ButtErFlies-In It To Win It

Hope your ok hun, and yeah to Spa i love Spa weekends so def up for that.

How is everyone today???

Had a lovely afternoon with my CDC she was great, we are changing from fortnightly at my house to weekly at hers which is better for me and I have a shorter time to wait for weigh ins etc.

We have drawn a line under any attempts before and starting a fresh today, really excited now.
Witchy that sounds far better - much easier when you have a weekly weigh in keeping you straight - and that ovely fresh feeling is fab!

Gp thinks my body is struggling after losing so much weight and she wants me to maintain for a few months before losing the last stone. Going for an ultrasound to rule out gallstones. Also went to an acupuncturist today who said I was very run down, exhausted and struggling from all the emotional upset at work. Also (quick breath) spoke to someone who was on holiday in Italy with me and turns out 4 people there have been ill for a wek with severe abdominal pans, sweats, tiredness etc, although they had the runs (which I didn't!).

So I'm crossing fingers it might be a virus. The acupuncture has already made a difference...all being well I might be able to get back on track dietwise soon enough. Hopped on the scales 8lbs damage. I lost 9lbs on my first week on CD so do you think this might be the glycogen majiggy thing?? Gutted but jeans still fit, look the same so trying not to get all upset! Like the way Witchy and Asa have taken on board the tricky times so hope to do the same!
Im really sorry your ill but fingers crossed its just a nasty bug, I think if it was gall stones you would know cos you wouldnt be able to stand, sit or lie down when you have an attack and need gas an air to help breath and monitor the pain.

Just get better first and then carry on with your diet if your immune system is down you need to eat.
Just a quickie, to say I'm back!

Bloated and jet lagged, but here all the same.. had a wonderful time in Las Vegas and New York! What a surprise!

Will post when my brain is fully functioning!

Ali x
Welcome back Ali, glad you had a nice time.

Contrary, sounds like a good plan. You will recover the 8lb hun. The most important thing is to get your immune system back up x

Witchy, that sounds much better to meet weekly, I couldn't do 2 weeks inbetween weighing in. You are going to do great hun x

I went Ice skating last night . It was a disco and I havn't been ice skating for 10 years. We had a right laugh and I felt 10 years younger lol.
OMG Zoe i used to be a speed skater years ago and darent set foot on the ice, was it fun?? did you feel like a kid again haha, im so jealous, cant wait to go skating with the kids oooo and horse riding, my daugher is horse mad and wants me to rent a horse for her, but I would like to be able to share the experience so I need this now.

Been a great day been Christmas shopping, wasnt looking forward to it at first, as i normally go to Starbucks and have lunch, but loved it walked around with my water, had fun in toys r us and got all Georgies pressies now, Meg is sorted so just Alexander to sort out now and then im done bar a few stocking fillers.

So im on Day 4 (restart) and going really well, the energy has kicked in today and im like a bounding dog (apparently) and wont shut up, had an early night last night so the fridge didnt talk to me hehe.

Where is everyone these days I miss everyone???
Witchy, you are well ahead with the Xmas shopping you lucky thing, I wish I was that prepared. It's great when the energy kicks in isn't it but not so great for the people around us having to put up with us being hyper lol.

You will be on that ice very soon hun, you and me both know how qucik cd works. Horse riding sounds fun too, I did it once when I was on holiday in Spain and enjoyed it so might try that again one day.

I went shopping today to to get my Daughters birthday present and to get myself some new work trousers- again lol. I bought a pair of size 18's and 16's too as if you bought 2 pairs you got the second pair half price so thought I might as well as the 18's will only last 4 weeks and I will need the size down. The thought of being a size 16 is fantastic so I just tried them on and to my amazement they nearly did up -yippee won't be long - expensive though lol.
Aw Zoe im so excited for you and for me size 16 is a dream, I was 24/26 when I started in April and now im 20 bottoms 18 tops cant wait to get to a 16.

I got baby alive who looks and talks like the thing chucky from Childs Play for Georgie she is going to be made up, then lots of other bits and bobs for her. Ordering Meg a new laptop as Georgie dekeyed it (ouch) and has put up with it for a year so she deserves a new one. thought id start now with three kids it cost a fortune and this year and want for the first time in nearly 15 years to spend on myself and pamper myself and buy nice things.

