Morning girlies I've so not been on the diet this week, with all the work stress and being on cloud nine haha!!! Anyway will get bk to it on Monday! Back on track! So date wise, been talking as normal all day yesterdaycrazy that I only saw him a day ago yet feels like weeks. He says the same too which is sweet!! Just so strange how we can just talk everyday and not run out of things to say!! Ok so tonight, he's going to come round and we are just going to chill out and watch a film or something BUT mum will be in so technically he's meeting my mum ..... Gulp!!! I said like about coming over but mum will be in no pressure at all we can go cinema or something instead. He said no Id like to come over and then said I wouldn't consider meeting parents this early but I really like you .... I said exactly the same I wouldn't consider introducing him but I do really like him. It's so weird how this is all happening, well not weird, I guess when it's right it's right isn't it?! But anyway I can't wait to see him tonight!!!! It's like since we started talking I just haven't bothered going back on pof and I mean from the minute we stopped talking on there and started txting I just haven't bothered. He hasn't either!! And I went on there the other day to delete my pictures and he had deleted his and hide his profile!!! So cute!!! Normally you talk to someone but then you see that they are usually online still on pof! But he hasn't been! So still seems like Mr Perfect!! Loved reading all your love stories!!! I'm such a hopeless romantic!! Can't wait to see if this turns into a fairytale happy ending. Xxxx
Just weighed in so that I'm not ignoring my bad week and still lost 1/2 lb! I know it's teeny tiny but still going down! Xxxx
Eeeeek! !! You both sound so cute!
I like the idea of making ' it' special. Although not too planned as I find it quite pressurising! At least you will know to shave your legs though!!
Maybe he's embarrassed about his house? It could be messy or not very presentable. He may even have batman wallpaper haha .
See where it goes, enjoy dating and don't rush past it all to get too serious too soon. That's my view anyway. But it all sounds very positive!
I feel like I'm watching a really soppy romcom in instalments!! I looooove it!! He certainly sounds like a true gent, sounds like you've caught a good en there!! I'm really really pleased for you!!
I can't wait for the romantic weekend, I'm looking forward to it for you!! Hehe get those legs shaved girl! He sounds very very sweet.
Been for weigh in today..... But before I went I called to a clothes store near me for a browse, I really need a new winter coat coz mine is too thin, I was pregnant last year so always boiling so this year I'm extra cold! Anyway when I started sw I was a size 16, u would kid myself and say 14 but 90% of my clothes were a 16. Anyway went into shop seen an ok coat, didn't want to spend loads as I'm hoping to be in a much smaller clothes size soon... So I picked up a 14 and tried on..... Too big!!! Yes it was too big!! So I thought, hmmmm I'll just try a 12, expecting me not to be able to move in it.... And it fits!!! Like a glove!! Omg a size 12!!! Now I know it's probably a big sized brand and blah blah blah, but who cares?!?! It's a 12!!! I was so thrilled I kept it on in the shop and put my old size 16 in the bag!! I felt absolutely on top of the world!!
So I swaggered into group, didn't have a care in the world what weigh in was going to say coz I had a size 12 coat hanging on the back on my chair so I didn't care! I've cheated lots this week, got very drunk Friday and ate crips, chocs, popcorn, had a meal out Saturday and another Chinese in the week!! But I stepped on and if lost 3lbs!! That takes me into the next stone bracket down! Also got slimmer of the week1.5 lbs to go till my first stone award. So my 12.5 lbs lost so far added to my 9lbs off before I started sw is 21.5lbs so far, a stone and a half!! Yeeeeeeee haaaaaa!!
If you didn't know already, I'm very very very very happy today!! Xx
Hello guys! Where is everybody? I need an update on the on going love story![]()