Full Member
Great stuff Peggy! We're officially 11lbs lighter than 3 weeks ago, we'll done to us! (And everyone else who did the challenge)
I have a training course coming up for work which includes an overnight stay at a hotel, so that's dinner, breakfast and lunch that will be provided and I can already hear myself saying I'll just come off LT for that day and I'll just have bacon and eggs for breakfast and not overload on carbs, then I'll still lose. Aaargh! What am I gonna do, we'll all be expected to eat together and I don't want everyone to know??
Is it just me or has everyone else noticed the sheer amount of adverts on tv for food!! No wonder we're a nation of obese people. It's amazing how you notice just how much food is shoved in your face (and into your subconscious) when you don't eat. Naughty advertisers.
I tried on a t-shirt today that I haven't worn since before I started, then I just had to show my family, then I had to take a pic! Amazed myself!
What the actual funk! I'm fuming! I've been perfect this week, at least 2ltrs every day, 3 shakes every day and no cheating and what are all my efforts rewarded with... 0.8lbs!!!! Very bad mood now. (Dont worry, I'm not going to binge)
I tried on a t-shirt today that I haven't worn since before I started, then I just had to show my family, then I had to take a pic! Amazed myself!