Update on this sad story.
Very upsetting to read about this update.
When I first heard about Georgia, when she went to a Fat Camp in the USA, I was worried because I felt that the issues that lead to her putting on so much weight, so quickly, needed to be addressed as a priority. Why does a child suddenly start ballooning in weight over a relatively short period?
Reducing the weight merely deals with the symptoms of another 'illness' which surely needs to be explored. I feel that in-depth counselling and support over the long term will do more to help her change her relationship with food. Once that begins to happen, she can start eating to live instead of living to eat, and so start losing the weight again.
They we discussing her case on The Wright Stuff this morning. I was half listening while pottering about, and felt frustrated that the people talking about Georgia's case didn't really have a clue. All this rubbish about 'eating less', 'exercise', 'portion size', yada yada yada.
When you feel so bad about yourself, when it is a massive effort (not physical) to just exist in the world and go about your business, when the only thing that
numbs you, anesthetises you, takes it all away, is food, then that is where you will retreat to when you can. Isn't it? I certainly know how an alcoholic feels, and I guess she does too. Sadly, people with a food addiction cannot keep away from the stuff, they have to learn a way to live with it. Georgia needs help and major support to do this, it is not just a matter of losing the weight again.
I hope she isn't failed again...