ButtErFlies-In It To Win It

Hello lovely Butterflies wow you are all doing so well and ive really missed you all, sorry for not being around but back on Day 1 today and cannot come off it now or im in hospital OMG what a couple of month ive had nothing else can happen.

As you know me and hubs split and thank god got back together, had the school holidays and felt I couldnt do the diet with all the trips so had a few binges here and there STUPID AND COSTLY then had a bad speer again so they sent me for a caloposcopy no idea how to spell that one lol, well it came back dodgey and they though I had pre cancer but was waiting for the tests to find what level, got the results back two weeks ago and WOOHOO it was just a stupid infection, they scared the life out of me, then college phoned to say I had two weeks to finish my course as they had not re enrolled me on this year or I had to pay the 600 quid, so spen last two weeks finishing my course and did it again WOOHOO, then last monday had over the course of the day three attacks, was rushed into hospital for mild heart attack thank fully nooooooo it wasnt, so they tested for angina again nooo thank fully turns out its gall stones. With all the binging on takeaways sneakly and stress food at Starbucks i have overloaded myself, so my doctor has said i have to have my gallbladder removed, but in the mean time has ordered me for my health to stay on this diet, not sure if he really knows what the diet is as he looks about 10 and bit scared as ive read a few reports about CD and gall stones, but im giving it ago. we have been away for four days to Whitby to recover after horrid week and today i started all over again.

Good thing is , I cannot cheat as I dont know what will bring an attack on and send me back on so shakes are safe for me.

SO there you go can anything else happen to me this year NOOOOOOOO lol.

So far going ok, im watching biggest loser Australia and loving and buying the Wii game to help me train too so back on the track and going for it, i was so enjoing this till I fell off the wagon and once you do its a hard trip back, this scare and kicked me back on track and scared me to death, i really thought my number was up so I wont cheat ever again and hopefully by Christmas will still be on track, so hope you will have me back.
Hi Witchy, what an absolutely awful time you have had but you are well(ish) and determined to go for it. It's lovely to hear from you as , I for one, had missed you - infact a lot of people were asking about you. So glad you are back on track too.
Personally, I've given up cd as i believe I was getting properly depressed on it. I'm on a diet called Diet Chef and loving it, although can't imagine losses will be great (although I loved your post Louie lou - thanks!) People here still want me on thread - at least that's what they're telling me! But we are all friends and I go on different forums but the Butterflies are my pals! So they're stuck with me too.
The thread is quiet just now though. Louie lou, Zoe, Claira, Contrary, Lady B (not been around a few days) Asa and me I think just now - please I hope I've not forgotten anyone. I'm the only one chucked the diet but I'm still losing.
You will do great as you had great resolve before - talk to Zoe for inspiration, she's lost over 6 stone!
Anyway, delighted to hear from you! xxx
Hi Witchy, welcome back hun. Sorry to hear you have had such a rough time, you must have been petrified. You will be back on track in no time xx.
Aww thanx girls thats a lovely welcome back, glad your staying though Broxi sooo how is the new diet is it a fun one, will go back and read a few pages of posts and catch up with everyone.

OMG Zoe your amazing I wish I had stuck to it like you, but, ive had the scare to do it so day two.

Ive a bit of a headache today but thats to be expected but generally excited about doing it again, when normally I stick to it for half a day and fall off the wagon.

Hope everyone else is doing ok too.
Well i have got through day two and excited like at the beginning, so thats a good thing, I know I cannot eat or cheat or I will be ill so if I lose weight and get past this myself I wont have to have the gall stone removed, which will be better for me.

Back later when kids are in bed.
Zoe, you are an absolute STAR!!! Well done for your 6 lbs! That is an amazing result!!! You should be so proud of yourself and of course trumpet it out. I just got my dry body brush today, and now I am REALLY looking forward to using it :D.

Witchy, I am glad that you are back! I am sorry for your health problems, they sounded really scary!

I made an attempt to get back on CD today, but something came up.... I keep postponing for a little bit, don't want to do the diet if I am being honest to myself. Don't want to write here on the forum until I get back on track either, but I will post about out upcoming trip after the new year.

Bethan, you have been so quiet lately, everything alright?
It is hard to do this diet, its taken a horrid health scare to get me back on it so I know what you are feeling Asa, so will be thinking of you.

OMG im so hungry right now so guzzling water to stop the pangs.
Here are the dates we have been talking about for a butterfly meeting in London after the new year, I made a note about the weekends we can't meet up, so they are not an option.

(23-24 Broxi can't)
(30-31 Asa can't)

(13-14 Claira can't)

The following people have commented on this; Broxi, Claira, Bethan, Zoe, Asa (correct me if I am wrong :D).

How about the rest of you? Any weekend you can't?

What weekend would you all prefer to meet?

