Good Morning lovely ladies,
I had a chinese on Saturday!!!! but otherwise wasn't too bad over the week.........i say not too bad - obvs the chinese was bad enough lol!!!
Back on it today though, fruit for brekkie - not sure what i'm having for lunch, dinner is chicken stuffed with Garlic and Herb soft cheese (1 1/2 syns) wrapped in bacon, then going to do oven roasted rosemary and garlic new potatoes and fine beans and brocolli and i can't wait for dinner haha!!
Did everyone have a good weekend??
I saw my friend on saturday, she was up from Cornwall so we went out for a girly lunch - i had grilled chicken with salad and jacket potato and really enjoyed it. Then got home and chilled out watching Greys Anatomy (i'm addicted!), Then had the naughty chinese and i did enjoy every single mouthful! Yesterday my mum was off to for a Spa over night stay with her friend, so me and the puppies had a lazy morning and then went for a nice long walk! Then date number two happened! we were going to go to the cinema as i said before, this was going to be saturday but we changed it to Sunday. He was at his parents doing bits to their house, then came home etc. So we decided to just stay in and chill out so he came over and we watched a film, now i wouldn't invite anyone round sort of as a second date but just the way he is i could tell he doesn't exactly take advantage (i was proven to be right!

! ). Now one test is always whether Benny likes them, he tends to have a good judge of character so if he stops barking in under five minutes then its a good sign....he stopped within about 30 seconds and just wanted to lick his face lol!! so thumbs up from my furbaby! anyway, we just watched a film but really pretty much talked throughout all of it! lol!
Then we said goodbye, he is such a gent though, like he said he got nervous again saying goodbye because he didn't want to just kiss me in case i didn't want that etc - which is so different from what is sort of the norm (well tends to me), guys seem to just do whatever they want. so yer that was a massive thumbs up! He said all this there and then, and i just said i think it's that we both want the same and we are on the same page, so we had a nice goodnight kiss

if i'm honest i didn't want him to go!! it's all so exciting at the moment, then he text me when he got home....and said he didn't want to go! lol so we definitely do think along the same lines!! lol! said goodnight, then he text me this morning and we have been emailing! He says he keeps thinking of me etc which is sweet!
Also, i went onto POF on Saturday to just clear off messages and wanted to delete my photo's and he had deleted all his photo's too! made me smile, sometimes you start dating someone and they are always still on POF - which is fine obviously because nothing is exclusive and all very early days, but just nice that someone is the same, sort of not still looking elsewhere!
So, not sure when i will see him again, just wait and see what happens, was definitely a nice end to my weekend

although i completely struggled getting up this morning!!!! ahhh i was so tired!!!! xxxx