ButtErFlies-In It To Win It

Aww - thanks so much for that Claira! I'd love to keep posting on here and chatting to you all but I just thought that now I'd 'defected', it wouldn't be possible!
I've still got such a strong determination to get to my target but CD just proved too much for me - I felt like I was going absolutely crazy for food but unable to do anything but ss. I was getting very obsessed and strung up on single mouthfuls of food and how I was a 'bad' person for giving in and I just don't feel thats a healthy state of mind for me.
Also, I have an 18 yr old daughter who is beginning to struggle with her weight and has been going to an SW group on her own and trying to do the meals by herself. She's not very organised and hasn't made the best start so I thought that by joining her, it would give her some much needed support as well as getting some more weight off me. I know my losses will be slower but at least there will BE losses - something I've not had for a few weeks now with CD due to the fact that I start the week well, lose weight then spend the second half of the week blowing it and putting it back on. I just thought it was time to make the change before I feel too jaded about CD and unable to go back to it in the future. I'll never regret doing CD cos the weight losses I've had on it have given me back some self-respect and a sense of calm - that panicky feeling about how large I was getting has definitely subsided.
I'll keep posting on here with pleasure and I'd love to do anything I can to support you all - promise I won't come on talking about food all the time either!!! What a nightmare that would be eh???
Thanks again - your ace!!!!!!!! Speak to you soon and you keep up the great work! xxxxxxx
bless that will be good to support your daughter too, you will have your bmi down to 30 in no time, and soon be under 200lb, let us know when you get to that, and keep changing your weight accordingly, even if you dont post, we can see how your doing, xxxx
Evening Girls, Well done Claira on hitting 13 stone, that's a great achievement hun.

Sorry to hear your having a rough time Asa, we are all here for you and don't worry about posting if you have had a bad day, what use are friends if we are only here for the good- we are here for the rough and smooth side of the cd journey xx

Wannabe, I am sad to hear you are leaving us but pleased that you are happy and have found something that has made you felt better about dieting. Please still come on and post, you are a butterfly no matter which way you loose it. Take care sweetie xx
I am getting anxious about my weigh on Monday as I have done ss+ this week and I'm wondering how it's gonna affect things. Fingers crossed I still have a good loss.

I may be getting my Mountain bike tomorrow-I am so excited. I was toying with the idea and then worrying about how the bike would fair up with my big bum on it but my Dad had reassured me that they can take alot of pressure so not to worry and go for it. Also worried about the cost but my Hubby says I deserve for what I have lost, so may take the plunge and get a lovely Appollo limited edition mountain bike which is half price at the moment in Halfords. If I don't come on for a while you know I have fallen off and broken something lol. xx
lol, youll be fine youve done well, roda a bike at around 230lb and i have no co-ordination, and can only ride on a cycle path, lol,
i may go to the gym in the morning, i havnt had any shakes today just food, i had chicken and veg but added a poached egg cos i really wanted one, then just had celery and a spoon of cottage cheese, think im gonna ss tomorrow cos i know ive gone to far, im not too annoyed at myself but im not happy with myself either,
zoe i lost the same on my 1st ss+ week as ss, so youll be fine good luck xxx
...I've now come to the conclusion that I can't carry on with CD - its just TOO punishing and I was getting that constant feeling of failure everytime I ate something and the more I felt it, the more I did it. It was really messing with my head. I don't regret doing CD at all cos I've lost 2 stone 4lbs on it but nows the time for a change so I've joined Slimming World (where I previously lost 6 stone). I hope you don't mind me posting this - its just that I didnt want to simply disappear without expressing my total gratitude for all the support, love and kindness that I've found with you all...

Sorry I haven't been around everyone.

I've been going through something similar to Lovely. I deliberately took myself off CD on the week running up to my trip to Paris last weekend. I knew that there was no way I'd stick to CD with all the choice available. The week before I went I found it almost impossible to eat the cranberry bar for lunch. I couldn't stand the taste, so I dropped lunch and just had a shake for breakfast and then ate chicken and salad for dinner. When I came back from my weekend away I couldn't face starting into CD again.

I've decided to start Slimming World next week. I put 3lb on while away, which I've lost again this week plus another pound. I've been able to do this while eating a healthy balanced diet. I feel it's time to switch to SW as it is more flexible and fits in with my family better.

CD has been great up to this point, but I know it's time to change for me. I want to keep going until I reach my goal, I just know that this will be a slower journey, but I will be happier.

I'll pop back every so often to see how you are all getting on, but for now I'll probably disappear for a while.

Good luck everyone.
same goes for you luvvy, come and chat, keep putting your losses on and theres the group, we dont want to loose you either, good luck with s/w, you dont have far to go now xxx
whos left now, and what have we got left to loose,

claira, on wk 12- 42lb gone 57lb to go x

louie lou

hope i didnt miss anyone,
or anyone else out there needing support or with support to give xxx
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Hi all, i nearly passed out today, my husband had to go to the CDC a day early while i was at work because she rang and asked if we could go earlier than we had planned, which was sunday.

She is going on holiday and we had to buy 3 weeks worth £330 in one go. :eek:
I know it makes no differance whether we buy it each week or all in one go, but it seems more.

