Bumblebums Last Chance Saloon.....revisited!

well, I like that theory. I'll do anything for a sneaky glass of wine! Although, I have worked out I can drink vodka and diet coke or tonic without too much guilt. Yay, bring on the vodie!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Good look with the w/e, they used to be my worse time. I was a nightmare for having wine and pizza!!! Now I have learnt that exercise = wine and pizza. So do lots of exercise then enjoy the rewards! :)
No wine... Bumble, you are a saint, good luck!!!... I'm with Squeezy, bring on the voddie, lol!!! x
Well Shazzabir, I do believe the weekends will get to me in the end, but for now I am staying strong while OH and bro eat crap!!!!!!!! :mad:
Crab sticks and avacado for me.
Didn't manage t get on here yesterday as busy day and kids hogging the pooter!:rolleyes:

Well I went and did it yesterday - signed up for the local leisure pass. So can now go swimming, gym'ing and ice skating etc whenever I want!:) Took the munchkin swimming yesterday afternoon and went lanes swimming this morning. Also off to Aquafit later. I'll be wasting away at this rate!!:woohoo:

Also been very good on the food front. Menu for today looks a bit like this:

B: Toast and coffee
L: Beef sandwich and pom bears
D: Roast veg, chicken breast and new potatos
Snacks: Ryvita Minis, Apple, banana

Drinks: Going for 2 litres+ today (water that is, not wine. Not touched alcohol at all this weekend!!:innocent0002:)

2 litres of wine, yum yum :p

Well done on the leisure pass. Sounds like you are really going to get lots out of it. Maybe you should take up ice skating and then you can appear on Dancing on ice next year!!
Great menu :) I love pom bears xx
Thanks Squeezy :) Yep, am really going for it. Don't think you'll see me on Dancing on Ice anytime soon...my balance is terrible:rolleyes:
That's great! Well done!
That's a fantastic loss, well done!
Great news about the leisure pass. :)
Wow well done!! Your leisure pass sounds awesome!! I love iceskating! And wooo on the 5lbs!! That's a mahoooosive loss!! High five :)

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Wow, awesome, you rock bumble!!! x
Monday - bleugh! Feel very tired today. Think two lots of swimming yesterday took it out of me lol!!:D

Day off of swimming etc today. But do have to tidy and clean the house so that should burn a few cals.:)

Menu today:

B: Belvita (am I the only person in the world that chokes to death on these things???:rolleyes:) coffee
L: Beef and cucumber sandwiches, fruit pot thing
D: Chicken, Jacket potato, ratatouille

Drinks: I WILL do 2 litres of water today!

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wow 5lb, thats great! well done!
Eeek! Gym induction day!!!:argh: Haven't been to a gym in about 12 years! Actually, I'm looking forward to it - know I'll be fine once I get there. Am intent on doing stuff - even if its out of my comfort zone.

Not sure on todays menu yet as have no idea whats in the freezer. Will update later!!

Hope it goes well!
Thanks guys! Well I did it! Why do they have to have fit young men show you round though :confused: I felt like a right lardy!:eek: Did 15 mins on bike and 15 on treadmill and then collapsed in a sweaty heap!:D

Proud of myself though - and looking forward to going again tomorrow!!
