ButtErFlies-In It To Win It

Wow, you look fab! What a big difference in that 12 week after picture in a pink shirt! That is amazing. I have a couple of "never again" pictures from holidays too... NEVER AGAIN being so uncomfortable on a plane or on a hot vacation place.

What is mange tout by the way?
your doing really well victoria, i got some to add, from last night, need to get them put on a disc. xx
asa,mange tout is a flat type of green bean, xx
Ah, thanks Claira!

How are you feeling today by the way? Are you doing shakes now after breakfast? Or will you start tomorrow?
lol i feel like pooh, i had a tuna roll for lunch, cos i felt really sick, now want to go to sleep. really want to start fresh and for tomorrow to hurry up hehe. xxx
how are you doing today, xx
I have posted a lot today, and here comes some more :D.

I just started reading Mike Scotts newsletter, I started a subscription a few weeks ago, but never got around to read them.

Anyhow, he talked about how he chatted to a woman who spend two hours on dieting everyday (reading, planning, thinking, cooking, exercise, weighing and so on), and he asked her what she would do with that time when she was finished with the diet. She had no idea.

I have been thinking about this a lot before. Dieting is such a big part of me, my life, my connection with certain friends that I would miss it for sure if I was done. I spend a lot of time on this (even more when I include the time here on miniminis!). Dieting is a big interest of mine. It sounds crazy, and I don't intend it. I am thinking, who am I, Asa, if I am a slim person who don't diet anymore?

I sure do hate the fact that dieting could be something one thinks of when they think of me, "yeah, Asa is the girl who is always dieting"... I don't want that.

Anyway, I think this fact could be an explanation to my previous failures. As if I on some level want to continue this dieting life. Does that make any sense at all?

Mike suggested that one should come up with new things to put that extra time into once we are done. Otherwise we would miss it.

Have you lost weight before? And put it back on? Could this maybe have something to do with it you think?

Hmm, this was a nice aha moment, I will keep on thinking about this.
I am sorry you feel bad today Claira! Tomorrow will be better, a new fresh day :D!

I am doing great today, I am a bit more hungry. Don't know if it has to do with my extra walking this weekend, or if it is because I had a bar yesterday? Anyway, only one shake left on this week :D, I did it!!! Yeah, I feel good about it.
thats why i think it would be good to be a cdc i will be able to focus on other peoples losses, xx
your doing well, i will join you tomorrow xx
Yes, being a CDC might be a good way of doing it :D. A lot more pressure on you as well!

Yes, I look forward to our daily challenge tomorrow!
deffinatly, take care xxx
Hi there, I am home for my lunch break enjoying a frosty mint choco shake :D.

How is everyone doing? I had a weak couple of minutes yesterday when I found a full bag of peanuts that my boyfriend dug into. It smelled nice, but then I got a bit annoyed, and he threw them away (he needs to loose weight as well). Anyway, it is over now, and I am happy :D
Hi, I lost 4lbs at weigh in this week which I am pleased with so I am gonna do another week of ss+ and not winge lol. I have decided as long as I am losing 4lb a week on ss+ I will do ss+ but if it ever drops below that then I will simply switch to ss for the following week. Simple enough and no more beating myself up about it anymore. :D

Well done for resisting Asa xx
Yippee, I have under the 100lbs to lose. I stared out with 162 to lose and now it's 98. I know that's still a massive amount but better than the start figure. :eek:
well done asa and zoe, i went for my weigh in and was 12.12, so gained 5lb since sat, but its not my normal weigh in, thats sat, my cdc was away for 2 weeks, so if i can loose 5lb my sat i will in theory just stay the same, does that make sense?.
i need to be 11st 6lb for my bmi to be 28 and apply to be a cdc, so i am aiming for middle of sept, i am doing ss now and have really learned the hardway not to have carbs without introducing them slowly, i was up in pain all night with heartburn and tummy ache, really need to empty my tummy so had a couple of dulco ease have really bad constipation cramps, it was the bread yesterday, then for tea i ate a slice of pizza, my own silly fault so have no sympathy for me lol. but i will keep going now and hope for a good loss saturday, im happy to do ss and glad im not having anymore food xxx
I'm sure by Saturday it will be off Claira and by September you will be appying to be a cdc. xx
thanks ive just read that the next course is in bristol on 17th sept so i am going to try and aim for that, cos i live in bristol xxx
fingers crossed , but i might be pushing it xxx
Oh wow, you have come such a long way Zoe! Great being under the 100 mark! 4 lbs this week on ss+ is excellent! I would also continue with ss+ if I were you! That is working for sure :D
I am sure that 5 lbs is just water Claira! It will be gone in no time. Excellent goal to aim for by the way, I am sure you will be at BMI 28 by then.
Hi everybody,
I've just come on to say hello and tell you all I'm still alive- just fat and eating!
My flu has gone and I'm back at work after 7 weeks holiday. I've put on about 6lb and I hate myself for it. I've eaten like a pig today. All thoughts that I might have retrained myself are gone as I am almost as greedy as before.
I need to start this again and stick to it but I don't know how to. I know that sounds ridiculous and such a lame excuse but I really mean it. Maybe CD just isn't for me.
You are all doing fab and I'm very proud of you. Claira, I promise that is just water and if you stick to SS for 1 day it will come off. Mine is now much more permanent than water.
Asa, you have done really well getting back on track because you were struggling like me. I hate the way I feel just now; all bloated with a huge spare tyre again but I feel like a slave to eating.
Anyway, I'll see how I go and speak again soon. Sorry for letting you all down, but I have let myself down the most. xxx
BTW going to U2 tomorrow night so really looking forward to that!