Brum's-diddly-done!! Has anyone seen some lost livers?

lmfao Jemima ;) (puddleduck?)
i think if we wait till next month cos then the train prices are up too :)

i know cheryl is really a cheryl cos ive spoken to her :)
oh im excited :)

I'm back :wave_cry:
But am having major laptop problems (basically it's deid) so very limited access so have had no chance to catch up but liked the look of this thread ...
Had a fabby holiday, girls loved it and met all the Disney furry friends though still not happy with photos (look awful I think :cry:).
Stayed on track ish until the last couple of days then got horrible tummy bug so WI only 1kg up good news but god the photos :cry:
Hope y'all are doing well, having great losses and I'll be back on track tomorrow and on-line when I revive laptop or buy a new one :)
And WW thank you for waiting for us holidaymakers to pipe up you're a star and I'd love to come but would probably need to combine with family if that would be ok?
Did think we could maybe combine with something maybe sponsored walk / jog / run or something (race for life etc) ...... (run and hide if you all think I'm mental).
Hugs to all xxx
welcome back! whats wrong with the pics babe. and well done thats not bad for a week away my love. run?? what ?? was planning on vodka wine and indian food !
Welcome back Flutter - glad you had a good time, and I am sure the photos are not as bad as you think - we are all too hard on ourselves that way!
Hey all. We were not playing cluedo we are giving our real names. We are all mass murderers dont you know!
Lol. I have spoken to Vicky and know she is who she says she is. Also know her address, clothes size, all about her stone unturned, she really is who she says she is. Me on the other hand.............STALKER ALERT!
PMSL Cheryl!

And Jemima - you seemed to slip onto that role a little too easily for my liking...

Flutter, Flutter, Flutter, you're back!!!! :):):) So pleased you're gonna come. I should have said also, that Waterworksers travel en famille at times, so all 4 of us might have to be in Brum, but I would leave OH on duty with the children while I entertain you lot with my wit and repartee for the you can't wait now. ;)
I wouldnt worry hun, he'll probably want to come to make sure you are safe with us all! Pmsl. I may end up bringing my 2 as it seems with my courses and extra work i will be away from them a fair bit and im not used to that. Dont know how i will cope.
Aha! You're thinking we need a daytime family-friendly meet-up you say Cheryl? Segueing (is that a word or what) seamlessly into an adult-only meal and drinks? :D

Well, if you insist...
cheryl you still have to share room with me :(
Mine will be 7 and 8 by next March. :):)
And Jemima - you seemed to slip onto that role a little too easily for my liking...

Hey flutter, welcome back love. :)
I haven't read the middle pages of the thread yet but I don't know if I'll be able to make it. My husband is usually gone most of March, so childcare will be a big problem for me if I try to get away (I'm in Scotland so it's a bit of a trek... can't just sneak down for the evening!) But I really appreciate you all holding off til us holidayers made it back!

Flutter - good to see you back! Don't worry about the pics - I don't have many of me from my trip (why am I the one always holding the camera?) but I suppose we can always take more pictures.
apparently train fares going up in jan so as soon as they come available for march which should be next month im booking.
Hey Seraphine if I come along I'll be taking kids (and hubby) with me could you take your kids along? How old are they - mine will be 1 and 3? x
i think some people will be doing kiddie meet up in afternoon then just us on the night. ill be going to crufts during the day if anyone wants to come. Bren????