it on.....

Good luck Cookie. I may be back myself for a couple of weeks to give me a boost in the weight loss department but putting that off as long as possible.
Thanks luv.

I love the low carb way but the speed of the losses and the convenience of the not having to cook and plan meals on exante is awesome!!
I Really do want to return to low carb route in a couple of weeks when life has hopefully settled down a little and I'm in a better frame of mind.
Oh Sweets, sorry to hear of your loss :hug99:

Good luck on your new Exante journey

Day one done and dusted....will have to casually saunter over to HONK thread and make a very loud noise!!!!

Night all and thanks for all the support already,
I've missed you guys!!!
Great to have you back, Hun

Well done on the honk

well done on getting through day 1.
Well, day 2 here we go.....

I've had a half a vanilla pack made up as a rather scrummy latte and I have been drinking copius amounts of green tea - I may regret this later when I'm out and about trying to get my son settled back into nursery.

Got a bit of a headache at the mo - I need to up the water intake methinks. I don't know what has happened to all my funky water bottles.....
Oh man! I forgot how much time I used to spend on here.....
I am sat in the library trying to catch up on work while my sons at nursery and lo and behold I find my way onto here......grrr.... Must do some work now....zzzzzzzzzz
Well done on honking. Ive pretty much made up my mind that Im going to do 30 days of Exante once Jillian is finished and Im hoping that because I know its for a specific time Ill be able to struggle through any bad times. Thats the theory anyway, lol.
Sounds like a plan!
I shouldn't get ahead of myself, but somehow I seem to be finding easier this time Round after having had a period of eating. I know the score with it as you clearly do and I also know that it's a short sharpe push to get me back in the right direction before resuming an eating plan that really is doable and to be honest quite enjoyable!!

Good luck with getting through the rest of the shred - there is no way I would be able to do anything so hardcore on exante - might have to give it a try once I move back to the low carbing....we shall see.....
Fingers crossed its easy for me as well then Cookie coz I know how much I was struggling towards the end. Time will tell though. I definitely wouldnt recommend Jillian while doing TS. Its just too tough.
yep thats when i fell off the exante journey as i started doing jillian while on tfr but it is too much i would only do it again when i start adding food. hows day 3 going?
Not bad thanks,

large coffee in morning and then just half a hot mint choc and half a bar.
I must really up the water again today - keep forgetting. I also should really take some linseed or psyllium (not that you really want to know that!)

I have to really get myself into gear and organised I have a lot to catch up on work/study wise over the next couple of weeks else I'm gonna end up in a frantic mess later and be more prone to falling off the old waggon.

So cookie is gonna get cracking and try to organise her life.....there is a first time for everything!
Well Madame le ketosis fairy has decided to pay an early visit this time is only a very pale shade of pink but it's pink none the less....I had stopped obsessing over ketostix a while back, but I do want to do a few experiments and work out whether certain things such as coke zero knock me out as I suspect. I also know I get kicked out of ketosis and start to feel hungry if I have a whole bar... Will see what effect a third or if I'm brave a half bar has on the ketosis front.....

I have also decided that when it comes to weigh ins I'm not gonna have a weekly total, it puts too much pressure on and is sooooo depressing when you sts or makes me wanna treat myself if I've done well. This is not to say that I have the will power of steel that some of my fellow exantees are showing when it comes to the scales, rather that I'm gonna weigh in as and when and update my stats as I go along (alas this will probably be daily!!). This way I'm slowly chipping away at the remainder.

It's getting on a bit now and I'm clearly waffling so I best stop. I want bed - I didn't get to sleep till half four last night and Its just hit me that I am totally cream crackered.

Night all
good idea on the weigning front might pinch the idea off you to . glad your doing well. im on day 2 and feeling good so far. what is happening in the world have you seen the japan tsunami this morning.
:hide: moi??

So glad the ketosis fairy has visited, Hun

I know it really is scary - the world seems to be going mad...I've been burying my head in the sand and trying not to think too hard about what's been going on over the past few months else I'll get totally freaked out ....not the best solution I guess.

Thoughts and prayers with everyone caught up in any of the awful situations going on around the world at the mo.

Cookies CROSS

Well I'm not too happy a bunny right now....had sudden unannounced/unexpected guest turn up at the front door. Alas with 2 4 year olds running around at home at the mo, the place is far from pristine (to put it mildly) and to make matters worse I had to put some food together for them and they are the type of people that would have taken great offence if I hadn't joined them - even if I explained about the diet :(

I'm really annoyed as I had been really going for it. Anyway - straight back on it now, but no honk tonight and day one again tom.....grrrr!
dont beat yourself up hun sometimes you cant help it especially when you have guests. just start again tomorrow and dont let the guilt get you down your doing so well. get back up and dust yourself off. xxx