How old is your daughter Zoe??
Witchy, I don't tell that many people either, I have been on diets for years now, and my surroundings are sick of me talking about it. That's what it feels like anyway :D. What a nice new picture!!!

Contrary, are you feeling better now? It sounds really painful!

Alipally, welcome back! What did you husband say? Did he notice the weight loss?

Zoe, I am so glad for your trousers in size 16! That is amazing!!!
Hi Butterflies,
Witchy, you are doing great getting back on track and you're looking lovely in your pic.
Contrary, you must be thin now anyway. You do need a wee rest and anything you gain, you will quickly lose.
Asa, how are you doing? Are you cding?
Zoe, great feeling al the clothes eh? I asked you few weeks ago what size you were as I had loads of 18s I didn't need but they were too small, but now you've grown out of them!
I'm fine but really tired. My boy came back from Majorca on Tues/Wed - his first hol abroad without us- but I never slept that night and couldn't sleep last night, don't know why so going to bed really early. My diet good but not really losing. Other people on it are losing great but not me. I don't know why that happens to me. Anyway I'll stick it out for now cos I've no choice really and weight might come off eventually. Wish I could be like Zoe.

BTW everyone, I'm reading an amazing book about overeating. It is really speaking to me and it is by far the best I have read on this and I've read a lot! It's called "How to Lose Weight Without Dieting" by Jessica Robbins. I really recommend it from what I've read so far.

Lady B where are you, I'm missing you!
I am doing crappy today, still terrible cold, dizzy all the time. Today I thought I would fall of the chair on my coffee break... It is crazy busy at work, and I haven't learned to deal with it properly yet. I get really stressed out when things to do come from every direction. Enough of that :D.

A spa for our meeting sounds fab!!! I am also hoping I will be at goal weight, and then hotel and shopping in London sounds really fab too :D.

Alipalli, check out the dates for a butterfly meeting in our private group (or a post a few days back here on the thread). Anyone else who hasn't put a "vote" on the date yet :D?
Hey Asa hope your feeling better soon chick, lots of nasty bugs around at the moment.

Well im well and truly in ketosis cant keep off the loo just on my fifth litre of water dont think i can drink any more though.

So whats everyone doing tonight??
Hi Broxi, no, I am not cding fully yet, I do half days :eek:.

Do you find the chef diet easy? Do you stick to the plan?
Hello Broxi, yes im back in the game and im not falling this time, my cdc had drawn a line under July and started me from scratch so Monday was my first day, im on day four so far and not wanted to eat, more so I think cos of the pain if I do eat and its the wrong food, but its helping me stay focused. Cant wait to see you all in January.
Yes I can't wait to meet up. But I don't think I can do January as it's David's 18th on 24th and prob wont have money with that and it being just after Christmas. Could do Feb.

Diet Chef really easy and really really good. Yes I'm sticking to it apart from my birthday and also got vouchers for Ashoka Shak and had Indian last night so that will be why my weight not down this week so far. But I can do this diet for the long term and I feel comfortable enough now to take it slowly as although fat, not too bad. I do just hope it works for me though. Asa if you cant stick to CD you should think about JUDDD just now - people doing great on it - that's CD SS one day and eat what you want next, then just keep doing that. It is easy to SS for one day at a time. But people having excellent losses on it as it apparently stabilises metabolism. I've ordered the book so will be able to tell you more about it later. For me though I'm fed up with any kind of fasting just now. Maybe later but I literally can't at the moment as it was really making me too depressed.
I will consider JUDDD for sure! Sounds like it is doable!

If we concentrate on the February weekends for a meeting, then we have two choices left:


We can give it some thought about which one suits everyone the best!
Hi Asa I'm not trying to put you off CD byt the way but just in case you can't do it.
Hopefully everyone can go in Feb x
Hi guys, will give the dates some thought, unfortunately Feb is my birthday and my daughters birthday plus im supposed to be going to a spa for my birthday with friends not booked yet but def going, so will try and book that first and then see if I can afford to come to two weekends away in Feb, hopefully I can.
Thanks Asa xx

Witchy, my Daughter is called Megan too and is turning 3 this month. How old is yours? my eldest is 7.