ButtErFlies-In It To Win It

Good morning butterflies, it's a lovely day here. My daughter slept in until 9am so I got her up and gave her breakfast and left her at nursery. I'm supposed to be using this time to clean the house, but so far I'm watching homes under the hammer, drinking coffee and catching up on posts on here :D

I am really cold, I've got a hot water bottle beside me to keep me warm!

Well done Asa and Zoe! Fab result this week. I've weighed myself to update ticker, as I'm doing a fortnightly wi with CDC. I've lost 7lb since 30th May :) very pleased with that! So that is 1 1/2 st that I'll never see again.
I must tell you ladies about my biggest goal for next year. My husband and I are going to retake our wedding vow's on our 10th wedding aniversary on 5th August. I should deffinately be at goal by then and can't wait. We are going to go to Cypress to take them and I want to wear a dress that I couldn't have even considered wearing the first time.

When we got married it was the happiest day of my life as my Husband is the most fantastic man I have ever met, I just didn't look the way I wanted to and didn't feel special or treated very nicley in wedding shops etc. I couldn't try dresses on as they only stocked small sizes so just had to pick a dress I thought would like nice from a magazine and I think I did look nice but I wasn't comfortable.

The most important thing is our vow's and I know that but I can't wait to do it all over again and give my Husband a women on his arm to be proud of. My Hubby has always said he is the proudest man alive to have me no matter how I look and he has never stopped being complementive of me and always treats me like a princess - I am so lucky. When we met I was a size 12, he proposed to me at a size 18 and married me at a size 24. I am doing this for me but also for my gorgeous Husband.

I am so emotional writing this and feel so silly but to think I can achieve this now makes me cry with happiness and a little sadness too for letting it get to this point. Sorry to rant and thanks for reading. Zoe xx :eek:
Isn't that a fantastic feeling Witchy? Am off to buy some bits for my weekend away this eve, worried that I'll not be a size smaller yet, that I'll get disheartened and eat.. Sure that won't happen, but thats what I used to do, so changing the old ways takes willpower doesn't it! I don know I have more energy running upthe stairs, not run anywhere else yet though, lol. xx
Zoe.. thats lovely and its so nice to hear great stories. You wil look quite the butterfly at the blessing. I wouldn't be sad, things happen and then we have more time for us to think about what makes us happy.. you have a lovely husband who obviously adores you and that is something truely feel happy about .xxx
Zoe that is so exciting for you, what a lovely time you will have looking for dresses.

I know what you mean about size, I got married in a size 24 in Cuba, best day of my life, but we hit five years on Valentines day and I would really love to go back and do it again in the same dress but made to fit soooo smaller, we were talking about it on Friday day night, no way we could afford sandals again that was a once in a life time, but Beaches would be good, we could take the kids and do it as a family. I know its only a pipe dream for me, but a nice one.

Zoe im so excited for you honey, what an incentive to lose it though xxxx
Well I now have a tidy downstairs, had a shower and feel more respectable again. Off to pick dd from nursery. It's nice to have me time - even if I did use it to hoover and mob!

Love that quote Contrarytintagel :)

Zoe that is a wonderful reason for loosing weight. I was a size 16 when I got married and the sample dresses didn't fit me either - I just had to have them pinned on me. I can remember ranting to the woman in the shop where I bought my dress, about how small the sizes really were - a 12 was really a 10 etc. I love the dress I ended up getting but it would've been fantastic to have a smaller size... oh well, won't be doing it again - this one's a keeper!
Hi everyone, some great losses this week - well done!!!

Just came back from my WI and lost 6.5 lb. Both me and the CDC nearly fell over in shock (am a 3lb gal). But even better than that... I got into a pair of jeans in Warehouse! Haven't even looked at them for oh 8 years.... Thought I'd just see how far I could get them up. One pair I couldn't do up, but the 2nd pair fit almost perfectly. I'm going to have to remortgage my house for the clothes I'm going to want to buy when I get to goal!

Lady B those diesel jeans are inching nearer! So near I can almost see them!!

This week I found the bars helped, as did not weighing myself, and avoiding the ketosis sticks which barely ever read pink for me and always make me feel a bit let down.

