I understand that she is addicted to food, and certainly I am sure her parents could have helped her more, but for those of you who say that she is just a teenager and can't be responsible for her decline into this state, in a lot of the articles she has been labelled as an official carer for her disabled parents... so how can you have someone classed as a carer for others and absolve them of the responsibility of caring for themselves?
The information, training and education she received in the US (at a hefty £3600 a month) should have been enough for her to get by on. If she were in the right place mentally (which she should have been after her US trip) she could have turned around and joined a WW / SW meeting when she was 18st, a fiver a week is far cheaper than fish and chips for lunch every day! And there are places of support, like minimins.com that us food addicts can turn to.
So yes, she had a lousy start, as a child, to be so obese so young, but she had a better opportunity than most to retain that expensive education she was given (I was wondering who paid for it?) and she squandered it. It is easy to do so; I lost 5st on LL and put on 6 in 18 months since then, now I'm doing my best to get back down and go the whole way, utilising the support on here as much as I can!
She now has the mammoth task of losing 30ish stones after recovering from organ failure aged 20... Even should she lose the weight, at 20 y/o what will her life expectancy be??? It's sad, depressing and awful but we can't blame a lack of education / her parents / her age...
She has to take responsibility and stop blaming things (mom put fish and chips on my plate, the gyms were too expensive, the NHS didnt provide a personal trainer.... NO but it did cost 100K to cut you out of your house....!)
Sorry if this sounds harsh but I feel it makes it harder for the NHS to support people who have overcome obesity and need help with tummy tucks etc, when they see high profile stories like this.
I hope she does what she needs to, but she needs to be the one to take charge now!