ButtErFlies-In It To Win It

hiya glad you had a nice time asa, xx
witchy oooh firemen, sounds fun xx
clare and eternal, we will be 13st by 31st july, we will encourage eachother xxx
zoe well done you are doing fabbb xx
we are all a bit better here, although matt still not right. been to my friends in paddling pool today,
charlie hasnt eaten for 4 days though he is already a skinny little thing, he puts food in his mouth holds it for upto an hour then spits it out when he thinks no-one is looking, im starting to worry, going to ring the health visitor tomorrow, has any one else had this with their kids, or witchy with any of your child care. xx thanks

Oh bless - I went through an awful time with my daughter when she was about the same age. She'd been poorly & off her food and basically ate next to nothin for weeks, I tried picnics, games favorite foods etc! I went to Health Visitor & GP and was told it is a million to one chance that a child actually starves itself, they eat when they want & how much they need!

I would try to make mealtimes as relaxed as possible, lots of finger food & just let nature takes its course!

My nice developed a phobia type thing with spitting out food, we used to completely ignore it in the end & found this helped as well!

Think you do whats best for you and your brood, just a couple of ideas xxxxxxxxxxx
thanks, we have had food issues on and off for a while, we make sanwiches together and cut into shapes, we do picnics, we feed daddy a bite then charlie, we do choo choo in the tunnel, he makes his own wraps, skewers, you name it we try it... i leave him at the table on his own and he tears all his food and throws it on the floor, i sit with him and he spits it out, if i let him sit in front the telly he just holds it in his mouth, but if i gave him a cake he would eat the lot, lol. i let him pick the food, he says i no like dinner. i am just getting frustrated and its harder with me not eating i want dinner time over and done with fast, daddy is going to spend a day with him and i go out and see if he is the same for daddy, thanks for your advise though, any advise much appreciated xxxx
Good morning girls! I am going to work in a little while, then to the hen party. I leave early for work so that will be nice :D. Have a wonderful day everyone! Hope the sun is shining on you as well!!!
thanks, we have had food issues on and off for a while, we make sanwiches together and cut into shapes, we do picnics, we feed daddy a bite then charlie, we do choo choo in the tunnel, he makes his own wraps, skewers, you name it we try it... i leave him at the table on his own and he tears all his food and throws it on the floor, i sit with him and he spits it out, if i let him sit in front the telly he just holds it in his mouth, but if i gave him a cake he would eat the lot, lol. i let him pick the food, he says i no like dinner. i am just getting frustrated and its harder with me not eating i want dinner time over and done with fast, daddy is going to spend a day with him and i go out and see if he is the same for daddy, thanks for your advise though, any advise much appreciated xxxx

Well it def sounds like a little attention thingy! Especially if he will eat cake, I know that at the time with my daughter she wouldnt eat food but would eat jelly babies!
How about not giving him quite as many choices & actually telling him that there is nothing else to eat that evening (hide the cakes)... An just keep it calm just repeating thats all there is and if his tummy wants it then he'll eat it, as I said its a million to one chance that 1 child/toddler would actually starve itself!
I think the most difficult thing for you is its upsetting hun! xxxxxxxxxxxx

Good morning girls! I am going to work in a little while, then to the hen party. I leave early for work so that will be nice :D. Have a wonderful day everyone! Hope the sun is shining on you as well!!!

Morning & to those that follow! Have fun at work and deffo lots of fun at Hen Night!

My scales are stuck on 13.12 have been since Sat - still i know they will move AT SOME POINT (it would be nicer sooner rather than later) I know that I will become an avid scales hater over the next couple of months! xxxxxxxx
Morning girls,

Clare Hope the scales move for you this week, I'm sure they will hun.

Asa I am so pleased you felt great in your dress, it's a lovely feeling when clothes make you feel good.

Hope the rest of your course goes well Witchy.

Claira I am glad your all feeling a bit better. It's very hard when our kids don't eat as we feel bad that they are not getting the nutrients they need but I found with both my girls the more I made a fuss the more they would do it. Good advice above about limiting choices. I did this with my eldest who is now 7, what I put in front of her is for dinner and if she doesn't like it then go hungry and she definately eats the next meal and learnt not to be so picky. It's harder with little ones but I think you can adapt it, I do with my 2 year old and as long as I know she has had a nibble then I leave her to it- if she's hungry she will eat. Good luck hun, it's very hard and a difficult one to get through.

Hope you all have a good day. Zoe xx
Hi girls! How are you? I had a fantastic weekend in Stockholm! I got a dress and shoes for the wedding this Saturday (and some other stuff). The best part is that I could wear a normal dress (not from the plus size departments), and I am soo happy about that! My WI was great, -4 lbs today. I have been good all weekend on the 810 plan, and walked lots :D

I am totally stressed out for this week to come, we are helping out a lot with the wedding, and the hen party is tomorrow. Oh well. I will have to do my lists and just get one thing done at the time. Won't bee here as much though! But at least stop by a few times a day! Talk to you soon!