Nikki, let me know what you decide to do about your boss. I was bullied in my last job, and so amazed by it, it took me ages to realise. I socked them in the gut and left when they were desperate for staff and I'd been working extras, but do wish I had put in a grievance at the time. I've spoken to people about it since and realised just how bad their behaviour was!! I hope you're not letting the b*****d get you down! It sounds like you're a strong lady so sure you're not xxxx
Zoe and shopaholic and contrarytintange, great weight losses!!! So 4 of us have Monday as WI day? I think it was someone else as well?

Thanks everyones for your comments! They are nice :)

I just catched up on some posts, and it is so great reading about your life, I smiled when I read whitchy chasing her kid around :), that must be a great feeling! Let us know how it all works out with you boss Nikki!

I had a great first day at work, a three our meeting and some getting in order stuff pretty much covered my day. Now I am exhausted and will perhaps nap for a while :). Talk to you later!
Thanks Contrary and Asa. He's gone away for 2 weeks (thank god) and eveyone in office is feeling the relief. I started the ball rolling this morning, sent an email asking to see the overall manager for an informal chat. She has had (and know for sure) many chats with ppl who feel similar. So..she may advise me to take it further, but its come to the point that he passes the buck, takes credit for my work and then dumps me in it, once he hasn't done what he should as a manager. Hope I get a reply tomorrow, will keep emails that have been harassing and abusive and also reports of meetings I've had with him. I absolutely love my job, but for some AH of a manager who gets his kicks controlling and bullying (brings back memories of my ex hub too) is discraceful and in all honesty, I'm loosing the will. The wind in my sails have dropped, I suppose puts it in to context!

Anyway, on a lighter note, I'm off to buy some new bits later, hoping i've dropped a size. Have arranged to see my sister and meet her for an iced skimmed milk coffee too, so something yummy to look forward to as well.

Contrary, your loss is wonderful and so good to hear it too :):D;)
No nap yet, called my sister instead :). My new group at work all seemed great, and I know my new boss since before. So that will be fine I am sure. I work in the computer department now, and some of the developers are a bit odd (they are not in my direct work group though). I am not quite sure what I will do yet :), only that I will take care of two of the systems there. So, it is still a little bit abstract. I wasn't nervous at all after the first 5 minutes, felt right at home. So I am very pleased with my day!
No nap yet, called my sister instead :). My new group at work all seemed great, and I know my new boss since before. So that will be fine I am sure. I work in the computer department now, and some of the developers are a bit odd (they are not in my direct work group though). I am not quite sure what I will do yet :), only that I will take care of two of the systems there. So, it is still a little bit abstract. I wasn't nervous at all after the first 5 minutes, felt right at home. So I am very pleased with my day!

Asa.. thats great to know. Its the best feeling, when you fit right in. The last place I worked was like that too. Small mental health charity and all staff were like an extended family, clients too ;).

That will set your foundations there now as well, really pleased it went well. xx
Thank you both! I am glad it felt so good too. I posted a little thing on our private forum about the day as well. Since it is sort of the forbidden topic, haha.
nikki I had a boss like that, so im glad your taking it further, unlike me who left, stick by your guns honey what he is doing is wrong and keep your chin up.

I walked to school this afternoon, car was in for its MOT WOW me walking its all new haha, its a fair walk and it felt really good, might be my new thing.

Contrary blooming great loss Mrs well done hun xx

Just waiting for hubby now, small child is shattered and he is putting her to bed.

Will be back on later.
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congrats on those with weight losses today. the website really helps you see that it can work.

Zoe - thats such a great reason to aim for

Asa - its really good you have enjoyed first day

Eternal flame- if he doesn't stop bullying and you don't get support from work, you should get legal advice as they have a right to investigate all complaints and if they do nothing and you have to leave it can be seen as constructive dismissal as you had no choice and with all evidence you have a good chance at an employment tribunal - stay strong x
Hey Susan how are you today?? How is the diet doing so far.
Thank you Susan! How was your day? Which day are you on now? Do you find it hard?
Heeeey Asa you sound like you have had a fab day, so glad. How are you this evening.

Where is our Broxi??