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Morning girlies,
I HIT THE 10'S TODAY!! I had been *****ing and moaning and grumbling about the scales not shifting all week. Totm I suppose. Thought it was because of the bars I had (those mad, bad cravings must have been down to that, amazing how I forget about pms every month!!!) Every day has been a struggle this week. Loads of chocolates from patients as well. And a crunchie bar left in the staff room that kept calling to me... And last night made some banana bread for the ward staff - it smells incredible. And it paid off! I've had extra meals but that's always better than giving in to the food in my book.
Couldn't believe it when I saw that 10 flicker up. Stay strong ladies! It is worth it!!
On another brightish note I went to see the consultant with my father yesterday and things aren't as grim as the other doc had led me to believe. Lots more tests of course but all the right ones, at the right time, with the right doc. So very happy with his care.
Off to Italy on Thursday to 'the hill that breathes' have a google and imagine me in one of those hammocks. Food included so taking a break. And I am going to enjoy myself and drink wine. Really need a good, proper holiday! Bit gutted at the timing when I'm so close to getting the rest off and trying to chisel myself into those leathers. But I think I will have to take the inevitable gain in my stride and get my head down again when I get back. I'll need your help though! I think it will be incredibly tough on me psychologically when I come back and see a big gain and am back into the 11s. I usually put on about 10lbs refeed if I take a break
I love Claira's countdown idea. Might have try that and a whole other set of tactics to focus.
Very glad to hear you are all so industrious about your lady gardens. Dear God the pain. Ali what date do you go to reunite with hubby?
I HIT THE 10'S TODAY!! I had been *****ing and moaning and grumbling about the scales not shifting all week. Totm I suppose. Thought it was because of the bars I had (those mad, bad cravings must have been down to that, amazing how I forget about pms every month!!!) Every day has been a struggle this week. Loads of chocolates from patients as well. And a crunchie bar left in the staff room that kept calling to me... And last night made some banana bread for the ward staff - it smells incredible. And it paid off! I've had extra meals but that's always better than giving in to the food in my book.
Couldn't believe it when I saw that 10 flicker up. Stay strong ladies! It is worth it!!
On another brightish note I went to see the consultant with my father yesterday and things aren't as grim as the other doc had led me to believe. Lots more tests of course but all the right ones, at the right time, with the right doc. So very happy with his care.
Off to Italy on Thursday to 'the hill that breathes' have a google and imagine me in one of those hammocks. Food included so taking a break. And I am going to enjoy myself and drink wine. Really need a good, proper holiday! Bit gutted at the timing when I'm so close to getting the rest off and trying to chisel myself into those leathers. But I think I will have to take the inevitable gain in my stride and get my head down again when I get back. I'll need your help though! I think it will be incredibly tough on me psychologically when I come back and see a big gain and am back into the 11s. I usually put on about 10lbs refeed if I take a break
Very glad to hear you are all so industrious about your lady gardens. Dear God the pain. Ali what date do you go to reunite with hubby?