Hello everyone! The party yesterday was great! First we where at the owners house over the day, then back to town to a very nice after beach club that lies right on the beach, with palm trees, food and drinks, and live band and dancing under the stars, it was such a great party! At 10 or 11 pm we headed up to the company's bar, where the partying continued.
Me and my friend got really tired and headed home after 1 pm I think it was. Those parties usually continues many more hours, but the best part was over we thought. The dancing in the outdoor club was the best. Such a wonderful environment! Watching the most beautiful sunset. My friend stayed the night here, and she just left 30 minutes ago. We have been watching friends on TV and just resting. We did make a pact that for the next party, the Christmas party, we would both loose our excess weight, and go out and get ourselves some really stunning dresses! She is also overweight, and has the same problem as me with the wardrobe.
And I would love to talk about wardrobes LadyB! Mine is in a terrible shape as I said before, and it has been for such a long time. I just want to get rid of it all. I do have some clothes in the sizes I will have to get through before I reach my goal weight. But I am thinking I will have to buy some interim clothes along the way. I don't want to buy too much though. I keep dreaming about my goal-weight-wardrobe

. I don't know what's in it quite yet, but I will start to dream more visually soon.
Regarding the missing people, I never read that Nikki was changing to SW? But I do think she is away on holiday now, Barbados.
Regarding my weight goal. The first and foremost goal is to reach a healthy BMI at 25. Then I know I will feel and look good as well. Then I will go down to about BMI 23 and see how it feels like.
My weight story is that I was skinny growing up, and in my teens I gained some weight. Still slim when I look back on pictures, but I felt fat. That has been the case since I was 20 years old or so. After 20 I gained weight, then lost some on a diet, then gained it all back plus some more, then lost it... and so on and so on. I have been a traditional jo jo dieter for many years. Horrible, I just want out of the vicious circle.
LadyB, your garden sounds lovely! Sounds like you had a massive amount of energy yesterday!
Claira, that dress looks nice!
Whichy, nice to hear from your. How are things with your hubby?
Broxi, how are you feeling?
Nice to hear from you Shopaholic! Do you like SW?
I do feel fine today, I drank a lot yesterday, trying to drown my sorrows (just got my period yesterday), and try to have a great time anyway. I did succeed in having a great time. And today I am just tired, not head ace or anything, yet

. I am just about done messing about with my weight though. I really feel like I have stretched the holiday-eating-rubbish waaaaaay to far. It is time to stop, and get real about my weight and eating problem, and JUST DO IT!!!