she didnt have to EAT the stuff, she could have tried to get her mum to eat healthily. Shes old enough to take control, shes not a child any more, shes an adult, making adult choices. She could have helped educate her mum with the knowledge she got in the US
I do agree that something should have been done way before she got to 33 stones, but something WAS done when she was that weight, at the NHS expense she got SO much help then came back and just went back to her old habits - as an adult, not a child. I do most definitely agree her mum is responsible for her initial problems, but she came back, looking great, so healthy and active. From what she says she made NO effort to change her mums outlook... her mum wasnt the one who had just spent all those months with the experts, her mum didnt get all the help and advice. SHE did, SHE should have come back and explained to her mother what was needed or just said NO to the fish and chips & made something for herself. She doesnt even seem to have made eny effort to change things, theres no mention of her offering to do some food shopping, prepare meals etc, no, she came home, and just went back to what shed been doing all along
It something you see on here all the time, people slate VLCDs 'Oh youll gain all your weight back on again' No you wont, how you lose weight is irrelevant, once youve lost it its what you do when you try to maintain, or to lose more than influences your success, not how you lost the weight.
I think its just so so sad, shes clearly not in the right mindset to lose weight, again until she takes responsibility and even if she does, does she actually have time left to make enough changes to save her life

You have to wonder, the medical profession will intervene if someone is starving themsellves to death, theyll step in and force the person to be hospitalised, fed etc, yet at the other end of the scale, it seems to be a totally different position, yet shes killing herself too.