I will post this as a thread in our private group as well.
(23-24 Broxi can't)
(30-31 Asa can't)

6-7 - away at spa for my birthday
(13-14 Claira can't) def no its my birthday


The following people have commented on this; Broxi, Claira, Bethan, Zoe, Asa (correct me if I am wrong :D).

How about the rest of you? Any weekend you can't?

What weekend would you all prefer to meet?

I will post this as a thread in our private group as well.

Id love to be able to meet you all if there is room for another.
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Of course there is room for everyone :D, I am definitely hoping that all the butterflies will be able to meet!
Sounds like fun cant wait, would be so nice to meet all the butterflies
I got weighed today, scary number... I will sort out my information and ticker tonight. I am thinking I will start over completely, and take a fresh start approach to it :D. Or maybe no ticker at all. Let's see!

Where is everyone? It is so quiet on the thread these days.
Thats a good approach thats what im doing, new start and ignoring everything so far, Monday was day one for me, I had to go to bed cos the kitchen was talking to me last night hehe. Feel fluie today and headachie so im def in fool detox now.

It is very quiet isnt it, but the whole board seems quiet, just when I need chatter, there is only some many posts you can make.

Will be on and off all day as I need this place more than ever now, I have to do this for my health now, but I think everyone is sick me saying this time i will do it, I darent tell anyone and see there *yeah right* look in there eyes. Im going to show them now, its last chance salon for me so here goes Day three so far so good.
Hi girlies,

Sounds like you're doing good. Going to see my Gp today. Had almost a week off the diet and bad abdominal pain still a problem. Not sure if it's food, ibs, a virus or the dreaded gallstones but I think I best go and seek some advice... BIt gutted as I was doing so well and have fallen spectacularly off the wagon. Too scared to weigh myself as I've eaten rubbish and not in the right frame of mind to deal with the news just yet!

People at work keep saying I need to eat because its so hard there at the moment and I just don't know what the best way forward is. My CDC wanted me to do SS+ for a bit longer and I don't think she's really aware of how hard on the body 13 hrs on a crazy ward can be or how tough the bmf classes are. So not sure about her advice.

Think plan is GP, then CDC, then decide where to go from here... Bit low as all seems a bit insurmountable at the moment... Big love to you all x
Hello my lovely

Im back on it cos I have gall stones, you def need to see your doctor I ended up in hospital last week, he explained its cos of doing the diet and then cheating and binging on fatty foods the body just cant cope, the pain feels like labour pains but the want to burp and your stomach is hard and you cannot put yourself anywhere, i really hope you do not have that, its the worst pain in the world.

Im reallly sorry your feeling low honey, its a horrid place, thats why I couldnt do it in the hols for my job, but couldnt manage to start it again its really hard diet to start, but now its this or hospital so I dont have a choice.

Just think what you want and what you can do and cannot do and be true to yourself, I needed the break although it was determental to my health, im glad now im back on it cos its the push I need to finish my journey.
Thanks witchy,

Not had a baby so can't compare! But tummy does feel hard in one place an has been swollen for days. Bowels seem to be okay. No wind or probs there. But the pain feels as though someone has grabbed my guts and is twisting them rather sharply. Loads worse after drinking or eating anything. Also (oddly) back pain too...

Feel very tired and did have some nausea as well, but again could be a virus. I didn't cheat when on SS+ but did have a week off on holiday but ate wholesome food, lots of salad and protein, although choc and wine too. This week have eaten rubbish which, oddly enough, doesn't help! But this is the first time have really done this since May so I'd be surprised if this was the cause...pain started when on SS+ day 4 restart after holiday, work was crazy and by 7pm became very unwell, sick and dizzy and nearly blacked out. Ate and felt better but pain has continued although no more dizziness.

Will go and see what GP says but suspect it will be...you're fine weight wise, eat sensibly now. :(
Just seen your losses wow your a blooming star im really impressed, yeah he might say that, but at the end of the day you can ignore him and do what you want to do. I hope it sorts itself out for you honey, I spent two days in hospital with loads of needles and tests, my jaundice level is really high, im yellow hehe but my liver has calmed down since my last attack thankfully.

Its quiet on here this week.
Morning girls, Asa honey you will get back on it when you are ready hun. I can't wait for the meet up, I can do any of the dates.

Witchy, good luck with the restart and ignore people's judgement's re you will do it this time. You know you can and will do it and that's all that matters.

Contrary, I hope you start to feel better soon hun, best to get checked by GP as it's been a while xx

Have a good day everyone xx
Im really looking forward to seeing you all.

Think I am in Ketosis cant stop going to the loo now and got my energy back all of a sudden.

My CDC is coming this afternoon so looking forward to catching up with her not seen her since July as she went to America for a month.

What are the plans for the meet is it a stay over in nice hotel etc.
ooh that would be nice lol I'm up for that.