don't worry i literally won't be able to shut up about it!! you'll be getting bored of me lol!!!
we had the whole awkward good bye thing, you know when you think ok i really like you, does he like me?! i don't know?! i don't want to do anything too forward if he doesn't like me that will be awkward....but he was such a gent, hug and a kiss on the cheek. But then he emailed just now to say he was really nervous again at the end for the same reasons as me! lol! but it's all good now, we know we both like each other!
That's also another positive, he seems very gentlemanly - opening doors, walked me to my car, always texts to say drive safely, let me know when you get home that sort of thing! Little things like that are HUGE things to me! with my ex i could drive 200 miles and not a word, whereas if someone drives like 10 minutes i'm like drive safely! just in my nature! so yer it's a biggie for me

ooo also he dresses nicely as well, just my taste! xxx