ButtErFlies-In It To Win It

Claira - come and join our little challenge!! Asa and I are taking one day at a time....... I am only allowed two bars a week, which means none till Friday.... Asa is getting back on ss.

How are you doing Asa? I have two soups now, so just one more shake before bed, and I am staying away from the fridge (because that is where I keep the bars).

I am doing four shakes ss today, but I am taking one day at the time as you said :D. I will not do ss every day (sorry!), more likely to do one of the higher plans as I want one meal a day. I have a party on Saturday that I want to eat and drink at too :eek:.

Here in Sweden we have a plan that includes one meal, and three shakes, I guess 810 is nearest. I was thinking of eating yogurt and muesli then. But I am not sure if the muesli is a good idea? Maybe rather a veg and protein meal? Soon my aerobic classes will start up, and I was thinking of doing 2-3 a week, and on ss I just can't do it. I tried a few times when I started, but couldn't do it.
ok im in, x
my weigh in is saturday, i want to stick to ss until my bday 15th, then have my meal and wine, really struggling, but matt is being great, which is helping, im gonna go to bed soon, early night and take my mind off hunger, challenge is good xxx
that plan sounds ok asa, just eat the days you want to, it doesnt hurt to have the odd ss day if you want it, xxx
Yes, lets see what happens. I am off to bed now as well. Talk to you tomorrow girls!
night all xxx
Morning everyone! I managed yesterday on ss barely, but today I will have to make a sample of the bretzels I am afraid.

After work I am meeting up a friend for a 5 km walk. I will start to walk more often from now on. The weather is not so hot anymore, and it will be great to get the walking routine up again. I won't walk 5 km every day, but maybe 15 minutes a day is a good start? Anyone up for a walking challenge?

How is everyone doing?
mornong all, i must get back to the gym, havnt been for weeks, maybe this evening,
i stuck to ss all day yesterday, thats 2 days done now, and 2lb down so far this week, im 12.12 now, havnt been at that for over 5 years, so feeling posotive again now,
this diet does throw your emotions all over the shot, really up and down, but god its worth it xxx
Asa - Say NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO to the bretzels!!! It is day 2 of our challenge....... we have to stay strong!! The walk sounds lovely though - and I think it is a great thing to do!

If you have already sampled the bretzels - then your challenge for the rest of the day is just the shakes - no more no less!!!

I am going to stay strong today............. (fingers crossed)
Claira - well done for the last two days...... today is day 3 for you, and we are going to do it together!

I am very impressed with the 12.12, and 2lb down already this week! I bet you feel over the moon now.....

I am 11.11 - and also the lightest I have been in years. My Mum came to see me last night, and said I have lost weight since we were on holiday together a couple of weeks ago. She was giggling at the size of my old clothes, especially my walking trousers when I tried them on. I brought them in January - a size 18 and now they just hang off me!

I don't know about you Claira - but I need to try and keep focused, as it is a fab feeling being slimmer than I have for years - but I don't want to stop here - so I can't fall off the diet!

your right about being foccused, when i started this 11 weeks ago, i was so foccused, then i kind of lost it a bit, i really want to keep this focus again now, have my one day off for b-day then get back to it 100% ss till sept 28th for hols, then do ss+ the week im away, thats my challenge, please help me stick to it lol xxx
whats your plan xx
Claira - I am with you all the way!!! I am one step behind if you ever need to lean back and rest your shoulders onto my hands!!!

I just think when you get to the slimmest you have ever been in years, it is easy to be sproud of yourself that you stop!!! Or want to reward yourself with food for doing so well!! I am going to ss all the way to bmi 25 - then go up to 810.

15th of Aug isn't that long away now!! I am still thinking about if I should have a break for mine on the 18th.......... I just have found it hard to get back onto ss this time - so I am not sure if I should just have a good time celebrating, but without food or alcohol!!! ummmmm

Right - I will try to come on this afternoon to see how you are all doing - but I must get on with some work now (I am working from home today).

Claira and Asa - keep strong today ladies.
Ladies - I have joined the Christmas challenge (started by Broxi), and I know most of you are on there..... but those of you who aren't, it is a great challenge to say where you would like to be for Christmas - so have a look and see if you would like to join it!!

excellant thanks, i wont have a birthday if we stay at home but i think my mums having charlie for the night and matt might whisk me off for the night, and out for meal, i dont want to spoil his plans, cos i really wanted to go out for a meal, but i know what you mean, now im back on it would be a shame to risk it again, xxx
have a good day, i have another 12 loads of washing to do for my sister, so i'll be on and off today xxxx
Oh, being whisked away sounds so lovely!!! I wouldn't be able to say no to that!

12 loads of washing!!!! What a great sister you are!!!

Hi girls! I so admire your strengths! I wish I could get back there soon. After a few days of ss I might be there. If ss is the way to go for me. Ahhh, I am thinking about it too much :D. An excellent excuse!

I can't make any promises about the bretzels... I must not want too loose weight so much as I used to, since bretzels can be more important... Talk to you later, back to work now.
you can resist them luvvy, xxx
Hello - I am just off to my friends to see her new puppy!!

Asa - you can do it!! Stay away from them - it will be hard, as you are on day 2 of ss - but as you know, it does get easier!!!

You did so well yesterday, and only another few hours and you will have completed your second day - wow - imagine that and stay strong!

I have had a soup, and a shake so far - one more shake to go!! I went into the fridge and saw my bars......... I even put one in my hand, but thought of you both on our little challenge, and felt I couldn't let you down. So the bar got left in the fridge!!!

I feel really bad LadyB, but I couldn't do it today. Sorry for letting you down. That was not my intention at all. I know I could let myself down, but only me. I think I need a break from thinking about and failing on CD actually. But I am not sure I could do that either, I would miss you all so much :D