Claira,that was fine, like ss+ without the other shake, not to worry at all, you will still loose and stay in ketosis too

Asa, you need a miniute to catch your thoughts, take a step back and look how you can do all of these things, but one step at a time, instead of thinking I have tons to do (which I know you have). Make a list, and tick them off.
Wannabe, really feeling for you sweetie.. why are you feeling so down? You have lost 26lb, and 5 inches too! In less time then I havae lost my 20lb.. I think you are doing fantasticly and you need to look at that, be happy with what you have achieved so far. If you were destined to be Fat, you wouldn't have gone on CD or lost what you had. So I would think more,that you CAN do this, becuase you have already proved it to yourself (big hugs). xxxx
Had a little problem this morning, my BF's eldest son keeps going into our room and ensuite shower (he is 17). He takes no notice of Ian and I am getting p'd off now about this. I amthe only woman in the house and need my privacy. Things have been moved in my drawers too, which I am even more annoyed with. Anyone got any solutions,lol? xxx