Run Fat Girl Run!!
Well I was out running (badly) today and in my musings I was thinking about runners. I mean when do you ever see a fat runner? Drive round and you'll see that their all skinny runts. Well I'm one of the Very rare breed that is the fat runner. Ok so I can't really be classed as a runner yet, I'm barely a jogger, but that isn't the point. I hope that soon I can be classed as a runner, and even better, a skinny runt. It would just be amazing.
But then I thought of what some of my colleagues had said when I told them I was starting to run. They said running is bad for you. And this got me on another train of thought. Why do people think running is bad for you? I mean running is what we were MADE to do. You back 3000 years and if we wanted dinner we had to go and catch it. That included running. But with todays modern society running has changed a lot to how it was back then. 3000 years ago we didn't wear shoes and special sports gear and we didn't run on roads or treadmills. We were barefoot and running on open ground. Through the grass and dirt. That is natural running. We have over engineered it because we are modern humans. And our engineering is probably what makes it so 'bad' for us. If runners ran today the way they did all those years ago I doubt we would have half the injuries we do now.
So I want to be a runner, I will wear shoes however I am going to try my hardest to avoid the unnatural running on roads and treadmills. I already hate treadmills so that's not a problem but roads may be harder. I think I'll just have to wait and see!