Good morning girls! Sorry I haven't been around for a few days (I was hiding in shame).
BUT, now I am starting on my third day of SS, and today I feel better (had a splitting head ace yesterday).
I have also started reading up on the new WW program that started this week here in Sweden, sounds really good. So my plan is to do SS as long as I can, then blending it up with WW (mainly focusing on low carb foods). Maybe it will be the 1000 plan or something, but we don't have those Cambridge steps here.
Claira, I saw you on TV today!!!!! I was flipping though the channels and found Trinny and Susanna, unfortunately I only saw the end of it, about from the part you said something about you were happy that you got that blue dress, rather than something you tried on at first. You looked so great and beautiful!!!! And you seemed so nice!!!! I am really sad I can't see the beginning of the show. Can you see it online, do you know?
Now I am off to try Bethans dry body brushing

. Then to put up a bit of Christmas ornament. Here in Sweden, the "rule" is to put up the Christmas three the day before Christmas eve (which is the biggest/most important day of the celebrations), or maybe two days before at the most. I do like to put it up a bit earlier than that. But today it is mostly candles, and advent ornament such as a star in the window and other stuff (that I don't know the names of

Have a great Sunday everyone! I am so proud of you all for doing so well on the diet - I am coming to join you again