No proper weigh in for me this sunday or for the next 3 weeks either, so i will use my scales on a sunday morning before work, then i will be going on holiday too.

claira, on wk 12- 42lb gone 57lb to go x
louie lou, on wk 12-47lbs gone 106lbs to go
well done on your losses i hope you feel better now after your dizzy spell, it seems like so much, but then theres 2 of you also, think how much it would be on the food bill if you were both eating,
how heavy was your hubby and how is he doing now?
what have you lost betwwen you ?xxxxx
Ah, just hate myself... I didn't keep my promise to myself yesterday, something that I wanted to eat was more important... And now I am, ashamed and tired of myself, going out to get some more. I do imagine this is what a drug addict feels like. I am embarrassed, but decided to go anyway. I just need this last snacks before going on CD until Christmas. Then is when I think I am going to be done. I am thinking this will be the "last day" before I go on the diet. But when I think that every day, I will fail of course. I know this behavior from before so well. I am just so tired. Don't want to do anything but watch TV and eat unhealthy stuff. I wish I could get the one day at a time perspective, because I think until Christmas is a really long time. As I am writing this I think I sound and act like a complete and pathetic moaner. And if it was someone else, I would think "get over it, and just DO it" or at least tell myself that I need to make a choice and decide what I want, and stick to it. I think I want to loose weight, but clearly, I rather just satisfy my cravings and "medicate".

Oh wow, what a miserable post! I apologize! I don't know what to do now.

Oh Asa, I understand just how you feel and am sorry that you are unhappy. Have no solutions I'm afraid, but been there and wanted you to know I'm thinking of you.
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bess youve been a bit up and down from the looks of things, but 4lbon 1000plan well done , just over a stone and youll be there, you will do that in no time good luck x
IsLovely and Shopaholic, I wish you all the best on SW! Hope you will post here as much as possible, to share your successes on that diet! I can absolutely see where you are coming from, it is hard staying away from food for a long period of time. Seems like most of us are, or have been having, some difficulties or rough thoughts. I don't know if it is the summer, or the fact that we have been on for a couple of months. For me it is probably the fact that it is summer that is the big one. I will miss you both if you don't come on here regularly!

Zoe, good luck tomorrow on getting that bike! Your hubby sounds great by the way! What a great way to celebrate your successes!!
Oh Asa, I understand just how you feel and am sorry that you are unhappy. Have no solutions I'm afraid, but been there and wanted you to know I'm thinking of you.

Oh, thank you so much Bess! That is very nice of you to think of me! You have done so well, and I am getting motivated by you because you have been where I am, and got passed it. Hope I do to soon :D
claira, on wk 12- 42lb gone 57lb to go x
asa, on week??, 30lbs gone 62 to go
louie lou, on wk 12-47lbs gone 106lbs to go
Good morning all you gorgeous butterflies!

Today I have a whole day off AND it isn't raining at the minute - joyous stuff indeed!

I know lots of you are moving to different plans, or having breaks, or staying quiet to mull things over but we're all still o track in my mind. We're still committed to change regardless of the journey and I can't wait to see us all at the end in our new clothes!

Personally I hope everyone keeps posting regardless of diet. I certainly don't mind people talking about food, slimming world, blips, the good times and the bad times - I like to hear (and learn) from everyone's experience.

The scales have stopped moving for me at the moment and I got myself into a jam (please excuse the pun) with constipation. Whoops. Its been a tough week temptation wise due to cake madness at work and temptation is always harder for me to resist when the scales are not blinkin budging!

However I have noticed a positive change... An ex boyfriend of oh 4 years ago now recently contacted me saying he was in my town and would I like to go out to dinner. This man is more than a little enchanting but very off and on with intensity and affections. I knew if I saw him I'd be unsettled and to be honest I still have unresolved feelings. A few months back I would have jumped at the chance of seeing him. This time I gave him guidance on where to stay, (he's normally stay with me) and declined to meet up. Could it be I'm beginning to value myself???!!! Holy moly ladies, diets DO work!! :eek:
Contrary, way to go with your ex! Sounds really healthy! Was he surprised by your decision?

Last day of vacation for me. I am going to meet up with my friends this afternoon. It will be lots of fun. Have a nice day everyone!
Hi to all the Butterflies,
I've just caught up with all your posts there - took me ages!
I am doing exactly what Asa is doing. I'll start SS then think I'll just have something to eat and start it again tomorrow. I don't know how to get back on this properly. Can anybody help me with this? Please. I don't know how I stuck to it 100% before. Tonight I am having family for dinner and I am making healthy chicken kebabs and I will eat but maybe tomorrow but that's what I'm saying everyday.
Claira and Zoe and Louie and Contrary you are all inspirations
Asa you help me too because I know we are going through the same thing. It would be awful to think we were the only one whouldn't it?
Lynda and Lovely, Good luck. I totally understand why you are doing SW- it is very good diet but weight loss didn't really happen for me. Please come on and still talk to us all. It doesn't matter how we do it. I for one feel like I wont do it. That is depressing!
Anyway sorry for moaning. I've not put weight on which is brilliant but just too hard to get me head round this 100% also if I eat small meals I want to eat more. I'll keep coming on though and let you know about my progress or lack of it xxx
Hi broxi, yes, it does feel comforting to know that you are not the only one going through a rough path. I am really thinking it will change tomorrow (have I heard that one before, haha), when I am going back to work and normal routines again. It has to change, now I am just gaining weight, and that is not what I want.

My sister just told me that she is having her 30th birthday on September 26th. How much weight could I shed by then do you think? It will be a great motivator for me at least!