I have missed you lots over the weekend!

Hi Asa, have missed you too and well done on your FAB loss :D:D:D. Good to see you back hunni. xxx
Morning everyone.

Claira, I hope your son feels better soon. A virus or infection puts them off of food for a while. Has your Health Visitor suggested anything? There are some build up shakes you can get from GP, fortisip or Ensure, they are diff flavours and you can choose which ones you want. Think they have about 300 cals per shake, so at least he'll be getting his nutrition in those anyway,until he gets back on his feet. My youngest daughter - Sasha was in and out of Gt Ormand Street for 8 years of her life and she thrived well on the shakes, she's always been underweight and had a real issue with food, as she would link it to being ill. Bit of a viscious circle, but she had more energy with those as well. Big hugs hun. xxxx

I am "loving" my new life, love to cook and do washing, to feel needed really and just like doing the "housewife thing". Probably won't last, lol. Still have huge amounts to unpack, but carpet cleaners are in right now at old house, have my inventory done tomorrow and then keys handed back, end of that era!!

Doing much better on the CD this week, no wobbles since Sat and WI in 2 days, so hoping I'll maintain of loose a lb, which I'll be happy about. Gym yesterday and lots of walking, running back and fourth between classes to get my young people to their sessions in school today. Should shift a few ounces ;)

Have a great day girls, will try and get back on later.
hiya glad you had a nice time asa, xx
witchy oooh firemen, sounds fun xx
clare and eternal, we will be 13st by 31st july, we will encourage eachother xxx
zoe well done you are doing fabbb xx
we are all a bit better here, although matt still not right. been to my friends in paddling pool today,
charlie hasnt eaten for 4 days though he is already a skinny little thing, he puts food in his mouth holds it for upto an hour then spits it out when he thinks no-one is looking, im starting to worry, going to ring the health visitor tomorrow, has any one else had this with their kids, or witchy with any of your child care. xx thanks

Claira.. you are on, lol.. I will be 13 ish then, hoping to 13.3. xx
hiya thanks everyone for advice, spoke to h/v this morning, he ate jam on toast and asked for a 2nd piece which he ate, she said it is fine to have yoghurt and toast and will see me on the 14th, he will now eat anything sweet, so i will try him with cooked tea and if he doesnt eat it i will try added some apple puree maybe, thanks again.
clare my scales stuck for about 5 days on week 3 and then in one day i lost loads, dont worry you will loose and it maybe a bigger inch loss, get measuring.

girls dont forget to add your losses to our private group, so we can keep up with others achievments xxx
Hi All

Hope everyone's ok and not too hot (1 advantage of CD & ketosis is that its not quite as hot for us 'fat fighters').........
I've opened my own diary as a place to vent - feel free to drop in anytime!

Nothing to report apart from plodding on through the day - oh I popped to local Hobbycraf shop & bought a beginners sketch set & some card making bits so gonna try and get a little creative this weekend!

I also need to get a pedometer & start to do some walking although not a good idea to start in the middle of a heatwave BUT I do need to do something as all I do is sit or drive!

Good evening all!!

How are we??

I am hot - but have enjoyed moving some of my big clothes out of the wardrobe! I can't quite face giving them away yet - but the time will come!

It is my TOM - so I manged to loose around 3lbs from last Thursday to Monday, and today they are all back on!! I know it is just water - but I don't like seeing the scales going to wrong way!

just got my graph working from the main site, it is amazing, take a look xxx
I want to do this diet till Christmas so its a long journey for me but hopefully I will do it (she says) I never finished a diet and never achieve but have done so well and feel so different I think this time I will.

Ooo good thing though we are having a every day hero week, so far I have two police men coming one day, a fire engine with fire fighters, an ambulance with paramedics and a vet, going to be a great week and the kids will love it.


You will do it babe - I am sure of it!! Then you will start 2010 being slim slim slim!!

Think I might come and join you to watch all those men come! heee haa

Morning all, Had my weigh in and lost 4lbs this week so very happy as I only have another 4lb to go and I have lost 3 stone.

Another great loss!! Well done babe!!! Nearly 3 stone - wow wow wow!!!
I had a fantastic weekend in Stockholm! I got a dress and shoes for the wedding this Saturday (and some other stuff). The best part is that I could wear a normal dress (not from the plus size departments), and I am soo happy about that! My WI was great, -4 lbs today. I have been good all weekend on the 810 plan, and walked lots :D

Asa - well done on sticking to the 810 plan all weekend!! You did really well to do that!! and you had a great loss too!!

I bet it was lovely to buy a dress from a normal store!! You will have to pop a photo up of you at the wedding in your new dress!!

Good eveing Claira!!!

I am glad he is starting to eat again - relief hey??

I have a graph downloaded already - I love it!! I update it every week!!! I love seeing the graph!!

I can't work out how to attach it to here so I can show everyone!!
