ButtErFlies-In It To Win It

I'm thinking of going to bed myself - it's been a long day. Struggling a bit at meal times - having to make yummy food for my daughter and it all looks so tempting. Have to keep reminding myself of my goals.
I've heard Croatia is lovely but not been myself. Usually go to Crete.

Thats for your words of support - I have tried few diets so don't want people lookin and saying "what -another one"

What I can never get is you go to these lunches or nights out and everyone eats lots and stays slim - yet I look at my plate and gain pounds - so have always felt uncomfortable eating out cause I think everyone is staring thinking how big I am - can't wait to be slim so I'm not self concious x

I totally agree, I don't like telling people either, since I have been dieting on and off for so long. This one will be the last for us right:)?
BTW Asa - fantastic wi for you :D

Glad your first day went well. I used to be a systems developer but now I'm a business analyst, so I went from one side of the business to the other - I'm now on the client side of things. Strange to see it all from a different point of view.

Hi, thats funny, I also switched sides, but to the other way :D. I started in the personnel department, then became a project manager, the started to glance at the "other side", and went for it :D. Hope I will like it!
Ah, don't have time to catch up on everything from last night, but thank you for the WI comments! I'll try to catch up later. Have a nice day!
Morning butterflies.

Up a little late this morning and only time to briefly post as have my first appt in school at 9am!

A bit of an unsuccesfull shopping attempt last night, so won't go now until a week before the Barbados hol (1st with my BF). It'll give me that time I need to loose more and hope by then I've lost another stone (blooming hope so, lol).

Susan.. I have only told 2 ppl about this diet as I don't want anyone asking me either "hows it going then". I'd much rather get on with it and let the results speak for themselves. Everyone feels differently about that one, but for now at least until end of summer, that my decision.

Hvae only 2 days before I fly off to Portugal, so keeping 100% until the off and then will do low carbing so not to put too much back on and CDC said it would be easier to loose then too.

Have a lovely day everyone. xxxxx
Hi all,

Nikki, what news! Congratulations! My little sister became pregnant when she was 19, dropped out of uni, was in a right old state at the time. Then she turned into super mum and it turned her life around! The dad was a waste of space but she kept battling for her wee one and he now has my niece weekends on a regular basis. My niece is 8 years old now and such an angel. And I amazed daily by what my sister has achieved. I'm told that being a Grandma rocks :)

Hope everyone has a great day and good luck Susan on day 3 x
Louise Hay affirmation for you:

In the infinity of life where I am
all is perfect, whole and complete.
I no longer choose to believe in my old limitations and lack.
I now choose to begin to see myself
as the Universe sees me - perfect, whole and complete.
The truth of my being is that I was created
perfect, whole and complete.
I will always be perfect, whole and complete.
I now choose to live my life from this understanding.
I am in the right place at the right time, doing the right thing.
All is well in my world.

PS: Paperchase have a fantastic butterfly journal if anyone is tempted to keep one xxx
Thanks Contrary.. I will be a good Nan :) and sure she will be a good mum too. I had her when I was 19, 2 years younger then she will be when her one is born. I still can't believe it and I really do hope it changes them for the better and her BF gets a job and starts turning his life around for both my daughter and their new baby.

lovely thoughts on the affirmation, kind of puts all into perspective doesn't it.. what we are trying to do and who we are too. xxx
Louise Hay affirmation for you:

In the infinity of life where I am
all is perfect, whole and complete.
I no longer choose to believe in my old limitations and lack.
I now choose to begin to see myself
as the Universe sees me - perfect, whole and complete.
The truth of my being is that I was created
perfect, whole and complete.
I will always be perfect, whole and complete.
I now choose to live my life from this understanding.
I am in the right place at the right time, doing the right thing.
All is well in my world.

PS: Paperchase have a fantastic butterfly journal if anyone is tempted to keep one xxx

Wishing you all A Perfect, Whole and Complete day. Love that affirmation CT :)

I'm going shopping - what else! Need to get a guide book of Britain and a few other things before my holiday next weekend.

Am jealous of all of you going abroad, but we decided to stay reasonably local last year and this year as C is so young. Maybe next year I'll be strutting my stuff in a lovely swim suit on an exotic beach...
Morning Shopaholic..

When my kids were young I spend weeks in Isle of White, Cornwall, Devon, Dorset and good old Pontins and Butlins too. They were great as it was an easier hol with little ones, they had what they liked and were entertained too. TBH, when you are abroad, there isn't as much for the younger ones to do anyway and the heat isn't nice either. xx
OOO Contrary I like the sound of those, will look at them properly later on.

Well Ive had a lovely morning, ive been treating myself, so first I went for a manicure and calgel on my nails to grow them so they are all glittery and lovely now and then I had my eyebrows waxed and shaped then went to boots and treat myself for some of Gwen Stefanni's new perfume, its very coconuty and smells like holidays, its lovely.

Just had my weight in and ive lost 7Ib this week im over the moon, people are noticing and commenting on my appearnce and I feel lovely, so ive booked in for December for a transformation consultation, where they choose new hairstyles and colours and show you how to make the best of your new look like make up and how to put it on best and look your best, im totally reinventing myself.
Hi girls, just posted a new thread but nobody replied. I've been really good last couple of days ss only, but TOTM started today. Could that have affected why i didn't lose anything on Saturday (3 days ago)? or do we get water retention from day we start TOTM?
OOO Contrary I like the sound of those, will look at them properly later on.

Well Ive had a lovely morning, ive been treating myself, so first I went for a manicure and calgel on my nails to grow them so they are all glittery and lovely now and then I had my eyebrows waxed and shaped then went to boots and treat myself for some of Gwen Stefanni's new perfume, its very coconuty and smells like holidays, its lovely.

Just had my weight in and ive lost 7Ib this week im over the moon, people are noticing and commenting on my appearnce and I feel lovely, so ive booked in for December for a transformation consultation, where they choose new hairstyles and colours and show you how to make the best of your new look like make up and how to put it on best and look your best, im totally reinventing myself.

Witchy.. i like the sound of that, a transormation consultation. I may nick that one from you. Bet your nails do look lovely. A really refreshing way to celebrate your achievment so far. :Dxxx
Hey C, a lot of people retain loads of water when its TOTM and leading upto it please dont worry, I blow up like a blowfish and retain loads of water when its TOTM but its ironed out the week after.